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It's time to reach brave new heights, enjoy more success, and accomplish your biggest goals!
Dr. Steve G. Jones Presents: "SOARING SUCCESS". A specially-designed self-hypnosis track to upgrade your mindset and habits - and open the door to an amazing future...
*Limited One-Time Offer - Don't miss It!
Get Ready To Overcome Overwhelming Obstacles...And Reach New Heights Of Success & Happiness!
It's Time To Upgrade Your Mindset, Supercharge Your Habits, and Take Your Success To The Next Level!

How I Stopped Sabotaging Myself and Rewired My Mind for Massive Success
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”― Winston S. Churchill.
I never planned to hit rock bottom. Like other people, it just happened to me without warning.
If I knew then what I know now, I would have seen the signs of my impending "crash and burn" a hundred miles away.
And I would have caught myself in the act of making those bone-headed mistakes...
...then doing what was needed without beating myself up for it.
But you know what? I'm actually grateful for reaching that low point in my life.
If my past self could hear me now, he'd probably say:
"Are you crazy, Steve? Who in the right mind would feel a shred of gratitude for drowning in $80,000 worth of debt, losing their business, and getting kicked out of their apartment??"
You see, if I didn't face those challenges, then I'm 100% sure that I wouldn't have been able to:
- Get my life back on track
- Rebuild my business
- Earn seven figures in less than 12 months
- Live a life filled with meaning and purpose
So before I could achieve any of those things, I had to learn some painful truths about the world.
Also, I had to confront some uncomfortable truths about who I was...
...so I could get over myself.
And as daunting (and terrifying) as my experiences were, they really taught me a lot of valuable lessons that I want to share with you today.
More importantly, I also want to share how I stopped getting in my own way so I could quickly RISE to new heights of success...
Here are the 3 biggest blocks to Success (and how to remove them):
- 1Waiting for the "right" moment to act
Back then, I was too consumed and petrified by 'what-if' thoughts to pull myself out of rock bottom. I found a strange sense of comfort being stuck in my head and believing the lies that my mind fed me.
I was also drowning in excuses that convinced me to stay where I was and NOT take action.
I told myself things like, {quote-sign}It's too late to do anything,{quote-sign} {quote-sign}It's not the right time to try something new,{quote-sign} {quote-sign}It's not going to work{quote-sign} and other reality-distorting statements.
But then, I finally woke up and took a hard look at the FACTS.
The state of my life was proof enough that the beliefs I held on to weren't helping me at all...
...but more to the point, my thoughts weren't an accurate reflection of reality.
That was when I took a stand against my self-sabotaging mindset and dared to defy it. - 2Letting your thoughts control you (and not the other way around)
As I said, I was a slave to my own thought patterns. They got a vote in the decisions I made (or lack thereof), and pushed me around.
I had a mindset that took my fears and insecurities and played them like a giant projector in my head.
But eventually, I got tired of falling for these worst-case scenarios that were hypothetical at best, and self-fulfilling at worst.
So, I mapped out a plan to break free from my own mindset...
...and replace it with one that would allow me to soar past life's biggest challenges. - 3Not Taking Action
If there's a situation you want to change, you just need to do something about it, right?
But for someone like me who felt so defeated and trapped, it wasn't that simple. My own mindset skewed my judgment and held me back from taking action.
It was simply too much work. And even if I did do something, I was pretty sure it would blow up in my face like everything else I've done before.
So, I had to sort out the inner world of my mind FIRST. Otherwise, I could never make my exit strategy work - let alone come up with one.
And that brings us to the next part...
Cultivate Willingness
This is about the willingness to try in the face of daunting odds...
...and the willingness to FAIL and try again.
I learned the hard way that I couldn't wait around to feel ready, complete or whole before taking action. I had to be willing to make mistakes and make sacrifices so I could move forward in my life.
Also, it's about the willingness to ACCEPT the present moment - and my negative internal state.
That meant that I needed to accept the external and internal chaos that I felt at the time.
When I finally learned to embrace ALL of these things, it was as if someone had taken a huge weight off my mind.
My willingness to try and my attitude of acceptance gave me the leverage to break free from my circumstances.
The best part is that anyone can quickly cultivate this kind of mindset without struggling as I did.
(More on that in just a bit...)

I Got Clear About What I Wanted
Eventually, I woke up to the fact that I was running around in circles and headed nowhere. And I realized that it was because I had fuzzy goals.
In some strange way, it was like a safety blanket.
If I was deliberately unclear about what I wanted, then I didn't have to try (which of course, was too scary to think about).
So I finally had to ask myself these hard questions:
- "How clear am I about my goals? Can I visualize them in my mind with crystal clarity?"
- "Can I create a picture of my intended outcome so vividly that I can almost taste it?"
The short answer was "NO."
That's when I got busy mapping out my plans and goals. They had to be transparent, doable, measurable, specific and time-based.
More importantly, they needed to feed into my ultimate mission-vision, which I also spent time on.
Doing all of this gave me the courage once more to aim for the highest possible good I could envision.
For me, it was better to suffer for the right reasons than to suffer without meaning or purpose.

My Amazing "Mindset Breakthrough" That Transformed My Life
Learning how to UPGRADE my thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs was one of the most incredible discoveries I made...
...and it all starts by accessing the hidden backdoor to the subconscious mind.
Most people don't realize this is where their behaviors and decisions come from.
And this shapes the direction of their lives - be it positive or otherwise.
Here's something else I learned:
In just minutes a day, anyone can practically give themselves a new brain. This process is called "Neuroplasticity," which happens when the mind forms new connections and pathways to support new habits.
This process also removes destructive beliefs that are harmful to our success and happiness! I was too attached to my old beliefs, and it drove me to rock bottom.
Not only has this breakthrough helped me go from flat broke and nearly homeless...
...but it also helped me become a cash millionaire in less than 12 months!
Since then, I've become a well-known hypnotherapist and appeared on ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS and Bravo TV’s ‘Millionaire Matchmaker.’
What other's have to say:

Kevin Harrington, the original shark from Shark Tank
“I only work with the best and Dr. Steve G. Jones is without a doubt the best in his field.”

Tom Mankiewicz - Writer of Superman the Movie.
“If you want to make a positive change in your life, Steve G. Jones can make the difference. He did with me.”

Kristen Howe - TV personality & brain expert
“I started listening to your audios and progressed from not being able to get a job anywhere to getting the exact job I wanted, went straight to the top and acquired much of what was on my vision board. "
3 Reasons To Get Overflowing Wealth Right Now
This amazing new self-hypnosis audio program is available at an incredible 85% discount for a LIMITED time - this is your chance to get it before it goes back to the FULL price.
Listening to "Soaring Success" is a quick and effective way to create positive thought habits. These are POWERFUL "Negative Thought Disruptors" that make a HUGE difference in a person's life!
This self-hypnosis track is an empowering tool that can fine-tune thought habits and propel ANYONE into taking action, and make their dreams come true!
Get Ready To Overcome Overwhelming Obstacles....

Copyright Success Mystic