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Resilience Component #7: Patience and the Never Quit Attitude
Let go of the need for Instant Gratification
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7 Components of Resilience
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How Adaptability Develops Resilience

According to the American Management Association, 

“The “aha” moment for us was when we learned to hone both of these skills. It’s adaptability and resilience, not adaptability or resilience. The leaders we worked with to develop both capabilities also reported increased stamina for the longer-term marathon race, and less volatility between the peaks and valleys of their energy levels. Given all that we’re dealing with these days, reduced volatility and increased stamina sound like good news for everyone. Research shows that many of us are at a high risk for burnout, further underscoring the need to build resilience and adaptability in order to navigate work and life. The good news is that anyone can learn and adopt the necessary skills to become more adaptable and resilient.”

One of the most important things you can do in life is to learn how to adapt. Why? Because the world is constantly changing and if you can’t change with it, you’ll be left behind. Consider the case of Kodak, a company that was once worth $28 billion but filed for bankruptcy in 2012.

Why did they go bankrupt? Because they refused to adapt to the digital age. They continued to bet on film while everyone else was moving to digital photography. As a result, their revenues dwindled, and they were ultimately forced to declare bankruptcy. 

What does it mean to be adaptable? 

The dictionary defines adaptable as, Able to adjust to new conditions. Able to be modified for a new use or purpose.

“Adaptability is a person’s ability to adjust to changes in their environment.” (

According to Forbes,

“To adapt you must be open to change, which means you must have the will—emotional tolerance, mental fortitude, spiritual guidance—to not only face uncertainty but smack it in the face and press on. To adapt is to grow, to change, and to change you must forego what you once believed to be “right,” classify it as “wrong,” and then adopt what you now believe to be the new “right.” If you don’t, you stagnate.”

  • Adaptable people experiment.
  • Adaptable people see opportunity where others see failure.
  • Adaptable people are resourceful.
  • Adaptable people think ahead.
  • Adaptable people don’t whine.

Source (*)

To be adaptable means being able to change your behavior or thinking in order to suit a new situation or environment. It’s about being flexible—willing to try new things and go with the flow even when things don’t go as planned. 

And it’s this willingness to adapt that is one of the key components of resilience. Here are 6 ways that adaptability develops resilience in our lives.

The Ability To Be Flexible And Go With The Flow

Many people underestimate the importance of being flexible and going with the flow. In today’s constantly changing world, the ability to adapt to new situations is more important than ever. 

Those who are inflexible and resistant to change are often left behind, while those who are able to go with the flow are more likely to thrive.

  • Being flexible doesn’t mean that you have to give up your values or beliefs. 
  • Rather, it means that you are open to new ideas and willing to consider different perspectives. 
  • It also means being able to let go of things that are no longer working for you. 
  • Those who are able to do this are more resilient and better equipped to handle whatever life throws their way.

The next time you’re feeling resistant to change, remember that being flexible and going with the flow can actually help you develop resilience and become more successful in the long run.

8 Characteristics of Exceptionally Flexible People

  1. Flexible people are highly adaptable to life and what it throws their way.
  2. They are not set in their ways nor do they practice rigid thinking.
  3. They remain in control.
  4. Instead of being reactive and defensive, they proactive 
  5. They look for creative solutions and think outside the box.
  6. They have self-confidence.
  7. They trust themselves and their intuition.
  8. They have high levels of emotional intelligence and emotional regulation.

Being Able To Handle Change And Uncertainty

Learning to be adaptable will help you to handle change and uncertainty in your life, and it will also develop resilience. Resilient people are able to bounce back from setbacks and adversity. They have a positive outlook and a strong belief in their ability to overcome challenges.

If you want to build resilience, start by working on your adaptability. Begin practicing flexibility in your thoughts and actions. Be open-minded and willing to try new things. 

And when you face difficulties, remember that they are an opportunity to learn and grow. By developing adaptability, you will become better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.

Problem-Solving Skills

One of the most important life skills that you can learn is adaptability. This means being able to adjust to new situations and change your plans on the fly when necessary. Learning to be adaptable will teach you how to be flexible in your thinking and come up with creative solutions to problems.

Being a quick problem solver will help you develop resilience in the face of setbacks and challenges. Those who are able to adapt to change quickly and effectively are more likely to be successful in life than those who resist change. If you want to set yourself up for success, start by learning to be adaptable.

Being Resourceful

There are a number of benefits that come from being adaptable. For one, it teaches you to be resourceful. When faced with a problem, you’ll need to think on your feet and find creative solutions. This can help you become more innovative in both your personal and professional life.

If you are able to be resourceful when it comes to bouncing back after setbacks, you will become an unstoppable force in life. After all, if you can learn to cope with difficult situations, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way. 

The next time you’re faced with a challenge, remember that being adaptable is key. By embracing change and adapting to your surroundings, you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

Learning From Your Mistakes

One of the most important things that adaptability teaches you is how to learn from your mistakes. In any given situation, there are a multitude of ways that things could go wrong. If you’re not willing to experiment and try new things, then you’ll never know what might have been. But if you’re able to adapt and learn from your mistakes, then you’ll be better prepared for whatever comes your way.

Learning from your mistakes develops resilience. Which is an essential quality for anyone who wants to succeed in life. And it’s one that can only be developed through experience. By definition, adaptation is the process of adjusting to new circumstances.

So, every time you face a new challenge, you’re building your resilience muscle. The more challenges you face, the stronger and more resilient you become. Ultimately, adaptability is about more than just surviving in a changing world. It’s about thriving in it.

How To Stay Positive In Difficult Situations

There are many benefits to being adaptable. For one, it teaches you how to stay positive in difficult situations. This is because you learn that there is always a way to work around a problem.

When you realize that even if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to, you can always try again, and this is how you build resilience. As you start building adaptability, you start to be flexible in your thinking. This means that you are open to new ideas and ways of doing things. As a result, you can come up with creative solutions to problems. All of these skills are essential in both personal and professional life. Therefore, it is clear that adaptability is a valuable quality to have.