Course Content
Chapter 1
The power of believing in all things possible.
Chapter 2
Small worlds breed small lives
Anything Is Possible Mindset
About Lesson

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget that there’s a whole world out there to explore. When we get stuck in our routines, we start to believe that that’s all there is to life. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! 

Possibilities Beyond What We Know 

There is also the fact that we may not even consider possibilities outside of what we know. There was once a man, and he grew up in a poor neighborhood. He was being raised by a single mother who when he was 14 lost their apartment and so they had to live in their van for two years. His perception of the world was confined to this environment where he grew up.

Surviving, never thriving. Surrounded by dilapidated homes in a run down poor neighborhood and others who struggled to make ends meet. All he saw was a wasteland, no green lush lawns, no fine restaurants, poor people struggling to make ends meet, crime and he attended a run down school that could barely afford books for every student.

In his mind, this was the entire world. There were no other options, as a result of this he spent his teen years planning a future where his main hope was to get a job so he could at least afford an apartment and not have to live in a car as he did with his mother. 

When he turned eighteen he got a job as a helper for a gardening business. This business maintained lawns in the most wealthy part of town. When he began working, he was exposed to an entirely different world, filled with large lavish homes, and green lush lawns peppered with huge flourishing trees and bright colorful plants and flowers.

Unlike in his neighborhood, he saw new shiny expensive cars, and concrete streets and sidewalks that were solid and looked new instead of the broken down streets he grew up on. He imagined what the inside of these homes looked like. He imagined the people who lived there and he was suddenly filled with hope for a better future.

This exposure to an environment completely unlike the one he knew opened his mind to a new world of possibilities. He began to think and plan a future beyond his neighborhood and the lifestyle he grew up in, because he realized he wanted more than that, he wanted a better life.

He wanted more than to just hold a job to keep an apartment. He wanted more. He craved this new lifestyle that he saw amid all the comforts. He imagined and craved the self-respect that would come with achieving it. 

There are infinite possibilities out there, and it’s important to keep an open mind so that we can experience as much of them as possible. 

Here are five reasons why it’s important to step outside of your world and explore outside of your comfort zone.

You Never Know What You’ll Find

If you’re always sticking to the same routine, you’ll never know what exciting new things are out there waiting for you to discover them.

Maybe there’s a new restaurant in town that has the best food you’ve ever tasted. Or maybe there’s a hidden gem of a park that’s perfect for your daily walk. 

Stepping outside of your comfort zone allows you to find these hidden gems that you would have never found otherwise. And who knows? Maybe one of these hidden gems will change your life for the better!

Routines Can Be Boring

When you do the same thing day in and day out, it’s easy to get bored. Breaking out of your routine will help you find new hobbies and activities that you’re passionate about.

Pursuing these passions can make your life a lot more interesting and enjoyable. After all, life is too short to be spent doing things that don’t make you happy!

Breaking out of your routine can show you a whole new world full of new people, interests, and ideas. You might have been someone who has always been a runner, refusing to go to the weight room. 

But that one time you go to the gym you find your new-found love for strength training. Years down the road you start competing in powerlifting events and winning medals. So, break out of your routine and find new areas to conquer in life!

You’ll Grow As A Person

One of the best ways to learn more about yourself is to put yourself in new and unfamiliar situations. When you’re constantly pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, you’ll develop skills like adaptability and resourcefulness.

You’ll also become more aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. As you learn more about yourself, you’ll be better equipped to take on whatever life throws your way!

You’ll Expand Your Horizons

A comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a predictable result. In other words, it’s a safety net that we rely on to get us through life.

While comfort zones may offer a sense of security, they can also prevent us from taking risks and expanding our horizons. When you step out of your comfort zone, you open yourself up to new experiences and new ways of thinking. 

You’ll learn more about the world and about yourself, and you may even discover hidden talents and interests. So next time you’re feeling stagnant, take a step outside of your comfort zone. It just might be the best thing you ever do.

It’s A Great Way To Meet New People

It’s a well-known fact that the best way to grow and improve as a person is to step out of your comfort zone on a regular basis. After all, comfort zones are called comfort zones for a reason – they’re comfortable! But that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily good for us.

Staying in your comfort zone means you never push yourself to try new things or meet new people, and as a result, you miss out on a lot of great opportunities. One of the easiest ways to meet new people is by leaving your home and trying something new. 

By trying something outside of your comfort zone you are opening yourself up to a whole new world of people with different interests. Who knows, you might find a new hobby or a best friend!

Living within your comfort zone might seem safe, but it doesn’t allow for much growth or discovery. If you want to live a full and enriching life, it’s important to step outside of your comfort zone on a regular basis! Who knows? Maybe one small step will lead to a world of new possibilities.