12 Truths To Empower You When You're Feeling Lonely



You are not alone

Loneliness is a universal experience and part of being human. 33% of adults surveyed in 29 countries experienced loneliness. 40 million Americans experience loneliness every year.


You can take action and regain control.

You have the power to make changes and be proactive to alleviate your loneliness.


Someone always cares.

You are cared for. Your friends care. Your family cares. Support groups care. Therapists care. You can get support, all you have to do is reach out.


You deserve to be connected to others.

There is strength in relationships. You deserve to tap into that strength.


There is a lot of power in self expression

Talk about your feeling with others. Express your loneliness. Expression takes the power away from loneliness and returns it to you.


You deserve joy, happiness and serenity.

Repeat that to yourself and do it often. There is empowerment in this statement.


Being alone does not automatically make you lonely.

Embrace your alone time. Take advantage of the quite to reconnect with yourself, your needs and your desires. Relish your time with yourself.


Your uniqueness is special

Be who you are. Love who you are unconditionally. Embrace your unique self, always and forever.


You are in charge of your own happiness.

Tap into positive energy. Be around positive people. Know you can be happy if you just say yes.


Loneliness is just a feeling.

Feelings pass. Feelings have no power over you. Feelings cannot destroy you. Feelings are like ships that pass in the night.


You are too amazing and special to not share yourself with others.

Give others the gift of you and make those deep connections that will benefit you and others.


I deserve love, patience and kindness.

I can give myself love, patience and kindness. I deserve to ask for it from others.