It's time to Develop Your Brain


Exercise... Improves memory. Enhances thinking skills. Increases brain volume. Improves mood, sleep and reduces stress.

Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, beans, seeds, and olive oil provide long-term brain protection by slowing the rate of cognitive decline and improving brain function and retention of brain volume.

Meditation increases in grey-matter density in the hippocampus which controls learning, memory, self-awareness, compassion, and introspection.

While you sleep your brain solidifies connections between neurons and repairs neurons.

The brain processes and learns new information during asleep.

Affirmations increase the medical prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate, the parts of the brain linked to self-processing.

Goal setting changes the structure of the brain in a manner that optimizes its ability to function and perform.

Reading heightens brain connectivity, rewires the brain, creates new white matter, benefits working memory and improves attention span.

Mind development practices benefit your mind, help you understand others better, appreciate the world more, and feel more at peace with yourself.

Your brain is just like the other muscles in your body; it requires regular use and lots of practice in addition to learning new skills to remain at its peak performance.

Every experience, every emotion, every bit of information or sensory data you take in is contributing to the evolution of your mind. These new pieces of data make physical changes to your brain, and this continues all the way until you die.

Staying mentally healthy throughout your life is just as important as staying physically healthy.

Your mind plays a significant role in your longevity and overall quality of life.

Developing your mind allows you to transform yourself, to accomplish new goals, and to achieve your full potential throughout your life.

Mind development can improve your awareness, introspection, and metacognition, which enables you to understand yourself better.

MEDITATION works on the whole brain and can actually rewire your neural pathways.

Nurturing your natural curiosity is another way to develop your mind and boost your brainpower.

Multi-tasking is a poor habit that limits your cognitive ability and stifles the growth of neural connections in your brain.

Stretch your mind and open your perspectives by asking questions and exploring the answers.

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