Manifesting 101
About Lesson

Many people have some false beliefs about manifestation that can interfere with their ability to realize their goals and manifest their dreams. This section outlines the most common of these myths and helps to illustrate how disavowing these beliefs can help transform your experience and enable you to accomplish what you set your mind to in life.

Myth 1: It’s Just Positive Thinking

A low of people think that, if you just believe a positive thought that it will automatically happen, it will simply manifest because you want it to. 

While optimism and positive thinking are certainly part of the manifestation process, it also requires attention and focus, concerted effort to transform your limiting beliefs, keen attention to your goals, and other psychological processes that go beyond just “thinking positively.” As you will see in the other lessons, learning to manifest your dreams extends beyond your ability to be positive. Being positive is just the tip of the iceberg, reality manifestation is a whole discipline in itself. 

Myth 2: It is Just About Setting Intention

Again, intention IS a part of manifestation, but it does not accomplish the whole job. Your intentions help you to clarify what you want and to focus your energies. But, to achieve anything substantive, you must also put action toward your dreams and be willing to work to take advantage of the possibilities and opportunities that come your way.

You will have more energy around things that you attend to and that are important to you, but it is what you do with that energy that will help take your dream from something in your mind to a concrete reality.

Myth 3: It always Results in Positive Outcomes

Without even realizing it, you have manifested many things in your life, including some that are not so pleasant. You can manifest negative outcomes just as easily as positive ones, depending on your mindset, outlook, beliefs and your subconscious programming. You can manifest hate, deprivation, and anger if those are the energies and ideas you put out into the world just as easily as you can manifest the positive outcomes you desire.

Myth 4: It Removes Free Will

Some people choose to look at manifestation as a way to let the universe “decide” for you aboutwhat is right or what you deserve. You should just sit around and wait for life to decide what’sright for you. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, manifestation is the act of taking control of your life, of exercising your free will to create the experience that you want. Manifesting involves active creation of goals, sustained effort on your part to see possibilities and realize opportunities and selecting the best path for you each time you are given options.

Myth 5: It is Easy

Just like anything that is promised to be a quick fix or a simple solution to a complex problem, those that believe manifestation is simple will be sorely disappointed. The process of manifestation involves careful considering of your beliefs and values, an examination of your emotions and how they influence you, confrontation of old, limiting beliefs, and other challenges that may be difficult.

Growth is a process that takes time and will come with its share of obstacles, so expecting it to be light, easy, and carefree is setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

“Mantra can be defined as the science of vibration in mind, matter, energy, and consciousness to bring beauty into the manifestation.”

Amit Ray, Mantra Design Fundamentals