Develop Fierce and Fearless Attitude
About Lesson

We have reached yet another place in our discussion where a moment of self-reflection must take place. Hopefully, you have received and absorbed all of the necessary info to form a strong mental image of practicing fierce and fearless in your everyday life. Now, think about the aspects of your life, your tendencies, social dynamics, any variable that might be holding you back from exuding these qualities.

What is Getting In Your Way of Living Life With This Mindset?

For most individuals, it is pretty easy to create a long list of reasons why being fierce and fearless seems to be out of reach. In your own life, allow yourself to honestly assess any personal issues that are getting in the way. 

  1. Do you struggle with low self-esteem?
  2. Are your thoughts and mental self-talk constantly filling your head with doubt?
  3. Do your limiting beliefs keep chained?
  4. Do you feel undeserving?
  5. Do you feel incapable?
  6. Does listening to nay-sayers keep you stagnanat?
  7. Are you stuck in your comfort zone?
  8. Do you not realize your own potential?

Should this be the case, you are far from alone. Understand that the fact that you sought out this type of discussion speaks volumes on your potential and ability to defeat this mindset. You are already equipped with everything you need to start living a life that exemplifies both of the qualities we are outlining.


Realize that any positive change in your life starts with a tiny, seemingly insignificant change taking place in your mind. For this change to take place, the respect and support with which you talk to yourself must be the catalyst.


Our internal conversations that we engage in make up the vast majority of the dialogue in our lives. We talk to ourselves more often than we do with the people we are closest with. Since that is the case, it is crucial that you make sure these conversations are uplifting and motivational. 


Maybe the people in your everyday life pose a serious threat to your ability to become fierce and fearless. Do the individuals that you surround yourself with motivate you and lift you up? How do you perceive that these people would feel about your decision to make this change? These are very relevant questions to ask yourself. 


You have probably heard about how all of us are basically the net result of the people we surround ourselves with. This idea is particularly true as it relates to this topic. 


This is why being selective with the people you allow to occupy your time and company is essential. No, you are not able to handpick the family that you were born into. However, even if your own family members constantly leave you feeling defeated and incapable, understand that it is always within your power to disregard their opinions and doubt. Even though it is a shameful thing for family to make their own feel this way, it is also your mistake if you allow them to. 


When it comes to the people in your life that you do get to choose, this is even more so. If your friends, coworkers, or romantic partners are constantly tearing you down and filling your mind with defeat, it is time to do some editing of your social dynamic. 


Instilling and maintaining a sense of high motivation, fearless and fierce in your life simply is not going to happen if you voluntarily allow people into your life who do nothing but hinder the process. 


The next roadblock that may very well be keeping you from developing this mindset is a false sense of security. For most people, even a life that is far from motivated and ambitious still provides a certain degree of comfort. 


You may have fallen into this scenario without even realizing it. Is it possible that you, like so many other people, are able to fully comprehend that the life you have created for yourself is far from your ideal picture of success but the notion of risking the stability and comfort that it affords makes it seemingly impossible to risk greater things? 


It has long been said that good is the enemy of great. When you reach the point in your life, in whatever area of life this may be, where you feel like things are good enough, it can be very easy to settle into this place. 


Sure, you know that your job doesn’t excite you or leave you feeling fulfilled but at least you’re bringing in a paycheck and keeping the lights on, right? Of course you could be in better physical shape but hey, you don’t mind the way you look and feel and your health is pretty solid, so is it really worth the effort to improve your body with all that exercise and healthy eating? 


These examples and many, many others are abundant in the lives of a high percentage of the population. In your own life, your natural inclination will tend to lean into what is safe, predictable, and comfortable. 


Most of the time, laying it all on the line and deciding that adequate is simply not enough anymore and striving for greatness just isn’t worth the costs to most people. This goes back to the importance of passion that we highlighted earlier. The truth is, there will often be times when it’s actually not worth all of your effort and willpower. 


Certain situations that you encounter, particularly those that do not resonate with your passions and goals, won’t warrant a fierce and fearless pursuit. However, it is important to realize that this reasoning does not apply to your life as a whole. 


When it comes to the things that do set your soul on fire, you absolutely must avoid being restricted from pursuing them by the chains that are disguised as a comfort zone. 


Before you can begin to live fearlessly and fiercely, it is crucial that you take the time to truly evaluate your own life and unique set of circumstances to identify what is keeping you from doing so. 


The examples listed above are among the most likely culprits, not the only suspects. It can be hard to judge ourselves in an unbiased light, it’s not a comfortable thing to do. We are great at creating certain narratives and stories in our heads as a means to justify anything we choose to do or not do.