Develop Fierce and Fearless Attitude
About Lesson

For many people, fear is an ever-present, life-crippling, living, and breathing nightmare that exists and tends to take over the life they want to live. This is because when it comes to fear, most people allow it to hold them back from all of the experiences that could bring more happiness and success. 


Being fearful is a common human emotion. Everyone encounters situations and scenarios that make them feel fearful; it’s a natural reaction to many frightening, unpleasant, or uncertain stimuli. 


However, some people experience a little too much fear, causing them to live a more sheltered life. Rather than taking chances, exploring new situations, and engaging in some healthy risk taking, a person who is too fearful will avoid any of these experiences for the sake of keeping themselves safe. While they may stay safe, the price tag for that extra caution can be hefty – a person who lives in fear often doesn’t do much adventuring or exploring, leading to a boring life. 


If you believe you’re living in fear, you can overcome that difficult feeling. There are strategies you can use to be a more fearless person. 


If you are tired of letting your fears hold you back from the life you deserve, it’s time to take a look at some of the ways you can conquer them.


To get started exploring your adventurous side, consider the following power ways to be a more fearless person.

37 Power Moves: Be Fearless

Power Move 1: Allow Yourself To Take Some Low Stakes Risks

When you’re trying to explore your fearlessness, don’t feel like you need to jump off into an extreme situation immediately. You can begin exploring your fearless side by taking small baby steps first. A great way to enter this newfound fearlessness is to take some low stakes risks.

A low stakes risk is one that involves some change – possibly some discomfort – but ultimately won’t leave you struggling or suffering if something doesn’t work out as well as you’d hoped. 

For example, consider the following simple, low stakes risks you can try:

  • Order food from a restaurant you’ve never tried before, or order something besides your “usual” from a favorite restaurant you frequent often 
  • Sign up for a class on something you want to learn how to do or know more about 
  • Strike up a conversation with someone you don’t normally talk to 
  • Take a different route on your way to work, on your daily walk, etc. 

These are all ways to take a small risk by deviating from your usual routines or habits. If the situation doesn’t turn out well, it won’t cause you any serious strife. For example, if you don’t like the new restaurant you tried, it’s only one meal you didn’t enjoy – you still tried something different.

Over time, as you become more comfortable with allowing yourself to take these smaller, low stakes risks, you’ll begin to feel more comfortable exploring this fearless side of yourself. Eventually, you’ll find yourself becoming more and more adventurous, and your fearlessness will feel like second nature to you. 

Power Move 2: Pick One Fear At A Time To Focus Your Energies

A person living in fear likely has multiple sources that cause that fear. For example, a person might be afraid of taking risks, afraid of looking silly in front of others, and afraid of trying new experiences. All of these fears culminating together can lead to some difficult times – when your fears seem to be encroaching upon many areas of your life, escaping it can feel impossible.

In your quest to be more fearless, a great way to begin is by choosing one fear to focus your energies on at a time. Rather than trying to conquer all your fears at once, choose one and start with small steps to begin conquering it first. Once that fear begins to subside a little, then you can move on to another fear next. 

Overcoming fears is a process that takes time and can feel very overwhelming. By focusing on one fear at a time, you give yourself an adequate amount of emotional and spiritual headspace to begin tackling those challenging fears more manageably.

Power Move 3: Challenge Yourself To Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone At Least Once Per Day

The comfort zone is a fabulous place – that’s why it’s comfortable! Within your personal comfort zone, you likely feel safe, secure, and protected from the outside world’s strife and conundrums. However, there are some quiet dangers lurking within your comfort zone.

If you stay in your comfort zone 100% of the time, you aren’t giving yourself the chance to experience anything new or exciting. Any time you try or experience something new for the first time, it feels uncomfortable because it’s unfamiliar to you. 

Trying these new experiences require you to step outside your comfort zone for a moment to learn and experience it. If you never leave your comfort zone, you never learn or experience anything new. 

Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone at least once per day. Offer to learn a new task at work. Order something different from a restaurant. Strike up a polite conversation with a stranger. All of these are small, simple ways you can insert a little fearless exiting of your comfort zone into your everyday routine.

Power Move 4: Become An Objective Observer Of Your Personal Fears

When you feel genuinely afraid of something, it seems like rationality and sense go out the window. Finding yourself directly confronted with a fear sets your body into “fight or flight” mode – you decide within a split second whether you’re going to rally against your fear or flee from it! 

Instead of approaching your fears in fight or flight mode, try looking at them as an observer from the outside. Pretend to be a stranger analyzing your fears and why they exist. This may seem like a silly role playing scenario, but analyzing your fears objectively is a great way to put them into a perspective where they don’t immediately trigger your fight or flight response. In an objective view, you can get a better grasp on why they exist and why they bother you so much.

Power Move 5: Let Go Of Your Perfectionist Qualities

If humans could be 100% in control of everything all the time, life would be perfect….but that is definitely not the case! People can’t maintain total control over everything in their lives. Every human is going to make mistakes and experience hardship – it is a simple fact of life.

Being a perfectionist can be a response to fear. If you have fears about making mistakes, falling behind, or not being good at something, you may be a perfectionist who does everything they can to maintain perfection all the time. 

Doing so is exhausting – being a perfectionist requires extreme, almost obsessive, attention to detail. It can also damage relationships you have with others.

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting things to run smoothly or to produce top notch results in what you do, if your perfectionist qualities begin affecting your life because you’re afraid of what might happen if you aren’t perfect, allow yourself to let those qualities go. Maintaining perfection is a fear response. Allow yourself some fearlessness by addressing those perfectionist qualities and allowing them to leave.

Power Move 6: Focus On The Facts Of The Situation Rather Than The “What Ifs.”

When you’re scared, it’s easy to let your mind get lost in a sea of “what if” scenarios. What if this gets worse? What if I can’t do the job right? What if that person gets angry at me? “What if” questions like these often cause more problems than they solve because they cause you to deviate from the facts of a situation and get lost in a sea of fear-induced worrying about situations that may not even happen. 

When you find yourself feeling fearful, a powerful way to be more fearless in the situation is to make yourself focus on the facts. If needed, grab a pen and paper so you can jot down the facts of the situation as you understand them. 

Focus on what you know rather than what your mind wants to imagine – you’ll often find that your anxious, scared mind’s “what if” situations usually don’t line up against facts!

Power Move 7: Find Some Fearless Role Models

If you want more fearlessness in your life, think about the fearless folks who inspire you most. What qualities do they have? What do they do that personifies fearlessness? 

Spending time with these types of folks, observing them, and getting a better understanding of what they do to be fearless and how they make fearless decisions helps you recognize those traits easier. After learning about fearlessness from people who inspire you, you can adapt those qualities and traits to yourself.

Power Move 8: Understand The Three Main Types Of Fear

Understanding your fears is a great way to begin conquering them and feeling more fearless. Usually, fears fall into three main categories:

  • Natural fears: These are things that humans are naturally wired to fear. Examples of natural fears include snakes or spiders.
  • Past experience fears: Due to a previous encounter with a certain stimuli, you continue to fear that stimuli (or even something very similar to it). An example of a past experience fear might include a fear of driving after you were involved in a serious car accident.
  • Forecasted fears: These fears are anxiety-borne. You Fear for things that may or may not actually happen in the future due to anxiety. For example, you may fear embarrassing yourself during a presentation that’s happening at work tomorrow, even though you’re prepared to give a good presentation. 

Power Move 9: Build Up Your Self Confidence

Feeling more self-confident is an excellent power way to be more fearless. When you’re feeling stronger about your own abilities to perform and succeed, it helps shrink your fears.

You can boost your self confidence in a variety of ways. One great way to do so that also relates to conquering fears involves improving your skill set to tackle the fear head-on. For example, pretend you have a huge fear of public speaking. 

To begin conquering this fear, you can take classes and learn more about how to be an effective public speaker. The more you learn about public speaking, the less frightening and intimidating it seems. Eventually, you can put those skills to good use and speak publicly without the fear stopping you.

Power Move 10: Over-prepare For A Situation Without Overreacting To It

Being afraid often causes people to overreact in a situation. When you’re feeling scared, it’s very easy to slip into an overreaction driven by your emotions. A great way to avoid this fearful overreaction is to make sure you’re over-prepared.

When you over prepare for something, you consider the worst case scenario that scares you most and you create a plan to deal with it in case it happens. You don’t ruminate or allow yourself to hyper focus on that horrible “what if,” but you do allow yourself to build some supportive game plans just in case that horrible situation unfolds. When you move into a scenario with a plan in place, it helps you tackle the situation more fearlessly.

Power Move 11: Act On A Fearful Situation Despite What’s Happening – Not Because Of It

Prepare yourself for a big secret concerning fearlessness: Fearless people aren’t actually 100% fearless. Let that sink in for a minute. Yes, even though a person may project a sense of fearlessness, which doesn’t mean they’re totally without fear! 

Instead, a fearless person chooses to act on a fearful situation despite what’s happening rather than because of it. They don’t allow their fear to dictate how or if they react. Instead, they make a decision and act based on what needs to be done. 

Fear is a powerful emotion that can create an emotional response within you. Don’t allow those emotions to take control of how you react. Instead, take action based on the facts of the situation and what needs to happen. Doing so is powerful, fearless move.

Power Move 12: Get Comfortable Asking Others For Help

Unfortunately, many people assume that fearless people are totally independent. Because they’re fearless, others may believe that a fearless person doesn’t need help from others to be successful and move past fearful situations. However, this is quite opposite from the truth! 

A true power way to be more fearless is to get comfortable asking others for help. When you’re truly struggling with a fear, reach out to trusted friends, family, and other people for support. Being fearless means using your resources to get through a tough situation – if you have those people in your life who can help you handle a situation that makes you feel afraid, reach out to them! 

Power Move 13: Know Your Fears

Before you can conquer your fears, you need to get familiar with what they are. Recognizing what it is that makes your heart race, your hands shake, and have the overall feeling of dread is the first step into overcoming any fear you may have.

Whether you have a fear of heights or a mind-numbing phobia when it comes to social situations, being able to at least recognize it will help you take the next step towards conquering it.

Power Move 14: Get Specific

Although many people can name the fears that they have, getting specific and to a point where they can own it is another story. In many cases, the thing that you may think you are afraid of can be linked to something much deeper.

For example, someone who has a fear of social situations may think it is the crowd or meeting new people that gives them heart palpitations. In many of these cases, the fear actually comes from something else, such as the fear of being rejected.

Whatever the case may be for what you fear, it is best to sit with what you fear and get to the point where you can own it. Once you have done that, it will be easier for you to move forward in your life.

Power Move 15: Dive Into the Fear

When you are trying to overcome fear, another important step is to dive into that fear so you are familiar with what is happening in your body when the fear appears. Knowing this will not only help you to feel the fear coming on but will also assist you in moving past it.

A few questions to ask yourself while working with your fears are:

When do you experience the fear?

Where do you feel the fear in your body?

What sensations do you feel when you are experiencing fear?

How do you react to the sensations?

When do the sensations stop?

Answering these questions is a great way to really dive into your fear and make strides towards conquering them.

Power Move 16: Make a Plan

As with most things in life, planning is usually the best way to find success with whatever you are trying to accomplish. This is especially true for conquering fear. As you have gotten familiar with your fears, sometimes the best next step is to create an action plan.

Whether you prefer to write it out by hand or type it into a document on your computer, putting the action plan on paper is the best way to figure out what you can do when the fear begins.

In your action plan, you should include not only what you are afraid of, but also some ideas or methods you can use to help in overcoming the fear. This can include relaxation techniques or any other idea that comes to mind.

The idea is to create the plan with the careful intention that you can actually put it into action shortly after it is written. Keeping the plan in a place where you can see it daily is another way to ensure you are following through.

Power Move 17: One Tiny Step at a Time

For many people, it is vital to keep in mind that overcoming your fear is not something that can do overnight. The fear, in most cases, did not develop quickly, but over time. You cannot expect that a phobia that is causing so much distress could be conquered fast.

Taking one tiny step at a time is the best way to make sure you are moving towards ridding yourself of the fear for good and not just a temporary reprieve. Since this also applies to most things you are trying to accomplish, it makes sense that it would also apply to fears.

Think about people who are trying to lose weight and make healthier choices. This is not something that happens instantly. They have to make conscious decisions about what they eat and the movement they incorporate into their lifestyle.

The same is true for overcoming fears. Someone who has always been afraid of the dark, in most cases, is not going to suddenly decide they can hang out in a dark closet for a set amount of time without feeling some of the anxiety.

Power Move 18: Find a Support System

Seeking out a person or group of people that can become your support system is another way to help conquer your fears. This is because when you surround yourself with people who can relate to you and can give you positive reinforcement, you will have more success.

Those who surround themselves with positive people that they feel comfortable with can make all the difference when you are trying to move past feelings of fear. Having someone behind you can provide you with a safe space you need to put the things you are afraid of into words.

Power Move 19: Let the Guilt and Shame Go

Guilt and shame are real and valid feelings people often experience when they have a fear that cripples their life. This can often result in the original fear becoming compounded by new fears that further weigh you down.

There are fears that some people experience that they feel shameful about. For example, having a fear of social interactions can sometimes make a person feel alienated from those they care about. The shame comes in when they are ashamed that they cannot join their family or friends for special gatherings.

The guilt of not being able to do the things that cause you anxiety can interfere greatly with relationships with others. When trying to overcome your fears, it is important to tell yourself that your feelings are valid and that those who care about you will understand.

Power Move 20: Learn the Importance of Self-Soothing

Anxiety and fear can take a toll on your body both physically and emotionally. This is why it is important to find ways to calm yourself down and get the anxiety under control through various methods.

Relaxation techniques can help you to calm your nerves and slow down your breathing so you can gain back the control you need. Breathing exercises are one of the best ways to help the anxiety you feel when you face one of your fears.

Additionally, incorporating meditation into your routine can help you to stay in control of your thoughts and feelings before they spin out of control. Spending just a few minutes daily before you start your day and throughout the day as needed can give you the tools you need to face your fears.

Another relaxation technique you can use is adding yoga into your daily exercise routine. Yoga acts as a way to deeply stretch your muscles and control your breathing to allow your body to relax and stay calm. It is also a great way to release the tension you may feel when you are afraid.

Power Move 21: Take Care Of Your Health

Leading a healthy lifestyle can reduce the anxious and panicky feelings that are brought on by the phobias you experience. This is because when you are unhealthy those feelings can be heightened. 

When you are healthy and participate in activities that are good for you, you are better equipped to handle anything that may come your way. Being of a clear mind can allow you to think rationally when the fears begin to set in. 

Try incorporating a healthy diet into your daily routine. By simply adding more fruits and vegetables daily you can increase your energy as well as a sense of accomplishment that you have done something good for your body.

Creating a fitness routine is another way to make sure you are taking care of your health. This does not mean you have to go out and join a gym, instead, you can start by simply taking a walk around the neighborhood. Studies have shown that walking for 20 minutes at least three times per week can improve your health.

Power Move 22: Focus On The Positive

Oftentimes when fear sets in, people have the tendency to retreat either inside themselves, feel defeated, or run away. This is due to the fight or flight mentality that lives in everyone. When things get hard or there is fear involved, sometimes it is easier to turn the other way and not deal with it.

Understanding that running away from a challenge does not actually take the problem away, it just postpones the inevitable. You may have gotten away from it this time, but eventually, you will have to face it again. 

With the flight, the decision comes the negativity of believing that you will never overcome the fear and instead deal with it your entire life. This attitude can be detrimental to your progress.

Keeping a positive attitude and surrounding yourself with people who are positive in nature is a great way to help you face your fears. Those people are also great if they are part of your support system and will push you to focus on positive things.

Power Move 23: Find Your Bliss

Unhappy people are typically breeding grounds for fear and anxiety. This is because when you are unhappy, you tend to focus more on negative thoughts and how bad things are. When this happens, fears become more intense and create havoc for your mind.

Happy people on the other hand have the tendency to focus on positive things and therefore create environments that are healthy. This is why people who experience fear and anxiety should find things that make them happy.

It is important to find things that make bring you joy and make a conscious effort to participate in those activities every day. Spending just a few minutes or longer each day on activities that make you smile or laugh can go a long way to keeping you calm in intense situations. 

Power Move 24: Reach Out To A Coach

There are many times when the fear feels so big and overwhelming that handling it yourself can seem impossible. This is when consulting with a mentor or life coach can come in handy. 

Finding someone who is an expert in overcoming fears can, in most cases, be beneficial in many ways. These experts can guide you through steps to conquer stressful situations when they are happening. Oftentimes, these people make themselves available via phone calls or in-person meetings.

Another alternative to finding a life coach would be to find a mentor who is skilled with the exact thing you fear most. If you are lucky enough to find someone who has experience with your fear, spending time with them can help you to see a different perspective.

For example, if you are afraid of flying, you may consult with someone who is a pilot. This could prove beneficial because they can talk to you about how flying makes them feel. From take-off to landing, they will be able to give their opinion on their experience in flight.

Power Move 25: Assert Yourself

Asserting yourself when it comes to overcoming your fear does not mean going out and facing this phobia right away. In most cases, you will not be ready for that quite yet. Instead, this means simply finding ways to go out of your comfort zone daily.

Most of the fears that exist come from something people have never experienced. This is why it may be a good idea to put yourself in new situations on a daily basis. Doing this can help you to feel a sense of freedom and accomplishment.

The feelings that come from challenging yourself often lead to the desire to take more and more chances. When you set yourself up for attempting new things regularly, eventually you get to the point where you will be ready to face your biggest fears.

Asserting yourself can be as simple as creating a bucket list of things you have always wanted to try, but never have. Once you have made your list, keep it somewhere you will see it daily, and as soon as you have done something, mark it off. 

Power Move 26: Let Inspiration Be Your Guide

Finding inspiration in a world filled with so many talented people can be as easy as doing a quick search on the internet. Whether you enjoy reading books, listening to music, looking at beautiful photographs, or listening to brilliant speakers, you will find inspiration somewhere.

Many people read books, either fiction or nonfiction to find inspiration. In many cases, reading a nonfiction book about someone great in history can cause feelings of motivation that can help to motivate you to take action.

In other cases, listening to music can be a great way to not only find inspiration but also to fire you up to take the next step and then the next. This is why many people listen to music while they exercise.

Printing out inspirational quotes and posting them around your house or workplace can oftentimes be a way to not only motivate yourself and others as well. This is another way to bring positive vibes into your world that can help when you sense the fear beginning to take over.

Power Move 27: Start a Gratitude Journal

Shifting your mindset can be as simple as being grateful for the many blessings that you already have in your life. One way to make this a priority is to start a gratitude journal that you incorporate into your daily routine.

Many experts agree that expressing gratitude for the positive things you have accomplished, people who are in your life, and things you have the privilege to own, can go a long way to changing your perspective from negative to positive.

Start by purchasing a journal or even a spiral notebook and writing down just ten things you are grateful for. It is important to ensure you are giving this some thought in the process. This is because, for this to change your mindset, it should be a mindful exercise.

Each day, either at the beginning or end of your day, take about ten minutes to write down the things that you are grateful for from your day. Doing this will allow you to reflect on the more positive things each day.

Power Move 28: Consider Counseling Or Therapy

There are some fears that are more intense than others and, in some cases, cause debilitating reactions from those that experience them. In these situations, it is sometimes helpful to call on a counselor or therapist to help you through.

A counselor or therapist can help show you how to put your fears and phobias into a different viewpoint. They can also help in demonstrating ways for you to take control of your fears so you can live the life you want.

Many mental-health professionals can teach you various ways to help you cope with the emotions that come with conquering your fears. In many cases, they can show you how to relax after a specific situation has occurred.

It is important to keep in mind that counselors and therapists are trained to deal with fear and anxiety in a way that other members of your support system may not be able to. This is why it may be a good idea to find a counselor in your area that specializes in fears and phobias.

Power Move 29: Confide In A Friend

Having a support system is one thing, however, finding a friend that can relate to the exact experiences you go through is something else. Being able to talk to someone who has the same fear or a fear that is at the same level as yours is beneficial in many ways.

Just like when you are starting a new diet or workout plan, having an accountability partner can be helpful to complete the steps you need to take to conquer your fears. This is especially helpful if they are also working to overcome theirs.

You may be pleasantly surprised to find out that more people have fears than you may think. In addition, these fears may be more profound than they would admit in a public setting. This is because there is oftentimes a stigma that goes along with it. 

Joining a support group is as simple as talking to your counselor, friends, or looking at your community chamber of commerce. Through your support group, you are likely to find someone that can relate to your situation.

Power Move 30: Put Yourself Out There!

Before jumping into the deep end of the pool and facing your fear straight away, take a few practice runs. As most athletes will tell you, before they play in their first game, they spend hours and hours practicing.

There is nothing more important than practicing with small steps when you are attempting to face your fear. For example, if you are afraid of public speaking, you might begin with speaking in front of your family and friends before you give a speech to an auditorium full of people.

The important thing to remember is to start small. There is nothing to gain by rushing through the process when there is so much at stake. Your health and peace of mind depend on you conquering this fear in a way that will stand the test of time.

Take some time to brainstorm ways that you can put yourself out there in small ways that will eventually get bigger and one day lead you to overcome the fear altogether.

Power Move 31: Research is Power!

Research, for most things, gives you the power you need to get in front of a situation that you do not fully understand. This has never been more important than when it comes to facing and conquering fears.

There are many fears that have the power of science behind them. The more you know about your fears the better you can face them and put them behind you. Keep in mind that having knowledge about anything gives you the power to fight and conquer.

The internet is rich with reliable resources that can provide you with information about the fear itself as well as what others have done to move on with their lives. Just like having a support system or support group, research can help you become more confident that you can accomplish anything.

You will need to be careful as you research since there is a plethora of information out there on just about any topic you can think of. As you research, pay close attention to resources that are more reliable like those coming from universities or from the mental health professional sites.

Power Move 32: Visualization Technique

Visualization techniques have often been used in helping people to reach their goals by putting their dreams in front of them. The idea of having a vision board has been a hot topic for students and professionals in many industries.

Using visualization can also help when you are trying to conquer your fears. This is because by visualizing yourself facing that fear, you can get one step closer to actually achieving your goal.

For example, if you have a fear of clowns, you might take some time to visualize yourself standing in front of one. As another example, if you have a phobia of spiders, it is possible to see yourself going to the pet store and standing in front of a tarantula enclosure.

Some experts have suggested that you can even take the idea of the vision board and create a poster or board that has all of the things that you are afraid of on it. First of all the act of making it will cause you to have to deal with the fear. Secondly, you will have the opportunity to bring the board out when you are using your practice techniques.

Power Move 33: Celebrate the Small Stuff!

To go along with the plan you created previously, do not forget to take the time to celebrate those small victories. This is important because it provides motivation for you to continue on your journey.

Remember that conquering a fear does not happen instantaneously, so it is vital that you not get discouraged when you have setbacks. Celebrations are a great way to keep yourself from getting too discouraged along the way.

The celebrations should be planned out in such a way that they are a part of the step-by-step plan that you created. This plan should be displayed in a place you will see it on a daily basis so that you can not only see your next steps, but also you can see when you get to a reward.

Just as important as celebrating the small successes, you will need to make sure that you are also celebrating the larger steps as well. Plan those out on your chart so that you will know when you are about to take some monumental steps towards overcoming your fear.

Power Move 34: Change Up Your Routine

For many people, having the same routine day after day can be a comforting and familiar way to live their life. Repeating the same steps is also a way for them to avoid doing anything different that might result in something they fear.

Whether it is the same routine in the mornings, driving to work in the same direction, or anything else that is constantly done, people tend to get stuck in ruts that control their lives. For most people, this is okay, for others this can be a way of avoiding a fear they may have.

For example, if someone has a fear of being late, they may rely on that routine to ensure that they are on time everywhere they go. For them, this behavior is perfectly rational, and sticking with the routine makes sense.

No matter what your fear is, it may be good to step out of your comfort zone and try changing up your routine. This is especially true when it comes to doing something you wouldn’t normally do because it may land you in a situation where you would have to face your fears.

Power Move 35: Face Your Fear

Another way to conquer fear is to face it dead on no matter what the consequence may turn out to be. While this method may work for some, it may not work for everyone, which is why you should only use this method if you are absolutely certain you can handle it.

When it comes to facing your fear, it all boils down to your level of commitment in really moving forward with your life. If you are capable, sometimes the best method is to dive in without a plan and see what happens.

For example, if you have a fear of elevators, facing it may mean that you go somewhere that has an elevator and just get in it. Doing this could mean the end of your fear altogether, or a meltdown in the making. 

It is important to keep in mind that choosing this method is risky, depending on the level of anxiety you have about the thing you fear. If you do choose this method, you may want your accountability partner or someone from your support system to tag along with you.

Power Move 36: Self-Acceptance

The key to all of this is that you have to accept yourself for who you are regardless of your flaws or fears. If overcoming your fear is not something you are ready for, then you absolutely do not have to go there.

If you choose to go through the process of conquering your fears, you should remember that setbacks are a normal part of growth. Mistakes are how we learn and grow and if you mess up as you are trying to move past your phobia, understand that it is okay.

As much as the fear has a grip on you and as much as it may be disrupting your everyday life, you still must accept yourself and know that you are not alone. There are many people, in fact, most people are afraid of something. Some just show it more than others.

It may be a good idea for you to adopt a mantra that you say to yourself every morning in the mirror. Whether that mantra has anything to do with conquering your fears or not, it should be about you and what you choose to do.

Power Move 37: Be Brave And Just Go For It!

Sometimes empowerment is the key to accomplishing what we set out to do. In the case of conquering fears, nothing could be farther from the truth. In some cases, the thought of doing what scares you more than the action.

In some schools of thought, experts believe that just going out there and just doing the thing is the best way to overcome fear. For others, this can seem like its own brand of torture. Whatever you decide, you should be confident.

Many believe that taking tiny steps towards the goal of conquering fear just builds up the anticipation that scares people unnecessarily. For some, this may be true, for others, not so much. If you are a brave type of person, then you may just want to jump and just go for it!

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, understand that fear can be this overwhelming obstacle that seems to control many people’s lives. Trying to find ways to overcome fear is something people work towards in many different ways. 

Whether you walk step by step through this guide or decide to pick and choose from the list, you can be well on your way to conquering the fear that binds you. And before you know it, you will have conquered some of your biggest fears and be well on your way to a life filled with abundant happiness and success.