Manifesting 101
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To start, it is important that we all are operating on the same meaning of manifestation, as without mutual agreement, it will be hard to explore this concept in-depth. To manifest something in your life means to make it appear, to cause it to happen. Manifestation is taking something that is in your mind or your dream and to establish it as a part of your daily life.

No, we do not mean magic or tricks but pertains to the various laws of the universe, as well as the way the mind works to explain how you can manifest things into your life that are not currently there. You can use your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to manifest something you want into a physical reality, but you must know how to do this for it to work. 

Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about. ~ Stephen Richards

But that still seems impossible, right? Not at all. Once you understand the Law of Attraction, the power of visualization, and the various ways you can use the power of your mind (especially the subconscious mind) to influence your physical reality, you will see that you, too, can manifest what you want into existence. All it takes is knowing how and dedication to make it happen. 

The Purpose of Manifestation

There are many ways that you can manifest something into your life. For example, let’s say that you are unhappy in your current job situation. 

Rather than focusing on what is wrong with your job or complaining about it to others, you instead use your energy to imagine the job you want, to visualize your life when you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your work situation. 

Your thoughts, feelings, energy, and focus are all directed toward getting the right position and find work that fulfills you. And then, when you get the new job and find that you are indeed happy with your new role, you have then manifested your dream into a reality. You have created something where there was not something before. 

The ability to create what you want and transform your life comes with many significant advantages. The first is that you can accomplish any goal or realize any dream, as long as you have the right focus and outlook. Whether you accept it or not, you have been manifesting things into your life all along.

This process is just turning what naturally happens intro something you consciously control and do with intention. You can create the life that you from your own thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.

When you learn to intentionally manifest, you can harness the power of the energy in your life for things that you really want. You will be able to use the energy of your emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and actions in ways that are positive and build toward your ultimate dreams and desired future.

But how exactly does this work? Understanding the principles of manifestation and how it works is crucial using it successfully within your own life. Next, we explore the principles that guide this mental process.


“You are one thing only. You are Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”

– Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The essential Guide To Your True Destiny –

The Principles of Manifestation

Many principles and theories can help to understand manifestation, how it works, and why it is successful. These theories and principles have been developed to help explain the universe andhow it works, and when we examine these in light of the mind’s ability to generate somethingthat previously was not there, then we start to understand how thinking something can make it come true.

Our universe and everything within it are governed by a set of universal laws, some of which we are only just now beginning to understand. These laws were the ones that created life on our planet, that control the forces of nature, and that shape your everyday reality. They work in the background, influencing and dictating your life without you being much aware.

And once you learn and understand the principles and laws, you can use them to create the reality that you want. Below, we explore some of the basic principles of manifestation and how they can help explain how this process works.

The Law of Attraction


“Creativity is the state of consciousness in which you enter into the treasury of your innermost being and bring the beauty into manifestation.”

– Torkom Saraydarian, The Solar Angel –

The law of attraction is perhaps the best known and well-cited principle that guides the manifestation process. This principle states that you attract those things that you attend to the most. That means that just by thinking about something makes you more aware of it in your life.

Consider this example. You purchase a new car, one that is unique and somewhat new to you. Over the first few weeks of driving this car, you notice several others on the road that are just like yours.

Did you manifest those cars? No. But, by changing your thoughts and becoming more aware of this particular car, you see them and notice them more than you did before. You are attracting them to you because you have changed your perception of them.

Your thoughts have the capability to attract either problems or possibilities to your life, depending on your outlook. For those who lean more toward the pessimistic end of the spectrum, you may be more likely to see problems.

For those who are more optimistic, possibilities will unfold. But the reality is, all these things existed and were in your life, but you chose what you wanted to notice and to what you wanted to respond.

The laws of attraction explain how, when we think of something, it becomes more readily noticeable in our lives. Your brain is continuously taking in stimulus and information. It filters all of this based on a set of priorities that come from your subconscious mind and your current needs.

For example, when you go to the store and are looking for a black sweater, you filter out a lot of the other clothes. You do not even notice them because they are not what you need. You likely will not even remember most of the other things your eyes saw once you leave the store because most were not important enough to hold your focus.

That same filter that helps you ignore irrelevant and unimportant information can also help you to pay closer attention to those things that most interest you. Those things that are most prevalent and common in your subconscious get the most attention, which means that the more you want something, the more it must become a part of your interior thought processes.

So, the law of attraction helps us understand some part of manifestation. If we want positive things to happen, we must think positive thoughts, which will lead us to notice more favorable possibilities in our lives.

When we think negative thoughts, we will see things that confirm our pessimistic outlook and therefore verify what we already thought. You will attract into your conscious awareness the things, people, and circumstances that are in line with your most prominent thoughts.


“The energy it took to exit mother’s womb is the same force required to manifest a dream…a different kind of struggle. Push, push, push!”

– T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with “The Divine Presence” –

The Principle of Cause and Effect

Another essential factor that helps us to understand and utilize manifestation is the law of cause and effect, which simply states that whatever you do will have consequences. For every action, there is a reaction.

That means that every choice you make in like will cause some reaction in your life, whether now or sometime in the future. And every outcome that you experience is the effect of some decision or combination of choices you have previously made.

Because you may not always be able to know or understand the effects of your choices, you must strive always to make the healthiest, most helpful, most positive decisions that you can all the time. Even minor decisions have an impact, and when you consistently make choices that are counterproductive to your wishes or you assume that some actions do not matter, you could be derailing your future success in several ways.

Choices happen in many different aspects of your life, and ultimately, the only thing you can control are those choices that you make. You have a choice of how you act, what you believe, how you speak, the way you react to others, your expectations, the values you hold, and the way you see the world and other people.

By changing each of these and striving to make the best decisions, no matter the situation, you have a positive effect on your future and are better able to create the conditions necessary for manifestation to occur.

The Principle of Giving

Another truth of human nature is that giving of yourself is a path toward abundance. The more you give, the more you receive. Those who want to receive positivity should send positivity out into the world and give it freely to others. Those who wish to receive love must give love to themselves as well as others. When you give to others, you not only improve their life but also your own. And when you give in as many ways possible, the world will reward you in many ways, as well.

This principle works because the act of giving places you into a mindset of being willing and open to receiving. Because you are creating opportunities for generosity, you are open to receiving gifts in return. And the more often you give and expose yourself to these opportunities, the more frequently you will receive that which you are looking for.

If you think you can then you can. ~ Stephen Richards

The Limiting Factors

Each of us is comprised of a unique set of values, beliefs, and ideas about ourselves that are governed by rules that our minds set forth and follow. This is your psyche, and it makes up your personality or who you are to yourself and other people.

This is your persona that you project into the world, and it determines your actions, choices, and words. And depending on how your persona acts, chooses, and speaks will determine how you experience life and its many outcomes.

There are, however, limitations that we impose upon ourselves that influence our persona and affect how we view ourselves and the world. We may have unhealthy thoughts or may speak to ourselves in negative ways that color how we experience life and how we feel about our own capabilities and happiness.

When your psyche is damaged, traumatized, or conditioned in a negative way, it affects your ability to think positively, to manifest what you want, and to attract those things to you that you most desire. Because these beliefs are deeply rooted and influence everything you see, experience, and decide, they have powerful control over you, even when you do not realize it.

These limiting factors suggest that the world of manifestation must start within yourself and address these unhelpful thoughts and beliefs first. By changing how you think about yourself, you can change how you think about the world.

The power of limiting factors can be explored through the law of expectation. This principle says that those things that you expect with the most confidence will become your reality. Expectations are the foundation for your beliefs and values.

So, when your limiting beliefs expect that something terrible will happen or that things will not work out as you want, then guess what happens? When your expectations at the deepest level are that people are naturally good and things have a way of working out, I am sure you can imagine what is most likely to happen.

This is because those beliefs that you have influenced all the decisions you make, the way you see the world and other people, and your ability to affect change. So, when those beliefs say,“This will never work,” it is never going to work. But, when your psyche tells you, “You can do this,” then you will be able to accomplish your goal!

The Principle of Least Resistance

When it comes to attracting things into your life and manifesting what you want, the things that you are most likely to achieve will be so because you resist them the least. Letting go of emotional attachments and accepting what you can and cannot change in the world will lead to more positive outcomes and getting what you want in life.

When you become emotionally attached to outcomes, you are more likely to sabotage your efforts to achieve them, especially when your subconscious is still harboring limiting beliefs that can influence your manifestation. Instead of investing in an emotional response to the outcome, the better choice is to become emotionally invested in the effort, in the process of realizing your goals. This is, after all, the one thing you can control.

Detaching yourself from the outcome allows you to let things happen and to occur as they should, naturally and organically, rather than forcing something for which you may not be ready or prepared. What you can control are your thoughts, your emotions, and your outlook, which, if they are positive and directed toward your intended outcome, will manifest your dreams when the time is right, and conditions are favorable.

When you detach yourself from outcomes, you learn to value the process, to learn from experiences, and to take each day as it comes, rather than placing all your hopes into some distant wish.

You learn from setbacks and obstacles rather than allowing them to derail your experience. And becoming invested in the process also helps you to value each day and opportunity as they present themselves to you.

The In  Influence of Emotions

When it comes to manifestation, your emotions have the power to accelerate or to deter this process. This is because emotions have the ability to influence neural connections, to improve the imprinting of behaviors and habits, and to change your motivation and outlook toward something.

Our brains operate on principles of practice. When you have a thought, it is not likely to stay and become a routine or habit unless you have the same thought again and again. The more you strengthen the neural connection between a specific stimulus and an action or consequence, the more likely this is to become part of your regular thought routine, to become a thought you have easily and without much effort.

When you are learning new habits, emotions can help your neural connections to grow stronger and at a faster rate. That is, when an experience is positive, such as when you are enjoying learning a new hobby, the neural connections that turn this action into something you will remember and want to do in the future are made stronger and more readily.

Happiness, love, joy, and other positive feelings can help you learn faster, adopt new behaviors and habits, and associate specific actions or choices with positive feelings.

Therefore, using positive emotions helps enhance the manifestation process in several ways. By developing more positive thoughts and feelings, you are more likely to engage in more helpful choices and behaviors. And by doing these positive things more often, you are more likely to reach your goal and manifest what it is you want in life.

Plus, positivity is the key to many of the other principles of manifestation that we have discussed above, including attraction, giving, and letting go of your limiting factors. In short, positive thinking and emotions are crucial for manifestation to occur.


“Dare to dream! If you did not have the capability to make your wildest wishes come true, your mind would not have the capacity to conjure such ideas in the first place. There is no limitation on what you can potentially achieve, except for the limitation you choose to impose on your own imagination. What you believe to be possible will always come to pass – to the extent that you deem it possible. It really is as simple as that”

– Anthon St. Maarten –