Confidence 101
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What It Means To Have Confidence That Everything Will Be OK?

Having confidence that everything will be OK is a special type of confidence. When you feel confident that everything will be OK, you’re giving yourself permission to really live your life to the fullest.

A person who feels confident that everything will be OK understands the value of taking risks and trying new things. While being risky and trying new things can be frightening, doing so is the “spice of life” – if people never tried something risky or new, they’d never grow or change throughout their lives. 

Having confidence that everything will be OK doesn’t guarantee that you know everything will work out exactly as you planned. Life doesn’t work that way – if we could all have total control over everything in our lives 100% of the time, we’d be living in a fairy tale existence. 

Since people don’t have total control over everything, it’s important to develop a sense of confidence that everything will be OK, no matter what happens. 

If everything turns out as expected, you can move forward as you planned. If everything turns out sour, you can still move forward and keep going – just in a different direction.

When you have confidence that everything will be OK, you aren’t guaranteeing definite success. Instead, you’re guaranteeing that you’ll have a good attitude no matter the outcome and will find a way to keep moving forward. 

This type of confidence is also key for not allowing yourself to drown in doubt, or the black hole of misery when you face challenges and obstacles. In these ways the confidence you build in knowing that everything will be OK helps you excel in life. 

3 Key Benefits Of Having Confidence That Everything Will Be OK

Being confident that everything will be OK comes with a variety of benefits.

1| You’ll experience significantly less anxiety.

When you feel confident that everything will be OK, facing uncertainty feels less stressful and anxiety-inducing. Yes, you may experience hardship. Yes, things may not work out exactly as you hoped. However, you will be able to get through it and everything will eventually be OK. This type of confidence can significantly decrease some of your anxiety. 

2| You develop a stronger sense of resiliency. 

Resiliency, or the ability to “bounce back” after facing a challenge, is a key tool for being a happy human being. Resilient people don’t experience happiness and sunshine all the time – like everyone else, they also experience challenges in their lives.

However, because they have confidence that everything will be OK, they build a strong sense of resiliency. With the knowledge their confidence gives them, they’re able to keep moving and push forward through their challenges.

3| You tend to have a more positive outlook on life. 

Having confidence that everything will be OK is great for your attitude. People who understand that things will be OK eventually tend to have a more positive outlook on life. 

This doesn’t mean that they believe everything will be perfect 100% of the time. Instead, they accept that things might become really challenging, but regardless, they know that everything will be OK – this confidence is inherently a more positive way to approach life. 

16 Tips To Develop Your Sense Of Confidence That Everything Will Be OK

You can learn to feel confident that everything will be OK. It takes time and practice to develop this specific form of confidence because it ebbs and flows with the natural pace of your daily life. 

Consider the following tips to develop a stronger sense of confidence that everything will be OK:

1| Let go of any perfectionist attitudes.

Building confidence in the idea that everything will be OK doesn’t mean everything will always end perfectly. In fact, some situations may end pretty terribly, but this doesn’t mean that everything won’t be OK in the end. 

Perfectionists want to ensure the absolute best outcome every time something happens, but the absolute best outcome isn’t what will always happen. Learning to let go of perfectionism is a great way to build confidence in everything being OK. Even if things don’t work out perfectly, you can still be OK in the end and survive the situation. 

2| Activate your knowledge learned from past mistakes and errors.

Making mistakes isn’t fun, but there are benefits to making them. When you make a mistake, you have an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson. 

When you’re struggling to maintain confidence that everything will be OK, think back on your past mistakes and consider all the knowledge you learned after the mistake was made. 

Doing this will remind you of valuable lessons learned – the most important one being that you can survive a tough time. 

3| Take time to really examine your options. 

Sometimes people find themselves under the impression that they don’t have many options. They may see a situation as black and white, and this makes it difficult to have confidence that everything will be OK. 

Slow down your thinking and really flesh out all the possibilities of a situation. You’ll often discover a lot of gray areas between those original “black and white” thoughts. When you see how many possibilities there really are in a situation, you can develop a more positive perspective and boost confidence in everything being OK. 

4| Reach out to your support system for guidance and advice. 

When you keep all your struggles to yourself, you can begin to feel isolated and alone in your hardship. To help boost your confidence that everything will be OK, reach out to someone in your support system for help. 

Discussing your problems and concerns with someone you trust is a great way to build confidence in everything being OK. Often, hearing another person’s perspective of a situation gives you a fresh look at what’s really happening. 

You may find yourself stuck in one thought or possibility about the situation, but your friend may see it differently and help you get a better perspective of what’s really happening.

5| Practice accepting that you can’t have total control over everything in your life.

Although no human being will ever have 100% complete control over what happens in their lives, this is a difficult lesson for some people to learn and accept. As great as total control would be, it isn’t possible. Life is full of surprises and learning to accept that is a good way to build confidence in everything being OK. 

This doesn’t mean that you’ll never have hard times – having challenges is a normal part of being a human being. However, learning that some things are totally beyond your control helps you accept that things will be OK in the end, even if you end up facing a tough challenge.

6| Think back on past hardships and reflect on your resiliency. 

Reflecting on past hardships is another great way to boost your confidence that everything will be OK. When you think back on past times you’ve survived, you can compare those past feelings to where you are now. 

When you remind yourself that you are capable of making it through hard times and challenges, you can boost your confidence that everything will be OK. You survived hard times before and, if things get tough this time, you can do it again.

7| Practice regular self-care. 

Taking good care of yourself is a major part of maintaining confidence that everything will be OK. If you’re feeling restless, tired, and drained, it’s tough to maintain your confidence in anything! Taking care of your physical health naturally promotes your mental health. 

Practicing self-care should be a daily ritual for you. How you choose to practice self-care is unique – the only parameter is that you choose activities that bring you feelings of rest and relaxation. 

Self-care preferences vary from person to person, but some ideas for self-care activities include….

  • Stress management techniques
  • Getting a manicure or pedicure 
  • Taking a nap 
  • Life balance
  • Not being too busy
  • Prioritizing rest and relaxation
  • Taking a hot, steamy bath or shower 
  • Spending time catching up on your favorite TV shows 
  • Reading a great book 
  • Turning off your cell phone notifications and enjoying some alone time 
  • Working on a hobby you enjoy 
  • ….and many more! 

8| Develop a mantra to help you work through challenging times.

Mantras are powerful meditation tools and have been used as a method for centering the mind, body, and spirit for thousands of years. Developing a mantra to help you work through tough times is a great way to build more confidence that everything will be OK. 

Create a short mantra of your own that’s easy to repeat and remember. For example, it can be something as simple as “this too shall pass” or “everything is going to be OK.” Write down your mantra in a place where you’ll see it a few times a day, such as your bathroom mirror. 

When you see it, repeat it out loud to yourself a few times. As you do this more frequently, your mantra will help center your thoughts back on your main goal and help drive that thought deeper into your mind. 

9| Let the beginning of each day count as a “fresh start.”

When you’re going through a tough time, let yourself view each new day as an opportunity to make a fresh start. 

Even in the middle of a challenging time, doing this can help you boost your confidence in everything being OK in the end. Each new day is a chance to make a fresh set of choices – you can enter a new day with a fresh attitude and change your course if needed. 

10| Revisit or create your personal gratitude list. 

Keeping a gratitude list or journal is a great way to boost your confidence that everything will be OK. If you don’t already have one, a gratitude list is simply a written or typed list of everything that sparks feelings of gratitude in your life. 

Maintaining a record of everything that makes you feel grateful is an excellent tool for building confidence that everything will be OK. When you’re facing a challenging or uncertain time, having that small reminder is an excellent way to remind you of everything great you have in your life. Even if things get tough, you still have those good parts of life to enjoy.

11| Remember that the world is a balance: You must have hard days to appreciate the easier ones.

Just like we need lightness to understand darkness and coldness to understand hotness, we need hard times to really appreciate the easier ones. When you need confidence that everything will be OK, this is a valuable truth to remember. 

Learning how to appreciate your hard times and your good times will help you develop a stronger sense of confidence that everything will be OK. Regardless of the outcome, your experiences add up to help you appreciate, learn, and enjoy life. 

12| Counter your negative thinking with the facts.

A lot of negative thinking is rooted in insecurity or anxiety, and these feelings are often clouded with inaccurate (or even flat-out wrong) versions of the truth. For example, you may convince yourself that your best friend is really angry with you….even though you have no evidence to support that this is true. 

A great way to boost your confidence in everything being OK is to learn how to focus on the facts. If you find yourself convinced that your friend is really angry with you, stop the negative thoughts by calling on the facts. You know you haven’t had a disagreement or argument with your friend, and with this fact in mind, your negative thought may no longer make any sense. 

13| Give yourself permission to take a break from the world and enjoy something else, like a book or TV show.

A great way to boost your confidence that everything will be OK is to give yourself a break from the real world. When you’re constantly fretting about what’s going to happen next in your life, especially when you’re in the middle of a challenging situation, it’s tough to be constantly engaged in reality. 

Give yourself a break by taking time to read a book, watch a movie, or get lost in a favorite TV show. Enjoying someone else’s reality or story for a while is a great way to take a break and relax before returning to your own reality.

Giving yourself these small breaks to enjoy something else is a great way to increase your stamina and make it more likely that you’ll maintain confidence in everything being OK. 

14| Consider that you can’t predict the future – while something bad may happen, there’s an equally likely chance that something good could also happen.

Everyone likes to play the role of a psychic sitting in front of their crystal ball when it comes to their own lives. Unfortunately, when they decide to “predict the future,” it often tends to be nothing but dark clouds and doom looming on the crystal ball’s surface.

It’s important to remember that, while something negative could happen, there’s an equally likely chance that something good (or at least neutral) could also happen. 

When people start predicting their own futures, they tend to let the negative thinking take the wheel. It’s important to give positive possibilities a seat at the table, and that’s where confidence that everything will be OK is established.

15| If needed, reach out to a mental health professional. 

There is no shame in ever seeking the assistance of a counselor or therapist. If your confidence in everything being OK is too shaky, consider reaching out to a mental health professional to help you process those emotions and doubts in a productive and healthy way.

A mental health professional can also possibly help prevent slipping into a hopeless state when confidence that everything will be OK is so low that it can lead to depression. 

Counselors and therapists are trained with the knowledge of tons of tools to help you learn how to have more confidence that everything will be OK. 

Spending time with one is an excellent way to get an objective point of view about your current issues while learning helpful tools to lessen your anxiety and gain more confidence. 

16| Always Remember that you have yourself.

One of the most important considerations when developing your confidence that everything will be okay is to find comfort and security in the fact that you have yourself. 

  • When you have your back, are self-supportive and fight to meet your needs then everything will be ok. 
  • You have yourself to turn to. 
  • You practice self-compassion and this helps you get through tough times.
  • You are your own best friend, and this keeps you stable and balanced when you face challenges. 
  • You can rely on your own inner strength.
  • You can find your way out of anything life throws at you. 
  • You are never alone when you stand behind you.

Remember these facts, and everything will always be OK!

Case Study: Understanding What Having Confidence That Everything Will Be OK Looks Like 

Examining an example of a person who has confidence that everything will be OK can help you better understand what that type of confidence looks like. To gain a better understanding of having confidence that everything will be OK, consider Veronica. 

Veronica is a newly-promoted manager at a large and very busy superstore. She’s worked for this company for ten years already and is well-versed in how the store runs on a day-to-day basis. She’s spent time working in every department over the years and knows the ins and outs of this superstore like the back of her hand. 

During Veronica’s first day as the store manager, one of the customers experiences a medical emergency. Fortunately, the store has protocols for what to do if a customer needs medical assistance while they’re inside the store. 

Although Veronica is frightened because she is the store manager while this emergency is happening, she remembers that she has protocols in place and knows exactly what to do. 

Veronica is first supposed to call 911 so emergency services can arrive as quickly as possible. After calling 911, Veronica realizes that she can’t find any of the emergency protocol paperwork or the binders of instructions that are supposed to be in the manager’s office

Veronica panics – she realizes that if she doesn’t document what happened correctly, it won’t only look bad on her as a new manager, but it could cost her the brand new promotion she just received. 

As Veronica begins to feel panic settling in, she stops herself. She realizes that she’s allowing negative thinking to “predict the future” for her. 

Instead of allowing the negative thoughts and panic to continue, she considers the important facts of the situation:

  1. The customer got the help that she needed very quickly because Veronica was able to call 911 and get her assistance. The customer is expected to be OK because emergency services were called immediately – that is the most important part of the whole situation. 
  2. Veronica can call the neighboring superstores’ managers and request copies of the emergency paperwork and instructions to be emailed to her. While she didn’t have them on hand during the actual emergency, she can mitigate the situation by reaching out to her support system for help. 
  3. Veronica can also explain to her superiors that she did everything in her power to do what was most important: Get the customer the emergency help that she needed. Afterward, she realized she didn’t have the paperwork ready, but she had a backup plan to get the documents and make it happen. 

Veronica realizes that some aspects of the outcome are out of her control. She can’t control how her superiors will react when they discover that she didn’t have the paperwork already on hand. Instead of focusing on the negative possibilities, Veronica keeps her focus centralized on the positives and what went right. 

Just as her negative thoughts could come true, she realizes there’s an equal chance that her positive ones could, too. At the end of the situation, Veronica did what she could with the resources she had to keep the situation under control, and that knowledge carries her through to the end. 

Although the situation didn’t work out exactly like Veronica hoped it would, she still managed to find success at the end. Veronica’s quick thinking during the emergency situation is a result of understanding that everything will be OK. She maintained that confidence as she handled the situation to the best of her ability. 

The Bottom Line

Building a sense of confidence that everything will be OK is key to becoming a more positive, resilient, and less anxious person. 

Learning how to build more confidence in believing that everything will be OK takes time, patience, and practice. 

Often, issues with this type of confidence are rooted in anxiety, perfectionism, and stress – learning how to rework your thinking to counter those challenges takes time. Learning how to strengthen this type of confidence ensures that you’ll be able to survive any difficult challenge or situation, no matter how it works out in the end. 

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