It doesn't matter what you're planning, or how you want to transform things, you need to make a conscious decision to proceed. And you need to make that choice regularly.
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You might think embracing discomfort is the opposite of bringing order to self, but how can you grow as a person if you aren't willing to sit in discomfort from time to time?
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What do you class as bringing order to self? You need to sit down and work out what that looks like and determine what you do and do not want.
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You now have the list you made in the previous step, it's time to define how you can transform it all.
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As you embark on the journey of bringing order to self, you need to identify what is currently holding you back and what could hold you back.
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You should start with one thing before moving on to another thing. The more you can focus on a single task, the more likely you are to win.
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Be specific, ensure you can measure your goal(s), make them achievable, they should be relevant to bring order to self, and you need to have a timeframe to complete them.
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As with any journey, you will experience challenges and storms. So, do what you can to prepare.
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Everything feels better when you share it with others – it's also helpful when those people can provide you support as you get your act together.
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You can't transform your life overnight; it isn't even going to happen in a month. This is an ongoing process.
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It's time to organize your thoughts, live in the present, stay focussed all day and reach your full potential!