Fruits of the Spirit
About Lesson

When your spiritual health is unwell, it creates problems for you physically, mentally, and emotionally. And if you are not aware of what spiritual dysfunction looks and feels like, you probably don’t know what to watch for or be aware of.

What does it mean to be spiritually unwell? How do I know if my spirit is in trouble? Here are some warning signs that your spirit may need help.

You Feel Guilt or Shame Frequently

Holding on to shame or guilt about your past mistakes or actions is holding you back from spiritual health.

Practice forgiveness for yourself for the pain you have caused and for others who have wronged you over the years. Do everything you can to make up for your errors, but then let them go.

If you ashamed of yourself for any reason, identify the source of that shame and repair that damage, which can harm you emotionally as well as spiritually. Learning to accept and love yourself is an essential part of spiritual well-being.

You Often Blame Others

Blaming others for your life is giving away your power to make better choices and to change your path. Without accepting responsibility for your role in your own life, you cannot become spiritually whole. Holding on to anger and resentment for your circumstances is also relinquishing your personal power to heal your spirit.

You are Filled with Fear or Anxiety

Those with anxiety or who are always afraid are spiritually unwell. When you are in harmony with yourself and the world, you have nothing to fear. Fear is a sign that your beliefs are

grounded in negative thoughts. Look closely at these to determine the source of your anxiety and to repair your spirit.

You Consistently Think Negatively

When your mind automatically drifts to negative thoughts or when you are regularly feeling negative emotions, your spirit is in crisis. Negativity can come from many places, but often it results from feeling powerless over your life.

When you feel hopeless, you no longer believe you can change your circumstances or improve your situation. Getting away from external sources of negativity can help, but it is up to you to turn your mind toward more positive notions.

You are Apathetic or Feel Fatigued

Apathy towards life in general or the world is a sign of spiritual illness. This often results in feelings of listlessness, fatigue, or a lack of enthusiasm which can make you feel as though there is no point to anything you do.

Through small and consistent changes to your ways of thinking, you can feel more energetic and in control of your life, which can help you out of this negative spiral.

You Struggle to Have Healthy Relationships

Spiritual health is what allows you to connect with others in a meaningful way, so when your spirit is suffering, your relationships will often suffer, as well. Learning to love and accept yourself is crucial for forming lasting bonds with others, so if you notice that you cannot sustain new relationships or that you are struggling to maintain those you have had for a long time, then your spirit may be in trouble.

Final Thoughts

Spiritual illness comes in the form of many symptoms. In addition to those we have already discussed, other signs of spiritual dysfunction include addictive behaviors, a lack of joy or feelings of melancholy, or attitudes of losing part of yourself. Because the spirit is a powerful influence over the body, you can even feel physical symptoms when your spirit is hurting.

While it may seem difficult or frightening to overcome your spiritual problems, there is hope, and you can change. You have the powering within you to overcome whatever is plaguing your spirit, and only you can make the difference in your life.