10 Things to tell yourself during hard times

by Danny Nandy

Eventually the bad situation will end, your emotions will stabilize, and you will be able to move forward in life once again.

"This too shall pass"


To overcome challenges, it is important to believe in yourself and your ability to persevere. Reflect on past hard times and use that knowledge to work through current challenges.

"I am strong & capable of getting through this"


Remember past challenges you've overcome to remind yourself of your resilience. Even if your current situation feels especially difficult, remember that you can repeat your past success and work through hard times again.

"I have faced difficult situations before, and I have come out stronger"


During difficult times, it is important to seek support from family, friends, or a mental health professional. Even when feeling lonely or isolated, reaching out and letting others know can help work through those emotions.

"I am not alone"


Look for lessons in the situation and use them to grow and become a better person. Every hard time has the power to teach you valuable lessons. Consider these gems of wisdom  the silver linings of your hard times and value them.

"I can learn from this experience"


During tough times, focus on positive thoughts and actions. You have control over your thoughts and actions, so use that power to make the best choices possible.

"I have the power to control my thoughts and actions"


To solve a situation, break down your actions into smaller, manageable steps.
Take small steps and make progress towards solving the problem, instead of trying to solve everything instantly.

"I can take things one step at a time"


During tough times, remember that your self-worth should not be defined by the challenges you face. Despite hardships, everyone deserves to experience happiness and success in life.

"I am worthy of happiness and success, despite the challenges I am facing"


Practicing gratitude can help shift your mindset and outlook during tough times to keep a positive mindset through challenges.

"I can find gratitude in even the smallest things"


During difficult times, asking for help from trusted friends and family is a sign of strength, not weakness, and can be a valuable source of support.

"I am capable of asking for help when I need it"


Want To RISE ABOVE Life’s Challenges, Feel Less Stressed, And Be More Resilient? 

6 ways to Challenge yourself with the "YET MINDSET"