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Resilience Component #7: Patience and the Never Quit Attitude
Let go of the need for Instant Gratification
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7 Components of Resilience
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The Benefits Of Having A Strong Sense Of Agency

A sense of agency is the feeling that we are in control of our lives and our destiny. It’s the belief that we can direct our own actions and make choices that will impact our lives in a positive way. Having a strong sense of agency confers numerous benefits, including improved mental health, increased motivation, higher life satisfaction, better physical health, and improved resilience.

Improved mental health – A strong sense of agency has been linked with better mental health outcomes, including lower levels of anxiety and depression. When we feel like we’re in control of our lives, we’re more likely to take actions that improve our mental state and overall well-being.

Increased motivation – People with a strong sense of agency are often more motivated to achieve their goals. They believe that their actions can lead to desired outcomes, so they’re more likely to take steps toward their objectives. This can lead to greater success in both personal and professional endeavors.

Higher life satisfaction – Those who have a strong sense of agency tend to be more satisfied with their lives overall. They see their lives as being under their control, and they take pride in their ability to make choices that shape their lives in a positive way.

Better physical health – A sense of agency has also been linked with better physical health outcomes. People who feel like they’re in control of their lives are more likely to make healthy lifestyle choices, such as exercising regularly and eating a nutritious diet. These healthy habits can lead to improved physical health in the long run.

Resilience – One of the key features of resilience is the ability to act and adapt during times of adversity. Life happens, and we cannot control that, but what we can control is how we react to what happens in life. How we face challenges. How we deal with obstacles. 

Do we face them with grace, strength and grit or do we fold and lay down?

This is where agency plays a critical role. When we use our power of agency it empowers us to take control of what we can, to take actions that help us to bounce back and to engage the proactive mindset that we need to resolve and face the issues we are facing.  

When we believe in our own sense of control and power to make a difference it drives us to push, fight and overcome. If you want to develop your power of resilience, cultivating a strong sense of agency is a good place to start!