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Resilience Component #7: Patience and the Never Quit Attitude
Let go of the need for Instant Gratification
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7 Components of Resilience
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Mindfulness And Self-Supportive Mindsets

Mindfulness is a helpful tool on the path to insightfulness. The reflective nature of mindfulness is useful for building awareness of the self-judgments that are sabotaging your self-supportive mindset. Don’t look at hiccups as failures, and don’t put yourself down for encountering obstacles. 

This is a natural part of the journey and the journey is longer than you may realize. So, don’t apply unrealistic standards to yourself and expect an overnight transformation. You are working on overturning lifelong habits. 

The purpose of this journey is to stop giving your self-judgments meaning. When you give them weight, they weigh you down. When you choose to elaborate on them, they will constrict your thought process. 

Not all self-judgments are bad, some are neutral. They don’t typically inspire any strong emotions one way or another, which means there’s no emotional baggage, they’re just a self-definition. 

For example, a self-judgment can be as simple as I am more comfortable spending time alone. That’s not a damaging self-judgment, it’s a recognition that you are shy or merely introverted. It isn’t disempowering you.

That being said, someone else with that same self-judgment might have emotional baggage attached. Some people are shamed for being introverts, some people are made fun of for pulling away and spending time alone. 

Recognizing the difference between these will be an important part of your journey. If you notice a self-judgment, but it doesn’t elicit a strong emotional response, you can move on.