Life is a series of lessons, if your eyes are open, the rewards are great as you can learn these lessons and use them to greatly improve your life and yourself.
101 Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn
1. Learning to persevere will help you in all aspects of your life. Learning how to get back up after a stumble or try again after a failure will help you in immeasurable ways throughout your life. Learning perseverance can help you achieve all your dreams.
2. Never stop learning. Your entire journey through life is one long learning experience. The minute you are sure you have it all figured out, life will teach you a new lesson. When you cultivate a stance of continued learning, rather than telling yourself you have nothing new to learn, you see each experience as one that can enhance your journey.
3. Investing in your health and wellness will always be worth it. No one gets to old age and wishes they had treated their body worse. Eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise and sleep, and focusing on your general wellness should always be a priority, no matter what else is happening in your life.
4. It’s not always about you. While you are undoubtedly aware of everything that is happening in your own life, others do not have the same investment in your priorities, and likewise, you do not understand their struggles and needs. Remembering to keep your perspective in check and spend time thinking about others is an essential life skill that will help you understand others as well as develop empathy.
5. The journey means more than the destination. While it is essential to have goals in life, it is what you learn along the path to achieving those that make the most difference. If your journey is so arduous that you cannot enjoy it, if you sacrifice so much to accomplish a dream that you forget why it was important, your priorities are
6. Your relationships with others matter. The people in your life will be the ones to stand beside you during rough times, support you when you achieve your goals, and make every day part of the adventure. Your family and friends should be prominent in your life because, without others with whom to share it, life is pretty dull.
7. Hard work doesn’t guarantee success, but it makes progress more achievable. When you work hard, you are sure to learn a great deal, and you will develop knowledge, skills, and a mindset that will help you in all aspects of your life. Also, you will learn to take advantage of opportunities when they are presented. While you cannot always be guaranteed to get what you want, you’ll likely never get anything you don’t work hard to achieve.
8. Your time is limited. Spend it wisely. Instead of trying to do several things at once, focus on doing one thing well. Instead of spreading yourself thin with wants and ideas, focus on one thing you can make happen in your life.
9. Everyday habits matter. When you decide to do something new, you have to make it a habit if you want it to become a permanent part of your life. Each small habit you cultivate, and practice makes you a different person. Practice the habits that will help you achieve all your dreams in life.
10. Anger is nearly always based on fear. Understanding what drives your fear can help you release anger from your life. Acknowledging your fears allows you to deal with them and move forward, leaving them behind.
11. Learn to control your emotions, which takes practice. If you want to learn to be more self-aware, use more humor, or have less conflict in your life, these are acquired skills, just like playing soccer or the piano. If you want to get better at them, you have to practice. Make yourself aware of your feelings, set goals for how you want to handle yourself, and practice on this regularly.
12. Helping others helps you. When you open up your life and give back to others, not only will they enjoy the benefits but so will you. Helping others gives your life needed purpose, can boost your self-confidence, and allows you to feel necessary in the world.
13. Goals are important. Without goals, your life isn’t being directed by you but by circumstances and other’s needs. Establishing goals for all the various aspects of your life helps you plan and move forward in ways that are aligned with your values and help you achieve your dreams. Knowing how to set goals and make an action plan is an essential life skill you should learn early.
14. Acceptance is necessary, too. Hard work is not always going to deliver what you want. Not every expectation in life will become a reality and learning to accept that and move on is critical for your long-term happiness. Whether you have setbacks or just change your mind, learning to accept that life’s plans do not always work out will help you enjoy all of life’s experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.
15. Don’t wait until the “right” moment. If you are always living for the future, always waiting for the perfect opportunity to begin taking steps toward your happiness, you are likely to wake up one day and realize just how much of your life you have missed. Start right now. Start today. Do something that makes you happy each day and take advantage of every moment you are given.
16. Become a regular reader. Reading exposes you to new ideas, helpful knowledge, and deep emotion. Reading every day expands your mind and helps you learn to communicate more efficiently with others, too. Even just 20 minutes a day can make a significant difference.
17. Be present in your life. When you are spending time with people, particularly those you love, be fully present for them. This requires active listening, no multi-tasking, and complete attention. Being present for yourself is also equally important. Recognizing your own emotions and needs requires attention to yourself, which you have to work toward actively.
18. Be optimistic for the long-term. While minor (or significant) setbacks may derail your efforts from time to time, having an optimistic view of the future will serve you well in all areas of your life. Learning resilience requires that you maintain a positive focus on what lies ahead and your ability to achieve your dreams.
19. Communication is key. Learning how to communicate your thoughts, needs, and knowledge to others is extremely powerful. This includes learning to speak and write well. Reading really helps with this, too, by the way. Learning how to express yourself will help you form better relationships, achieve your professional goals, and share your life with others more fully.
20. Always admit your mistakes. When you are able to accept when you are wrong, it presents an opportunity to learn something about yourself, and it shows others you have integrity. Admitting your mistakes can be difficult but is vital for your self-growth and improvement.
21. Hold yourself accountable. Every day, make a list of your goals for the day. Write it down. The act of making a list makes you aware of what you want and need. It also creates motivation for achieving those goals and holds you accountable for doing what needs to be done.
22. Learn from mentors. Whether you have a face-to-face mentor or choose to learn from online sources or books, if you want to improve your knowledge or skills, learning from a more knowledgeable other is a great resource. Mentors can help you enhance yourself in many ways, including providing you with valuable guidance and leadership to achieve your goals. Find someone with experience and learn from them.
23. Get clear on your values. Knowing who you are and what you believe is essential for guiding all the decisions in your life. Dedicate time to understanding your values and aligning your actions with those beliefs. Without a clear guide, you may find yourself unhappy when you aren’t doing what’s best for yourself.
24. Be transparent, at least with yourself. Be sure you are honest with yourself about your motivations. This will help you keep what’s essential close and let go of what doesn’t matter. It’s okay to admit you want the expensive outfit because it makes you feel special but be sure you understand that is your motivation. Otherwise, your actions may be in conflict with your values, which can lead to real unhappiness in life.
25. Focus on your energy, not your time. You probably already have a good sense of when you are most productive during the day. Once you have identified your window of optimal energy, focus on using that time to be your most useful and productive. Schedule your most important work during that window. It’s often short, just a few hours, so leverage it well.
26. Get active and stay active. Developing a habit of regular, moderate to strenuous exercise will help you in so many areas of your life, including your health and mental well-being. Exercise has rewards beyond physical fitness that cannot be ignored and emphasizing this critical task each day is essential for long- term happiness and goal achievement.
27. Change is a choice that is always possible. Regardless of the excuses you make to yourself, you always have the option to
choose between change and your present state. It’s never too late. You have to make a choice, as no one else can make it for you. Take personal responsibility and decide you are worth the effort, then start moving forward to enact the change you need to be happy.
28. Practice gratitude regularly. Writing down or saying aloud the things for which you are grateful is essential for maintaining optimism and a positive outlook. Acknowledging what is good and right in your life helps you build on your strengths and achieve new goals as well as offers you peace and acceptance. Be grateful and do it each day.
29. No matter how hard you try, you cannot control how others feel about or react to you. If you are someone who is bothered when others don’t like them, this can be hard to accept. But, others’ reactions and feelings are about them, not about you, and learning to accept that is vital.
It’s okay that not everyone gets along or likes one another. That’s not realistic anyway. Letting others’ opinions or emotions define you can be draining and unhelpful.
30. Experiences matter. If you have a choice between material objects and positive experiences, always choose the adventure. The memories created doing something pleasurable and positive will stay with you long after your material possessions, and experiences are what connect you to others in life. Focus on giving time with one another rather than objects with less meaning.
31. Be mindful of your purchases. Possessions have a way of owning you over time if you are not careful. Everything you own must be cared for, maintained, and worried over. With less stuff, you gain more freedom, so consider each purchase to determine if it’s genuinely needed.
32. Take care of your relationships. Whether it is family or friends, relationships need tending and attention. Neglecting these can be a profound regret in your life, and mending fences in strained relations can heal deep wounds that are affecting your life.
33. Have fun regularly. Enjoying your life is the key to long-term happiness, so don’t be afraid to have some fun. If things don’t need to be serious, don’t make them so. Let go of what you cannot control, and just enjoy life.
34. Learn to appreciate failure. Failure is first and foremost only possible when you try. Secondly, failure is simply feedback. It tells you valuable information that can inform your future choices and actions. Don’t look at failure as a bad thing but instead as an opportunity to try again.
35. Forward momentum creates motivation. Whether you are ready or not, start moving forward. You can gain more tools and strategies along the way but taking action can often create more motivation and additional action with it. Do something, and it will spur you to do more things.
36. Do the most important or difficult thing first. When you have a lot on your plate or have a big project to tackle, always do what’s most important or challenging first. You are more likely to have the motivation or focus to accomplish this more quickly than if you wait until you are tired or distracted. Getting important things off your to-do list early in the day also relieves pressure and creates additional motivation for less demanding tasks.
37. The only way out is through. Sometimes we resist a hard situation because we know it is going to create turmoil or trouble in our lives. But, resisting or procrastinating often just causes anxiety and frustration. Diving into the situation and getting it over with is usually the more accessible path, and when you come out the other side, you can put it all behind you.
38. Learning to be proactive means you are in charge of your life. When you create, rather than react, to life’s opportunities and circumstances, you are empowered to have the life you choose. Reaction limits your opportunities, whereas creation and being proactive leaves you in charge.
39. No matter your age, you can always try. Using age or other circumstances as an excuse relinquishes the power you have to control your life.
40. Having confidence in yourself, your beliefs, and your dreams will take you far in life. Successful people are those who are confident in their abilities. Find something every day that makes you proud of yourself and celebrate it to acknowledge your confidence.
41. Being open to all the possibilities and ideas of life can help you grow in ways you never expected. While having convictions is good, being too attached to those can also close you off from experiencing new ways of thinking. Keep an open mind, and you may be surprised what you learn.
42. Be sure to maintain perspective in life. Often, we expend a lot of energy worrying or focusing on things that mean very little in the grand scheme of life. Remember that others may be experiencing things very differently from you, as well.
43. Accomplishing your goals in life is not just going to happen because you want it. It’s something you have to work on and for which you can work. Doing the work is as important as having the vision, so don’t simply wait around for good things to happen.
44. Words are powerful, and when you use them, they have consequences. Use your words to promote positivity, to build people up, and to share your thoughts and ideas. Once words are spoken, they cannot be unheard, so be sure you use your words wisely in life.
45. There are no guarantees in life, so be sure you appreciate what you have when you have it. Health, loved ones, money, and friends are all fleeting in the big picture, so be sure you appreciate and enjoy all you have each day.
46. Being kind is easy but means a lot. The enormous impact of kindness on others is immeasurable, and your simple kindness could mean all the difference to someone in pain or need. It takes just as much energy to be nice as it does to be rude, so choose wisely.
47. Your priorities are not the same as others. You are your number one priority and advocate, and the same is true for everyone else. That means you are in charge of making your own dreams a reality, just as others are focused on their own. You cannot put others before yourself, and others should not be expected to do that for you, either.
48. Most of what you worry about or fear will never actually happen. If the bad things you are concerned about do occur, it’s rare that things are as bad as you imagined. Spending time on fear is a waste of energy, and focusing on other parts of your life, and the right things you are doing is a better use of your time.
49. When you are happy, work is easier and more productive. Laughter and joy should be a part of your job if you want to be genuinely productive and accomplish your goals. Fun should be a part of all aspects of your life, not just your leisure hours, and making work enjoyable should be a priority.
50. Like fear, anger is usually a waste of time. Lasting anger can lead to significant problems in your life, including how others react to you. Anger causes stress and unhappiness. Learning how to communicate your feelings to others in healthy, non-angry ways can help you enjoy life more and allow others to feel comfortable with you.
51. Courage means you are willing to take action, even when you are afraid. While getting rid of all your fear may be impossible, pushing through your fear and moving forward is possible. Even when you stumble or fail, at least you’ll know you did it by choice and were in charge of how things unfolded.
52. Family is important. Whether it is the family you were born with or those you choose throughout your life, family will always be there to support and encourage you. Never take the time you have with them for granted, because we can never be sure of what tomorrow may bring.
53. Age is a state of mind. No matter how many candles are on your cake this year, you choose to be as young or as old as you want. Age does not determine your ability (or inability) to do anything in life, so rejoice that that you have another year to enjoy this planet, and act as old as you feel.
54. It’s okay to be vulnerable, especially with people you love. Allowing others to see the real you helps them connect with you on a deeper level. Strengthen your relationships by opening up to others.
55. Be sure you place yourself first. It is good to help others and to serve those less fortunate, but always be sure you are not sacrificing your own needs for those of others. It will lead to resentment and a loss of your own dreams. Give to others based on conscious choice, not sacrifice for their benefit.
56. Listen to your intuition. While your judgment is essential and grounded in facts and data, your intuition will tell you if you are on the right path. That subconscious voice can help you make a difficult choice and will keep you safe.
57. Be honest, especially with yourself. When you lie to yourself, you are not benefiting your life in any way. Even when the truth hurts, it is better to be honest with yourself. Authenticity requires you to be truthful with the one person that matters most, which is you.
58. Perfection is unachievable. Striving to be perfect can only lead to pain and trouble for you, but accepting your imperfections connects you to others in ways that make us all human. Let go of perfection, and you will be happier.
59. Be a part of something important. With you connect with something bigger than you, you can find joy and purpose. Be a part of something that makes you proud and helps you feel worthy.
60. Don’t live with pain. Whatever the cause of your emotional damage, work hard to heal these wounds. Living with past or present pain causes suffering that doesn’t need to happen. If you need help healing these wounds, talk with a professional, but work to overcome these for your long-term emotional health.
61. Live each day. Every day of your life is precious and a gift. If you knew you only had two months to live or two days, what would you do differently? Live each to its fullest, and you will have spent a lifetime being happy.
62. Keep it simple. Life is already complicated enough. Don’t make it more so with unnecessary obligations or complications. Simple provides you with space and opportunity to enjoy life to its fullest.
63. Grudges are never good. Forgiveness is the only way to really move forward and holding on to a grudge means you have not accepted past injuries. Forgive and let go.
64. Lower your stress with gratitude. When you are worried or stressed, think of the things in your life for which you are grateful. Consider all your many bounties instead of worrying about things you cannot control.
65. Failure is your friend. Learning to appreciate and even embrace failure means you are taking risks, attempting to get something you want, and learning along the way. Embracing failure can help you achieve your goals more quickly when you learn from each attempt.
66. Happiness is a choice. Choosing to be happy, grateful, and content each moment means you are choosing happiness over regret.
67. Finding your passion opens up a whole new world. Every day feels exciting and unique when you are doing something you love with all your heart. Passion has a way of infecting all aspects of your life, so find what makes you passionate.
68. Know that nothing lasts forever. Pain will not continue eternally, and time will heal your wounds. Every day will bring you closer to healing. It will pass, and you will be able to move on and be happy.
69. Travel helps you develop new perspectives. When you travel, you experience people, culture, customs, and lifestyles very different from your own. Travel can expand your horizons and help you appreciate your life even more.
70. Accept that you are not always right. While you may often feel that you are the only one who knows what is best for you, others are often in a position to see things differently. Be open to others’ perspectives and opinions, as they may be able to see things you can’t because you are so close to the situation.
71. The small victories and achievements are what’s important. Paying attention to the little moments in life that bring you joy and peace adds up to a lifetime of happy moments. While the significant victories may feel great at the time, it’s the small things that end up making a life that matters.
72. No matter what, you cannot stop time. We each get older every day, and there is no stopping that inevitable truth. Remember that you are as old as you want to be, and each day is an opportunity. Beyond that, age is irrelevant, so get out there and start living.
73. Be open to new experiences. There is so much you can learn in life when you say yes to experiences and opportunities. Learn a new skill, take a course, challenge yourself. Keeping your mind engaged will help you well into your senior years, and learning keeps your options and perspectives open.
74. Worry won’t solve any problems. Instead of wasting time and energy worrying, focus on solutions and action. Most of what we worry about never becomes a reality anyway, so skip the worry and create less stress in your life altogether.
75. Only you can decide what is meaningful. You determine what makes life worth living, and from there, you can create the life you want. Without a personal definition of meaning, your life may feel aimless.
76. Risks are good for you. Learning to tolerate some uncertainty in life makes you more willing to take risks, which can help you grow. Not all chances are created equal, but when you take thoughtful, calculated ones, you can create positive change.
77. Take responsibility. No one else is in charge of your happiness or is responsible for your mistakes. Own every aspect of your life, including the good and the bad. Abdicating that responsibility to others will give you a life you don’t want, leaving you resentful and unfulfilled.
78. Goals and an action plan will take you far. Having goals and dreams in life is great. Without an action plan, though, you will likely never attain what you want. You have to create a system that will help you achieve your goals, and then work that system every day to achieve what you desire.
79. Your mindset can take you far or hold you back. Whether or not you believe you can do something, you are correct, as the saying goes. Your mindset has the power to help you achieve your dreams or prevent you from ever attaining them. When you learn to control your mindset and outlook, you learn to manage your life.
80. You don’t have to believe your own mind. When you have negative thoughts, you don’t have to let them become a reality. You don’t have to accept the limiting ideas you sometimes conjure up. You control which thoughts have power over your life.
81. You can only control yourself, no one else. When you learn to accept others’ differences, ideas, and perspectives, you see how rich and interesting life can be. Stop trying to control what others do or how they think, and you’ll soon realize just how diverse life is.
82. Learn your stress triggers and how to manage your stress. Each of us finds different things in life stressful. Learning what raises your stress, as well as ways to manage stress on your own, will help you create the life you want and gain lasting peace, no matter the circumstances.
83. If you want something, you can achieve it. When you find a passion or interest in life, you will work hard to learn it and become good at it. Utilize your talents to become whatever you want in life. Nothing is limiting you except your own desires and actions.
84. Show up for people. When someone you care about needs help, be dependable and lend a hand. When you show up for others, they will not hesitate to show up for you when you need assistance, too.
85. You can handle a lot more than you give yourself credit for. Your strength and resilience run deeper than you know and knowing you will be able to survive and thrive in any circumstance can help you push past the hard times.
86. Gratitude makes you more positive. When you choose to focus on what you have, you are promoting your well-being.
87. Anything worth having will not happen overnight. Change takes time and being willing to wait and have patience will help you appreciate your hard efforts even more. Momentum takes time to evolve, and learning takes place at every step of the change process.
88. Fake it until you make it. When you make the conscious choice to be something or behave a certain way, you are already part way to achieving that goal. When you imitate what you wish to be, you are programming your mind to think another way, to accept a new reality. Acting like you have achieved your dream can help you attain it.
89. Find others who inspire you. Learning from others and being inspired by their success can give you the motivation you need to keep working and trying. Talk with successful people or read books by inspiring authors to help you stay focused on your path to success.
90. Treating your body well, including providing it with healthy nutrition, healthy exercise, and plenty of rest means you care for and respect yourself. Take care of your body, and it will take care of you.
91. Growth is exponential. When you first start to change your life, change is slow. But, as time goes on, little changes help lead to more significant changes, and pretty soon, transformation can occur. Remember this in the beginning, as it can help you stay focused and motivated to create the change you desire in your life.
92. Use visualization to help you achieve your goals. When you have a clear picture of your goal, it becomes easier to attain. Use visualization to help you create the life you want.
93. While having strong opinions shows passion, admitting others’ may know better is essential. Recognizing that your own firm beliefs about something may be interfering with your ability to evolve your thoughts is a vital life skill. Be open to changing your mind.
94. Practice empathy whenever possible. Empathy helps you understand others’ needs and motivations, allows you to connect more deeply with people, and can bring you success in all aspects of your life.
95. Mindfulness focuses on now. Living mindfully means you live in the present and focus on what’s important.
96. Learning how to handle conflict is vital. No matter what you do in life, you will eventually experience conflict with others. Learning how to manage conflict productively will assist you in handling problems with less stress and higher resolution.
97. If you can’t do it on your own, ask for help. Getting help when you need it is not a sign of weakness. If anything, it means you recognize your limitations and can accept the wisdom of others. Whether it is a friend, mentor, loved one, or professional, asking for help is an excellent way to improve in life.
98. When you feel confident in your own abilities, share it with others. You learn and grow when you share your understanding and skill with others, so be open to teaching and offering feedback when called upon.
99. Finished is better than perfect. Stop worrying so much about being flawless and instead focus on getting the work done. Perfection is rarely necessary, and when you accept that a finished job is just as valued as a perfect one, you can start enjoying what matters in life.
100. Start each day with a positive mindset. When you wake up each day, recite affirmations, read a positive message, or focus on positive thoughts to set the tone for the rest of your day. This will create the positive energy you need to achieve your goals.
101. Don’t be afraid to love yourself. Learn the power of your self-love and how it influences so much in your life, and all your self-improvement goals can develop from there. You deserve the purest, most genuine love, which is the love you have for yourself.