Confidence 101
About Lesson

When you’re confident that you can handle anything that comes your way, you live in a state of preparedness. You have confidence in yourself to handle any type of situation – no matter how tricky or complicated it might be – in a way that will produce the best results.

Feeling confident that you can handle anything that comes your way doesn’t always mean you’ll resolve every life situation with ease and perfection. Like anyone else, you don’t have total control over what happens in your life. 

However, with this type of confidence, you do understand the role you play in your own destiny. You have the power to choose how you’ll react to different situations and proceed when it’s time to act on them. 

Because of this ability, a person with this kind of confidence really trusts themselves to make the best decisions possible. 

5 Key Benefits Of Having Confidence That You Can Handle Anything That Comes Your Way

There are multiple benefits associated with having confidence that you can handle anything that comes your way:

1| You don’t find yourself stressing over the future’s unknowns. 

Nobody can predict the future, and that can cause many people a lot of excess anxiety. When you feel confident that you can handle anything that comes your way, you don’t feel worried about what the future might bring because you know you’ll be able to handle whatever happens.

2| You feel even more self-confidence.

Feeling like you can handle anything that comes your way is a great self confidence booster. This is a special relationship between two specific types of confidences: Feeling like you can handle anything that comes your way makes you feel better about your personal skills and abilities and feeling confident about your personal skills and abilities makes you feel better about handling anything that comes your way. A win-win!

3| You become a rock for other people who need support during challenging times.

When you have confidence that you can handle anything that comes your way, other people notice. You may even find yourself becoming the “rock,” or guidance and support, for other people who feel less certain about the future. Having confidence that you can handle anything that comes your way provides a lot of comfort for people who need support to face the future. 

4| It’s a lot tougher to surprise you or throw off your senses.

Feeling confident that you can handle anything that comes your way makes you less susceptible to unpleasant surprises. When people face a shocking surprise, it can be difficult for them to gather themselves and move forward through the challenge. 

For people who feel confident that they can handle anything that comes their way, even the most shocking surprises don’t have quite the same effect on them. They may be bothered and have an emotional response, but because they feel confident that they can handle the challenge, they’re quicker to respond and start solving the issue rather than feeling affected by it. 

5| You develop a keen sense of preparedness.

Part of a person’s confidence that they can handle anything that comes their way is rooted in preparedness. Folks with this type of confidence know that a great way to cultivate it is to become more prepared. 

When you know you have the supplies, resources, and tools you need to power through a variety of difficult situations, you feel a lot more prepared for whatever the future might bring. 

Even when a true disaster strikes, people with confidence that they can handle anything that comes their way have their tools on standby – while they might have to face a hardship, they can rest assured that they have what they need to get themselves through it.

15 Tips For Developing A Stronger Sense Of Confidence That You Can Handle Anything 

You can develop a stronger sense of confidence in handling anything that comes your way. Like the other types of confidence, this one also requires practice, time, and effort to perfect. 

Think of building this type of confidence as a marathon rather than a sprint – it takes effort over time to build up a sense that you can handle anything that comes your way because it is learned through life experiences. 

Consider the following tips for developing a stronger sense of confidence that you can handle anything that comes your way:

1| Learn to let go of your sense of control. 

If humans could control every aspect of their lives, they’d never face any kind of hardship. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for anyone – even your most polished and seemingly perfect friends do not have complete control over everything happening in their lives! 

Learning how to let go of your sense of control makes it easier to handle anything that may come your way. Without that sense of perfection limiting your expectations, you can be more creative in your methods of solving the problems. 

This is a big confidence booster – without the stress of adhering to a sense of control, you can do what needs to be done to solve your problems, no matter what they are. 

2| Banish any desires for absolute perfection. 

If you tend to be a perfectionist, let go of those difficult and impossible expectations. Striving for perfection is like trying to fight a losing battle – since perfection is impossible, you will only cause yourself extra stress trying to reach those incredibly high standards.

When you let go of perfectionism, you give yourself the power to be more creative in your problem solving. 

As you experience new challenges in life, you feel more confident that you can handle anything that comes your way – since you don’t need to get everything perfectly right, you can do what needs to be done to solve the problem. 

3| Reflect on life lessons you’ve learned. 

Making a mistake can be a rough experience that leaves you feeling ashamed or embarrassed. However, reflecting on those mistakes plays a key role in helping you feel confident that you can handle anything that comes your way – those mistakes all taught you valuable life lessons.

When you think about the lessons you learned from your previous mistakes, you’re able to take that valuable knowledge with you into the future. Knowing that you can use that knowledge to avoid similar mistakes in the future boosts your confidence in handling anything that comes your way.

4| Practice acceptance of the things you can’t change in life.

If you could change anything in your life to suit your needs, life would be easy. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes there are aspects of your life that can’t be changed. Learning to accept those can boost your confidence that you can handle anything that comes your way.

Learning how to identify and accept these aspects can be difficult. For example, you may have personality quirks that are simply a part of who you are – even if you wanted to change them, you couldn’t. 

When you teach yourself to accept these traits, you’re better able to handle anything that comes your way in the future because it builds up the confidence you have in yourself. 

5| Engage in a mindfulness practice regularly.

Mindfulness is a hot buzzword in the mental health world, and for good reason. Practicing mindfulness throughout the day is an excellent way to calm down, restore your mental clarity, and stay present in the moment. All of these things are conducive to feeling confident that you can handle anything that comes your way.

Practicing mindfulness isn’t complicated and doesn’t require a lot of preparation; you can engage in mindfulness anywhere you are during the day. A simple mindfulness practice is to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and focus on your current sensations. 

For example, you may say, “Right now, I feel the chair against my back. I smell the candle burning in the living room. I hear a car driving down the street.” The idea is to pull your senses back into the present moment so you can focus on what’s happening right now versus obsessing over the future. 

6| Find ways to purposefully limit the amount of excess stress and anxiety entering your life.

Experiencing stress and anxiety can rattle your confidence. Feeling like you must be constantly on alert due to something causing you a high amount of stress and anxiety makes it challenging to feel like you can handle anything that comes your way.

Make an effort to limit the amount of excess stress and anxiety entering your life. 

Are there any places in your life where you could scale back the amount of work you’re doing? 

Are there any people in your life bringing extra stress to the table? 

If any of these situations sound familiar, it may be time to set boundaries and find ways to limit the amount of stress these outlets are bringing into your life.

7| Stay connected with the people who make up your support system.

Make a point to keep regular contact with the people who make up your support system. Keeping contact with your closest friends and family members is an excellent way to boost your confidence in being able to handle anything that comes your way.

Speaking regularly with your support system does more than offer good conversation. When you do this, you’re keeping your support system up to date with everything happening in your life. 

Also, speaking to your closest friends and family members on a regular basis offers comfort. When your closest friends and family know what’s happening in your life and you know you’re going to speak with them regularly, you feel a lot more confident in your ability to handle anything that comes your way.

8| Establish and keep some regular routines as a part of your day. 

A good way to boost confidence in handling anything that comes your way can be improved with establishing and keeping regular routines in your day. Having routines gives your daily life predictable structure. When the regular events of your day are structured by routine, it makes it easier for you to conserve your energy for handling the surprises life tosses your way.

You can establish a variety of routines throughout your day to make life easier. For example, considering establishing routines for….

  • Getting ready for a restful night’s sleep each evening 
  • Preparing your things for school or work the night before 
  • Preparing all your meals ahead for the week 
  • Completing your house cleaning tasks for the week
  • ….and many more! 

9| Give yourself plenty of time for self-care. 

Your confidence in being able to handle anything that comes your way depends heavily on how you’re feeling, and your overall wellness level. If you’re feeling tired, stressed, and worn down, your confidence in your ability to handle anything that comes your way drops drastically – it’s tough to feel like you have a good grasp on anything when you’re not feeling 100% ready to tackle the day. It is also a fact that your physical health greatly effects your mental and emotional strength. 

To avoid reaching this level of tiredness, ensure that you’re partaking in plenty of self-care activities to rest and rejuvenate yourself. Self-care preferences vary from person to person, so finding the ones you like most is essential. 

Some examples of self-care activities include….

  • Taking a hot, steamy bath or shower 
  • Taking a nap 
  • Participating in a hobby you enjoy 
  • Getting a manicure or pedicure 
  • Turning off your cell phone notifications for the evening 
  • Reading a book 

10| Focus on the facts of new situations as they arise.

A good way to boost your confidence about handling anything that comes your way is to focus on the facts of any situations that arise. When you feel startled by something surprising that happens in your life, it’s easy to get sucked into negative thinking that’s often rooted in anxiety rather than fact.

Focusing on the facts allows you to build confidence by analyzing what’s really going on rather than allowing your anxious mind to wander off on a  tangent. 

11| Take good care of your physical health.

Taking good care of your body is a great way to build confidence in being able to handle anything that comes your way. Taking care of your physical health includes but is not limited to….

  • Attending all your routine doctor’s check-ups and medical appointments 
  • Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly 
  • Eating a variety of nutritious foods 
  • Getting a good night’s sleep as frequently as possible 
  • Incorporating exercise and movement into each day

By taking good care of your body, you’re ensuring that your health will remain good for a long time. When you’re feeling your best, you can perform at your best, which is helpful when life’s random surprises occur.

12| Adopt a “lifelong learner” lifestyle. 

Lifelong learners are people who never allow themselves to reach complacency in their education. Whether they’re teaching themselves a new skill, signing up for a class, or furthering their education in a formal classroom setting, lifelong learners want to keep learning all sorts of new things throughout their lifetimes. 

Being a lifelong learner is a great way to boost your confidence in your ability to handle anything that comes your way. When you’re a lifelong learner, you pick up a lot of great knowledge and new skills over time. All this acquired knowledge can be put to great use throughout your life – you never know when your knowledge of a skill you learned will come in handy. 

13| Create a plan in case you find yourself involved in a specific difficult situation that tends to trigger you.

If you’ve ever experienced a particularly traumatic situation, you understand how some people, places, and events can be “triggering,” or quick to make you remember the pain and misery of that prior trauma. Triggering situations can tank your confidence – when you’re feeling those old feelings arise, you may feel like you can’t handle what’s happening in life.

To better prepare for these types of situations, you can boost your confidence by preparing an action plan for what to do in case a triggering situation arises. When you have a plan in place, you can move forward with more confidence that you’ll know what to do when trouble arises.

14| Get to know yourself well. 

When you know yourself, you understand your abilities very well. Getting a full grasp on your strengths and weaknesses is an excellent way to feel more confident in being able to handle anything that comes your way. 

When you understand your strengths, you can call upon them when you need them most to be of service or solve problems. Alternatively, knowing your weaknesses is also a great way to keep your confidence up. 

Yes, having weaknesses is no fun, but everyone has them. When you understand what your weaknesses are, you can work to improve them and know how they might affect you when life throws you a surprise. 

15| Seek help from a mental health professional

If you are struggling to gain confidence in your ability to handle anything that comes your way, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. A counselor or therapist can help you navigate your fears and anxieties in a productive and helpful way, teaching you lots of great strategies along the way. 

On top of learning ways to cope with your lack of confidence and learning more about how to boost it, talking to someone outside of your personal life is a great way to get objective advice about what you can do to better prepare yourself and feel more confident about handling life’s surprises. Case Study: Understanding What Confidence That You Can Handle Anything That Comes Your Way Looks Like

Examining an example of a person who has confidence that they can handle anything that comes their way can help you better understand what that type of confidence looks like. To gain a better understanding of this type of confidence, consider Brent. 

Brent is the founder of a small tech start-up. Brent started his small company right after college. He was nervous that the business wouldn’t take off and that his idea wouldn’t be popular enough to be successful, but he was wrong – investors liked the idea so much that they offered him enough funding to push through the first two years of business.

Although his business’ financial needs were being met, he faced a lot of other challenges. His business partner didn’t always agree with his ideas. He also faced a lot of surprises when trying to get his computer program working properly without any glitches or bugs. 

When he was feeling uncertain about the future, Brent called upon his confidence that he could handle anything that came his way. When he felt like he wasn’t smart enough to figure out his problems, he remembered all his education and training that prepared him for this moment in his life. 

When he and his partner disagreed, he made himself really listen to his partner’s ideas instead of demanding that he have total control over everything. 

Because Brent was confident in his ability to tackle his problems, he was able to relax a little bit and trust himself, his partner, his knowledge, and his resources to help him face anything that happened. 

The Bottom Line

Having confidence that you can handle anything that comes your way requires a lot of trust in yourself and your abilities.

This specific type of confidence requires a lot of trust in yourself in different areas. To achieve this type of confidence, you must practice trusting your abilities, trusting your knowledge, trusting your ability to let go of control, and trusting yourself to reach out to your support system, just to name a few. 

Learning how to perfect this type of confidence takes time and practice, but with some effort, you can master how to handle anything that comes your way and this can help you greatly excel in all areas of your life. 

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