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Resilience Component #7: Patience and the Never Quit Attitude
Let go of the need for Instant Gratification
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7 Components of Resilience
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The Benefits Of Having Resilient Individuals In Your Life

We all know at least one person who always seems to be able to “bounce back” from any setback. From bad breakups to job losses, these people always seem to find a way to pick themselves up and carry on. 

While it might be easy to write them off as “lucky” or “strong,” the truth is that these people are simply more resilient than the rest of us. And while you might not think that you need a resilient person in your life, the truth is that everyone can benefit from having at least one strong, supportive person to lean on. Here’s why:

Resilient People Know How To Persevere

No matter what life throws their way, resilient people always find a way to keep going. Whether they’ve suffered a personal tragedy or faced professional setbacks, they never give up. Instead, they use their experiences as motivation to keep going and achieve their goals. This tenacity can be incredibly inspirational and motivating, especially when you’re facing your own challenges.

Resilient People Are Great Problem-Solvers

Because they’re used to overcoming obstacles, resilient people are often very good at coming up with creative solutions to problems. If you’re feeling stuck, talking to a resilient person can help you see things from a different perspective and come up with a plan to overcome whatever is holding you back.

Resilient People Have A Strong Support System

In order to be successful in life, it’s important to have a support system of family and friends who believe in you and are there for you when times get tough. Because resilient people have been through so much, they often have a large network of supportive people they can rely on. This can be extremely helpful when you’re dealing with your own challenges and need some emotional support.

Resilient People Are Positive By Nature

It’s easy to dwell on the negative when things are tough, but resilient people tend to focus on the positive instead. This optimistic outlook can often be contagious, helping you see the silver lining in even the most difficult situations. Additionally, this positive attitude often leads to resilient people taking more risks and ultimately achieving more in life.

Resilient People Are Good Role Models

Because they’ve been through so much and come out stronger on the other side, resilient people make great role models for those around them—including children who could benefit from seeing someone overcome adversity time and time again. By being exposed to resilience at an early age, kids learn that it’s okay to fail as long as you don’t give up and continue working hard towards your goals.

Resilient individuals possess many admirable qualities that we could all benefit from emulating—so if you don’t already have one in your life, it might be time to find one!