The Limit Free Life - Who else wants to shatter the biggest obstacles holding them back from abundant success and happiness?
Dr. Steve G. Jones Presents: "Limit-Free Life". Discover How This “New Groundbreaking Hypnotherapy” Is Helping People All Over The World REMOVE BARRIERS To Success While Opening The Doors To An Abundant Future!
*(60% discount One-Time-Offer Only - Don’t Miss It!)

Unlock Your Full Potential And Reprogram Your Mind For A Limit-Free Life
Listen to these self-hypnosis tracks to re-wire your mindset for growth, resilience and abundant happiness...

How I Leveraged The Power of My Mind To Break Through Life's Biggest Obstacles
“It is very true, that the way you think creates the reality for yourself." - Oprah Winfrey
Not too long ago, I hit a wall in my life.
I was close to losing my hypnotherapy clinic AND going bankrupt - PLUS my marriage and other relationships were falling apart.
I was NOT in a good place, emotionally, mentally and physically.
And the frustrating thing was that there seemed to be a barrier getting in the way of a better life.
I threw everything at this wall, but I couldn't even make a dent. My circumstances LIMITED my growth, happiness, and success.
If you've ever felt like this before, then you know the resentment that comes with being in a seemingly hopeless situation.
So how I did pull myself from the brink of utter and complete failure...
...take back my happiness and success...
...and go from being practically homeless to making seven figures in less than a year?
Well, I had to overcome a lot of limiting habits and beliefs that sabotaged me every step of the way.
....into an empowered one that knew NO LIMITS....
...then nothing could hold me back.
The 3 Biggest Limiting Beliefs That Sabotaged My Happiness And Success
- 1" I am not rich/smart/talented/charming/cool enough."
Insecurity can strike anyone - especially the wealthiest and most successful people. Take my clients, for instance, who happen to be CEOs, celebrities, athletes and the like.
You'd think they have it made, but deep inside, they struggle with limiting beliefs just like everyone else!
This was certainly the case for ME before my mindset breakthrough. But I learned the hard way that comparing yourself to others is the quickest way to destroy your confidence and chances for success. - 2"I can't be happy until _____."
One of the other toxic beliefs I had was that I didn't deserve to be happy unless I accomplished all of my goals. Ironically, that mindset only made it HARDER to make those things happen.
This is a common mental roadblock for a lot of people, and it really comes from a lack of ACCEPTANCE. When someone can't accept their situation, it robs them of their power to change it. - 3"It's too late for me....I should be ____ by now."
Again, I struggled to accept my circumstances. I was TRAPPED in a self-defeating, "should have" kind of mindset.
But this realization helped me break free: a lot of millionaires don't make it big until they hit their mid-40s, 50s, or even beyond that!
And some folks are healthier and happier in their 60s compared to when they were younger!
So here are a couple of things I began telling myself on repeat and made them my mantra:
"It's NEVER too late to create positive changes that will impact my life."
"Today is the BEST day to design my dream life and take ACTION!"
2 Powerful Limit-breaking beliefs that changed my life:
"Dreaming BIG takes just as much energy as dreaming small
If a person who lived thousands of years ago imagined taking on a lion singlehandedly and taking it back to their village... would have been a dangerous dream to have.
That person's brain would have immediately shut down that crazy dream because they know it would end badly.
So, people living today have inherited that same survival instinct. But here's the thing - most of our dreams today won't result in physical harm.
It seems obvious when I point it out like that, but many of us have that subconscious urge to snuff out their dreams because of that fear.
So if you had to choose between dreaming about being financially independent for life...
...and dreaming about getting a small raise at work...
...then it only makes sense to aim higher.
The worst that could happen is for that dream NOT to come true. The only way to make amazing things happen in your life is to dream them first.

I don't have to see the whole path before I can walk it.
Life is all about learning new things. When we were little, we had to crawl before we could walk, and we had to walk before we could run.
We don't always know what's ahead of us, but we take that first step forward and make mistakes along the way.
So if you want to achieve financial independence, have a stellar career, live a fulfilling life, find the right partner, or anything else worthwhile... don't need to know ALL the variables, factors or the next hundred steps BEFORE taking the first one.
It's more important to set things in motion first so that you can keep building on that momentum. Doing the little things matter even if you don't see the whole picture yet.
We can keep trying and learning from our mistakes - ONLY then will the path become clear.

My Amazing "Mindset Breakthrough" That Stopped Worrying in its Tracks
Most people underestimate the power to transform their mindset and UPGRADE their lives.
However, I discovered a way to quickly absorb life-changing beliefs and habits.
This was the key to living a life FREE of worry...
...not to mention having more success, happiness and a sense of purpose!
It starts by accessing the hidden pathway to the subconscious mind and infusing it with crucial thought patterns.
And in just minutes a day, anyone can practically give themselves a new brain.
Imagine what it's like to have a mind free of harmful, toxic beliefs...
What would life be like then? What amazing things could you accomplish if nothing was holding you back?
This is why I created "Limit-Free Life" - I wanted to share the same radical transformation I experienced within.
After I learned how to remove my limiting mindset, I could finally get my life back on track AND skyrocket my business to million-dollar-a-year levels!
Not only that, it helped me become a well-known hypnotherapist who's appeared on ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS and even Bravo TV’s ‘Millionaire Matchmaker.’
What other's have to say:

Kevin Harrington, the original shark from Shark Tank
“I only work with the best and Dr. Steve G. Jones is without a doubt the best in his field.”

Tom Mankiewicz - Writer of Superman the Movie.
“If you want to make a positive change in your life, Steve G. Jones can make the difference. He did with me.”

Kristen Howe - TV personality & brain expert
“I started listening to your audios and progressed from not being able to get a job anywhere to getting the exact job I wanted, went straight to the top and acquired much of what was on my vision board. "
3 Reasons To Get "Limit-Free Life" Right Now
This special offer is available at an incredible 60% discount for a LIMITED time - I highly recommend you download it before it goes back to the FULL price.
Listening to "Limt-Free Life" is a quick and effective way to create positive thought habits. These are POWERFUL "Negative Thought Disruptors" that make a HUGE difference in a person's life!
Stress can build up quickly, and it's important to have a safety valve to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Listening to this track is a quick way to untangle the mind and feel relaxed for just minutes a day. Lower stress levels mean better sleep, stronger immunity, and a brighter outlook on life!
It's Time To Overcome Obstacles to Limitless Success

Copyright Dream Life Tracks 2020