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Who Else Wants To Experience Financial Freedom, Live Life On Their Terms, And Enjoy Infinite Opportunities for Wealth and Success?

Dr. Steve G. Jones Presents: "Abundance With Money". Specially crafted Subliminal Audio Track for eliminating negative subconscious thoughts and creating unstoppable beliefs that leads to massive wealth!

*This is a One-Time Offer You Shouldn't Miss!

It's Time To Experience Financial Freedom, Live Life On Your Terms, And Enjoy Infinite Opportunities for Success and Wealth...

... By Removing Negative Blocks And Planting Empowering Beliefs Deep In The Subconscious mind!

How I Got Out of Rock Bottom And Skyrocketed My Wealth (In Under a Year)

“Money behaves like a person. It is attracted to people who respects it” 

Not long ago, everyone thought I had it made. 

After all, I had a posh hypnotherapy clinic in Beverly Hills that catered to high-profile clients. 

I had the outward appearances of wealth and status - and as far as my family and friends were concerned, I was living the life. 

But behind closed doors, I felt like anything BUT rich. 

Underneath the shiny facade, I was on the verge of losing everything I had and living on the street. 

Not only was I dealing with $80,000 worth of debt...

...but I was also going through a failing marriage and suffering from poor health. 

The REAL ME was slipping through the cracks; it was only a matter of time before everyone saw it. 

Things came to a head when I finally lost my apartment and had to live in my office...

...which was ALSO on the verge of shutting down, by the way. 

And to drive the nail in the proverbial coffin, a scary-looking collections agent tracked me down to my office.

He said that I was going to be in serious legal trouble unless I coughed up $30,000 MINIMUM within the next couple of weeks. 

"This is it, Steve," I told myself, "you've reached the END of the line." 

So how did I turn my situation around...

...with the odds stacked against me...

...and NO ONE to turn to? 

Well, here's the thing - I didn't know it at the time, but my subconscious was clogged with TOXIC beliefs. 

They were secretly sabotaging me every step of the way, so no matter what I did, I was basically leaking money all over the place!

But then I found a way to plug those leaks and UNLEARN my negative, toxic mindset about money (and life in general!). 

And doing it, was easier than I thought - all I had to do was re-wire my thought patterns that were rooted in a poverty-based mindset... 

3 Ways I got Rid of My "Poor Person's Brain" 

  1. 1
    I Give Myself The Permission To HOPE

    My poverty-based mindset threw a wrench in my long-term plans. And that led me to make terrible decisions, which, of course, led to a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I thought to myself, "What's the point of trying to save up and plan for the future if I'm always going to have problems with money? No matter what I do, I'll end up broke anyway."

    To me, planning, investing, and other "big picture" decisions would only lead to disappointment. So I might as well enjoy what "little" money I had - and put tomorrow out of sight and out of mind.

    But after I changed that narrative in my head, it was like lifting off a veil that was clouding my vision for the LONGEST time.

    I allowed myself to HOPE once again and aim for the stars. That helped me make responsible decisions that led to better circumstances - and that helped me make even better decisions after the fact.
  2. 2
    I Got Over My Fear Of Scarcity (a.k.a Not Having Enough)

    Again, having a poor person's brain distorted my thinking. I used to think that there wasn't enough to go around...

    ...whether it was time, money, or other resources which I thought only rich people "deserved" to have.

    And it was this poisonous mixture of fear and resentment that kept me broke. I knew I had to break out of this thinking if I wanted to change my reality.

    That's when I realized that my thoughts had to change BEFORE my circumstances could follow suit. For years, I was trying to do it the other way around.

    Deep in my subconscious, I thought, "It's so unfair that other people have so many opportunities and resources, and I don't! And I'm NOT going to do a thing until THEY make the playing field fair for regular guys like me."

    The funny thing was, I didn't even know who "they" was.

    All I knew was that there wasn't enough for everyone, so the best-case scenario in my mind was to take whatever scraps I could get.

    But after I trained my brain to LET GO of this kind of thinking, I saw the world in a whole NEW light.

    And that opened my eyes to the fact that the world was filled with ABUNDANCE (which I was too angry to see before).

    This was a game-changing mindset shift that shattered my limiting beliefs.
  3. 3
    I Mapped Out A Crystal-Clear Plan For Success

    So like I've been saying, my poor person's brain HATED the idea of taking long-term action. Even thinking about the "long game" was too exhausting. But once I allowed hope into my life again, I realized that the future was actually an exciting place to live in. And that gave me the DESIRE to dig deep and find my TRUE motivation in life. And from there, I carved out a rock-solid sense of purpose. And this, in turn, shaped my thoughts and beliefs, which were CRITICAL in coming up with clear goals and a well-defined plan of action. Not only that, I had the mental power to execute those plans and follow through with them. That subtle but powerful shift inside me translated into having more money and abundance than I ever before! And the only way I could have done all of those things was by training my mind. You see, the power to change my life came from the innermost depths of my subconscious. So, I took a deep dive into that part of myself to undo YEARS of negative subconscious programming.

It's Time To BREAK FREE From Limiting Beliefs And Enjoy More Opportunities, More Abundance, And More Wealth Than Ever Before

Click below for the 'Abundance With Money' limited one-time offer.

2 Easy ways to start thinking like a rich person NOW


Use The Power of Your Mind's Eye

Studies show that over 60% of self-made millionaires practice the habit of visualizing the kind of future they want. They do this by creating a highly detailed mental image of their desired reality.

For instance, they imagine what a typical day in their dream life would be. They add rich details, such as the people they're with, what the weather's like, the kind of work they do, and the emotions they feel.

They also get their senses involved, such as taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing so that it really crystallizes the image in their heads.

This is a powerful mental exercise because it trains their minds to FOCUS on the things they TRULY want to pursue in life.

Deep inside, they know that the thoughts they keep most of the time create a very real and tangible effect on their day-to-day lives.

And the good news is that ANYONE can do this to get on the path of unlimited abundance. As for me, I trained my mind to practice this habit as much as possible. 

Visualizing fueled my beliefs, drove my actions and influenced my decisions. 

Eventually, I started to believe that long-term wealth was, in fact, within my reach. All my goals and plans were about realizing that crystal-clear outcome in my head.

And if this can help wealthy people get to where they want, it can do the same for YOU.


Flood Your Mind With Knowledge

There's a saying that goes, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

And when it comes to getting rich, this couldn't be TRUER.

Think about it - the people you hang out with have a HUGE effect on your mindset and shapes your identity.

In fact, psychology studies show that the people you spend the most time with determines up to 95% of your success!

That said, you need to reach out to people who are at the place you WANT to be.

Anyone who wants to get rich needs to absorb the wisdom, knowledge, and insights of successful people.

Also, make sure to be mindful of the kind of media you consume. Every now and then, I ask myself the following:

"Am I listening to the right podcasts, reading the right books, and watching the right videos?"

"Do I consciously FEED my mind with the knowledge that helps me generate long-term wealth?"

Doing this "internal audit" made a POWERFUL impact on my thinking - and helped me grow my wealth exponentially.

My Powerful Subliminal Breakthrough

For the longest time, my brain was overwhelmed with sheer negativity.

On the surface, people saw me as the hotshot hypnotherapist who made tons of money...

...but the truth was that I was subconsciously shooting myself in the foot at every turn!

My negative cashflow situation was CLEAR proof that whatever I was doing wasn't working.

And that led me to realize that the only way to stop myself from falling into financial ruin was to change my way of thinking.

So that meant I had to "look under the hood" and examine my deeply held beliefs about money - and more importantly, the way I saw the world.

I'll be honest - it was anything BUT comfortable to take an unfiltered look at myself. 

At that point, it was obvious that I needed a complete, top-to-bottom mindset makeover. Changing my thoughts was the only way to change the direction of my life.

So, I attacked the problem as a clinical hypnotherapist.

And I knew that the best way to reprogram those thought patterns was by unlocking the hidden door to the subconscious mind.

As it turns out, Subliminal Audio is the perfect way to bypass the barriers of the conscious mind...

...and REMOVE toxic, limiting beliefs from the deepest part of my brain!

This was the game-changer that got me out of rock bottom, elevated my life, and skyrocketed my income in under 12 months!

What other's have to say:

Annie Gabriel

"I was skeptical at first, but now I'm a believer. I'm a 45-year-old lady who never dreamed she could change. Believe me, it's all a matter of changing your FOCUS. I'm a new woman. Don't wait, it WORKS!!!"

Bob McAndrew - Acting Teacher to Christopher Walken, Tom Selleck, Sela Ward and many more…

"I have been listening to your recordings and I have to say that you are amazing. You are an incredibly generous, insightful human being. I am full of admiration for you."

Avi Valenstein - Sales expert

"I’m a salesman and I came to Steve G. Jones for help in boosting my income. In the WEEK following, I made an extra $10,000 in commissions. I now look back and laugh at the small price he charges…I used to think it was a lot…now I’m on a whole new level of thinking…and income…Steve, you ROCK!!!"

3 Reasons To Get 'Abundance with Money' NOW

This powerful subliminal track is available at an incredible 85% discount - but only for a LIMITED time. I strongly recommend getting it before it goes back to the FULL price. 

The subliminal audio is embedded with suggestions, beliefs and thought habits that will quickly train a person's brain - this is the key to a radical transformation from within! And more importantly, this creates habits that open door to unlimited wealth and opportunities!

Reprogramming the subconscious mind is a powerful, life-chaning toll that allows ANYONE to turn their situations around, no matter how difficult things seems right now!

Abundance With Money

Open The Floodgates To Wealth & Success By Removing Negative Blocks And Planting Empowering Beliefs Deep In The Subconscious!

Abundance With Money

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