101 Motivational Things To Tell Yourself When You Feel Like Giving Up

We all have moments when despair takes hold and giving up feels like the only option. But learning to recognize and respond to these feelings can be a powerful game-changer. Telling yourself positively, supportive statements can be a great way to rally yourself in times of doubt or distress.

Acknowledging why you feel the way you do while recognizing that there is an opportunity to overcome it with determination is key. Looking for inspiration from external sources can also help provide the necessary perspective. 

Ultimately, channeling your resilience can help pull you out of difficult moments and give you the impetus to continue on toward success. Here are 101 things to tell yourself when you feel like giving up.

101 Motivational Things To Tell Yourself When You Feel Like Giving Up

“I Am Strong And Capable.”

When life gets tough and you feel like giving up, it’s important to tell yourself that you are strong and capable of achieving your goals. While it may seem difficult to believe in that moment, refocusing on being able to persist through tough times can help keep you on track and foster resilience.

“I Have Overcome Challenges Before, And I Can Do It Again.”

Remind yourself of the inner strength and capabilities that you have, recognizing the challenges that have been overcome in the past, as well as where you have come from. Building confidence in what is possible with hard work and determination can be a powerful tool in keeping motivated no matter the obstacles ahead.

“I Am Not Alone In This.”

It’s easy to give up when we feel alone in our struggles. We feel like we’re the only ones going through whatever it is we’re going through. But the truth is, we’re not alone. There are others out there who are struggling just like us. They understand what we’re going through because they’re going through it too. So, when you feel like giving up, remind yourself that you’re not alone in this. There are others out there just like you, struggling to keep going. You are not alone.

“I Am Proud Of Myself For Trying.”

When we feel like giving up and throwing in the towel, it’s essential that we stop and remind ourselves: “I am proud of myself for trying.” This seemingly simple phrase serves as a powerful reminder of how far you’ve already come, even if you don’t reach your ultimate goal – and it also instills within us a renewed determination to strive ever closer towards success.

“I Choose To Keep Going.”

When you feel like giving up, it’s important to remind yourself of the power of choice. Even though things may seem difficult and insurmountable, you have the power to choose to keep going and take control of your destiny. Remind yourself that although it may be hard right now, you have the strength within you to persist and continue on toward success.

“I Am Grateful For The Lessons I Am Learning.”

It’s natural to feel frustrated or angry when things don’t go our way. But it’s important to remember the lessons we are learning from these experiences and be grateful for them. Seeing the value in what is being learned can help you stay focused and motivated even during difficult times.

“I Am Worthy Of Success And Happiness.”

We all want to be successful and happy, but it’s easy to forget that we are worthy of those things. Telling yourself that you are deserving of success and happiness can help instill a newfound confidence and determination in your efforts.

“I Am Not Defined By My Failures Or Setbacks.”

When things don’t go the way we planned, it’s easy to become discouraged and think that we have failed. But it’s important to remember that our failures and setbacks do not define us – they are simply part of our journey. Remind yourself that your success is not determined by how many times you fall, but rather by how many times you get back up.

“I Am Capable Of Achieving My Goals.”

No matter how difficult the task may seem, remind yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals. With the right amount of dedication and hard work, anything is possible. Believe in yourself and trust that you can do it – no matter how hard it seems.

“I Trust The Journey And The Process.”

Remind yourself that you must trust the journey and process. Everything won’t go according to plan, but it’s important to remember that sometimes what we think of as failure or setback is actually part of a greater success story. Trust the process and try your best – no matter the outcome.

“I Am Not In Control Of Everything, But I Am In Control Of My Attitude”

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try or how much effort we put in, things still don’t turn out the way we want them to. But that doesn’t mean it’s all for naught – it means that we must accept what is and focus on what we are in control of, our attitude. Remind yourself that although you may not be able to control everything, you can choose to have a positive outlook and an optimistic attitude.

“I Am Not My Mistakes, I Am A Work In Progress.”

Remember that no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. We are all a work in progress, learning and growing from our experiences. So, when you feel like giving up, remind yourself that your mistakes do not define you – they simply give you the opportunity to become more resilient and grow as a person.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Taking A Break.”

Sometimes the pressure of striving for our goals can become overwhelming, and it’s okay to take a break. Taking some time to rest and replenish your energy reserves is not giving up – it’s just taking a step back in order to move forward more effectively.

“I Will Keep Moving Forward, One Step At A Time.”

When you feel like giving up, it’s important to remember that progress is made one step at a time. Break your goals down into small and manageable tasks and focus on taking each step as it comes – one day at a time.

“I Am Grateful For The Opportunities I Have And I Will Make The Most Of Them.”

It’s easy to get bogged down by the pursuit of success, but it’s important to remember that we are all blessed with opportunities in life. Remind yourself to be grateful for what you have and make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way.

“I Am Not Going To Let This Defeat Me, I Will Come Back Stronger”

Adversity and setbacks can be difficult to overcome but remind yourself that you will come back stronger. When times get tough, use it as an opportunity to grow and learn from your mistakes – allowing them to make you stronger.

“I Will Not Let My Current Circumstances Dictate My Future”

No matter what your current circumstances may be, remember to not let them define your future. Remind yourself that you have the power to change your life and create a new future for yourself.

“I Am Not Giving Up On My Dreams”

When you feel like giving up on your dreams, remind yourself that failure is not an option. It’s important to stay focused and determined – no matter how difficult the journey may be. Believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams.

“I Am Not Going To Let Fear Stop Me”

Fear can be a powerful emotion, but it doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your goals. Remind yourself that fear is only an illusion, and if you face it head-on, there’s no telling what amazing things you can accomplish.

“I Know That I Can Handle Whatever Comes My Way”

Life can be unpredictable, and it’s important to remember that no matter how daunting the challenge may seem, you’re strong enough to take it on. Believe in yourself and remind yourself that you can handle whatever comes your way.

“I Am Not Quitting, I Am Simply Redirecting My Efforts”

Sometimes, it’s important to remember that quitting is not always the answer. If a goal isn’t working out, redirecting your efforts can be more beneficial than simply giving up. Stay focused and determined, and don’t let yourself give up too easily.

“I Trust The Timing Of My Life”

In the face of adversity and challenges, remember to trust in the timing of your life. Believe that everything happens for a reason and stay focused on the long-term goal.

“I Am Not Defeated, I Am Just Experiencing A Setback”

Setbacks are part of life, but they don’t have to be a source of defeat. Remind yourself that you can use them as an opportunity to reflect and grow – allowing you to come back stronger than before.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Adjusting My Approach”

When the going gets tough, it’s important to remember that adjusting your approach can be more beneficial than giving up. Don’t let failure stop you from achieving your goals – simply adjust and keep moving forward.

“I Am Proud Of Myself For How Far I’ve Come”

When you’re feeling down, it’s important to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Recognize and appreciate the progress that you have made – no matter how small it may seem. Celebrate your successes and be proud of what you’ve achieved so far.

“I Am Not A Failure, I Am A Work In Progress”

Success can take time and it’s important to recognize that you are a work in progress. No matter how difficult it may be, don’t let failure define who you are – remind yourself that you have the power to control your future and make it into what you want it to be.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Shifting My Focus”

Rather than giving up on a goal, remind yourself to shift your focus. If one approach isn’t working out, try another and stay determined to reach the finish line. Don’t give up too easily – use adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow.

“I Am Grateful For The Support And Encouragement Of Those Around Me”

When times get tough, it’s important to remember the support and encouragement of those around you. Acknowledge the people in your life who have helped you on your journey and thank them for their kindness – it will help to keep you motivated and inspired.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Taking A Step Back To Reassess”

Sometimes, it’s important to take a step back and reassess the situation. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it – remember that you are only human and taking a break is perfectly normal.

No matter how difficult things may seem, don’t give up on your dreams – stay focused, determined, and believe in yourself.

“I Will Not Let This Temporary Setback Define Me”

Life can be unpredictable, and you may experience setbacks along the way. When this happens, remind yourself that it is only temporary and don’t allow it to define who you are. Keep pushing forward and don’t let anything hold you back from achieving your goals.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Taking A Break To Recharge”

Sometimes, the best thing to do is take a break and recharge. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed – take a step back and come back with a fresh perspective. You will always be stronger for it in the long run.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Reevaluating My Priorities”

When things don’t go according to plan, it’s important to take a moment and reevaluate your priorities. Make sure that you are focusing on what is most important in your life and adjust accordingly. Stay focused and determined – you can always come back stronger.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Changing My Perspective”

Sometimes, all it takes is a change of perspective to turn things around. Don’t be afraid to take a different approach and look at the situation from another angle – you may find that it gives you a new way of looking at things.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Learning From My Mistakes”

Failure can be tough to swallow, but it’s important to remember that mistakes are a part of life. Don’t let them define who you are – use failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Take the lessons that you have learned and trust in yourself as you move forward.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Growing From This Experience”

No matter how hard it may be, don’t give up. Remember that you are growing from this experience and that every setback is an opportunity to learn something new. Be kind to yourself and stay determined to reach your goals – you can do it!

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Taking A Different Path”

Sometimes, the path that you are on may no longer be the right one – don’t be afraid to take a different direction. Move forward with confidence and trust in yourself – you know what is best for your future.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Taking The Time To Heal”

Take the time you need to heal. Don’t rush into anything and don’t let yourself be pushed into something that doesn’t feel right. Respect yourself, take the time you need, and come back stronger than ever before.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Taking A Different Approach”

Sometimes, it is necessary to take a different approach. Don’t be scared of making changes and going outside your comfort zone – you may find that it helps you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. Trust in yourself and don’t let failure bring you down.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Building Resilience”

Resilience is key to success – don’t be afraid of failure and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Take the time to build your resilience, stay strong, and never give up on yourself or your dreams.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Learning To Adapt”

Adaptability is a valuable skill – don’t be afraid to take on new challenges and try something different. Remember that you can always adjust your plan and stay flexible – this will help you reach your goals in the long run.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Learning To Be Flexible”

Flexibility is a key part of success – be open to new ideas and approaches. Don’t let yourself become stuck in one mindset and don’t be afraid to change direction when needed. Trust your gut, stay determined, and never give up!

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Learning To Be Persistent”

Patience is the key to success – don’t be discouraged if things take longer than expected. Remember to stay focused on your goals and keep pushing yourself even when progress feels slow. Be persistent, stay motivated, and never give up!

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Learning To Be Resourceful”

Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” This quote is a great way to remind yourself that giving up is not an option, even when things seem hopeless. You must be resourceful and continue to find new ways to achieve your goals. When you feel like giving up, tell yourself that you are simply learning to be resourceful. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Learning To Be Courageous”

Learning to be courageous is something that we all have to do at some point in our lives. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it. When you feel like giving up, remind yourself that you are not giving up, you are just learning to be courageous.

“I Am Not Giving Up, I Am Just Learning To Be Determined”

There are definitely going to be moments in life when you feel like giving up. But it’s important to remember that giving up is not an option. You have to be determined to see things through, even when they get tough. In those moments, tell yourself “I am not giving up, I am just learning to be determined”. It’s a simple phrase but it can make all the difference.

“I Am Worthy Of Love And Happiness.”

Often, our negative thoughts can overtake our positive ones, preventing us from achieving our goals and dreams. It is important to remember that no matter what struggles we face in life, we are still deserving of the highest levels of self love and joy. Reminding yourself of this fact can help to keep you motivated when times get tough.

“I Am Capable Of Achieving My Dreams.”

Believing in your own capability to reach your goals will help you push through difficult times and keep striving towards your aspirations. Remind yourself that by having faith in yourself and being persistent, you will always find a way to achieve what you set out to do.

“I Am Resilient.”

When we feel weak and discouraged, the power of self-affirmation gives us the energy to keep trying and not give up. Making sure to acknowledge our inner resilience – by repeating “I am resilient” – keeps us motivated to overcome any challenges life throws at us!

“I Am Capable Of Overcoming Obstacles.”

Life is full of obstacles, but that doesn’t mean we should give up. Remind yourself that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes your way by repeating “I am capable of overcoming obstacles”. This will help to keep you focused on the end goal and stay motivated in the face of adversity!

“I Am Grateful For All That I Have.”

Having gratitude for what you have can help to keep you motivated and remind you of the importance of staying focused on your goals. Every time those negative thoughts creep in, counter them with a few moments to appreciate all that you do have – and how far you’ve come!

“I Am Proud Of My Accomplishments.”

It can be easy to forget about our successes and focus only on our failures. That’s why it is so important to remind ourselves of all the things we have achieved. By telling yourself “I am proud of my accomplishments” you can stay motivated, even when times get tough.

No matter what life throws your way, remember that you have the strength and courage to keep pushing forward.

“I Am Deserving Of Success.”

It’s important to remind ourselves that we are worthy of success, no matter what obstacles life throws in our way. By telling yourself “I am deserving of success” you can stay motivated and focused on achieving your goals.

“I Am Unique And Special.”

Sometimes we can forget how special and unique each of us is. It’s important to remind yourself that you are one of a kind, and that your own individual talents and skills will take you far if you just stay motivated.

“I Am Surrounded By Positive People.”

Having a positive support system can make all the difference when it comes to staying focused and motivated. Remember that you have people around you who believe in your dreams and are always cheering you on!

“I Am Making A Difference In The World.”

Although you might not always see the impact of your efforts, it is important to remember that every small action we take can make a difference. Remind yourself that by staying motivated and striving for success, you are creating a better world. No matter what life throws at us, having an arsenal of positive self-affirmations can help us stay on track.

“I Am Worthy Of Respect.”

It is important to remember that you deserve respect and kindness. Remind yourself often of your own worth and don’t let anyone take away from it.

“I Am Talented And Skilled.”

Sometimes we can forget about all the talents and skills that we possess. Remind yourself often of your individual abilities, and keep striving for success!

“I Am Capable Of Making A Positive Change.”

No matter how big or small the change might be, it is important to remember that we are all capable of making a positive impact in this world. Remind yourself often of your potential and keep pushing forward!

“I Am A Valuable Member Of My Community.”

We are all valuable members of the communities we live in and it’s important to remind yourself often of your worth. By believing in yourself and staying motivated, you can make a positive difference in the lives of those around you!

“I Am Grateful For My Health And Well-Being.”

It is essential to show gratitude for our health and well-being. Keeping this in mind can help us stay motivated even when times get tough – because we know that no matter what, we are blessed with good health.

“I Am Surrounded By Opportunities.”

No matter where we are in life, there are always opportunities right around the corner. Remind yourself often that you have unlimited potential and keep striving for success!

“I Am Confident In My Abilities.”

It is important to remember our own self-confidence, no matter what life throws at us. Remind yourself often that you can reach your goals – and believe in yourself.

“I Am In Control Of My Thoughts And Emotions.”

We all have the power to control our thoughts and emotions, as long as we stay focused and motivated. Reminding yourself of this can help you stay positive and on track with your goals.

“I Am Grateful For My Support System.”

Having a strong support system can make all the difference in life. Remind yourself often of how blessed you are to have family and friends who believe in your dreams and will always be there for you.

“I Am Growing And Improving Every Day.”

No matter how small or insignificant the progress might seem, it is important to remember that we are all constantly growing and improving. Remind yourself often of your individual potential and keep striving for success!

“I Am Proud Of Who I Am.”

At the end of the day, it is essential to remember that you are unique and special. Remind yourself often of your own potential and stay motivated- because you are capable of achieving anything!

No matter what life throws at us, having positive self-affirmations can help us stay on track with our goals and dreams.

“I Am Surrounded By Love And Positivity.”

It is important to remember that we are surrounded by love and positivity. Whether it be from family and friends, or from the universe itself, remind yourself often of how blessed you are and keep striving for success!

“I Am Making Progress Towards My Goals.”

It is essential to remember all the progress you’ve made toward your goals and dreams. This can help keep us motivated even when times get tough and remind us of our potential for success.

“I Am Proud Of My Progress.”

No matter how big or small the progress might be, it is important to remember that we are all capable of making change. Remind yourself often of your accomplishments and stay motivated – because you have what it takes to reach success!

“I Am Capable Of Creating The Life I Want.”

Remembering that you are in control of your own life can be incredibly empowering. Remind yourself often of your capabilities and keep striving for the best version of yourself!

“I Am Confident In My Decisions.”

It’s a reminder that your actions are purposeful and mindful and can help fuel your motivation when all you want to do is give up. Seeing ourselves as capable of making smart choices builds a foundation for resilience and helps us develop emotional strength.

“I Am Proud Of My Strength And Perseverance.”

Reminding yourself of how far you’ve come, how hard you’ve worked, and all the obstacles you have already overcome can help give you a boost. Even if you don’t see results right away, it’s ok. Keep telling yourself that “I am proud of my strength and perseverance” so that even on your toughest days, you’ll know deep down that there is no room for giving up.

“I Am Grateful For My Successes And Failures.”

The moments when we feel our most defeated often serve as reminders of what we have overcome, and the ones that still await us. Success is found in many forms, some of which can’t be seen or held but still carry a profound amount of value – especially with regard to our self-worth. Acknowledge your successes, no matter how insignificant they may seem, and learn to embrace your failures too – they both contribute towards a life well lived.

“I Am Proud Of The Person I Am Becoming.”

Your journey is not over yet, and you are still becoming the best version of yourself. Reminding yourself that every day is a chance to become better than before can be incredibly motivating, allowing you to strive for success with renewed vigor and dedication.

“I Am Capable Of Handling Any Challenges That Come My Way.”

Life is full of ups and downs, twists, and turns, but the one thing we can be sure of is that no matter what life throws our way, we have the capability to handle it. Reminding yourself of your strength and resilience when faced with adversity can help you stay focused on finding a solution.

“I Am Grateful For My Talents And Abilities.”

We all have special talents and abilities that make us unique. Acknowledge your gifts, be proud of them, and use them to reach your goals! Reminding yourself of the skills you possess can help keep you motivated and excited about what is yet to come.

“I Am Surrounded By Beauty And Abundance.”

When the world outside feels chaotic, remind yourself of all the beauty and abundance that surrounds you. From the simple joys like a walk-in nature or a hug from a loved one to bigger accomplishments such as landing your dream job or launching your own business – it’s important to remember that life is full of moments worthy of gratitude.

“I Am Worthy Of Forgiveness.”

Sometimes it can be hard to forgive ourselves for past mistakes, but learning to do so is a crucial part of our journey toward success. Remind yourself every day that you are worthy of forgiveness and grace and keep striving for your goals with confidence.

“I Am Grateful For My Experiences And Growth.”

We all have our own unique set of experiences, and each one is valuable in its own right. Reflecting on the lessons you’ve learned, the people you’ve met, and the opportunities that have come your way can help give you perspective and appreciation for everything life has to offer.

“I Am Surrounded By Positive Energy.”

Make it a habit to surround yourself with positive energy, whether it’s from friends who uplift you or ideas that spark joy. Remind yourself that the people and things around you have the power to help you reach your goals if you let them – and allow yourself to take advantage of those resources.

“I Am Proud Of My Courage And Determination.”

It takes courage and determination to keep pushing forward, even when it feels like you can’t. Remind yourself that you have the strength to achieve great things, and don’t be afraid of failure – instead, use it as a learning experience that will help propel you toward success.

“I Am Grateful For My Support And Encouragement.”

It’s important to remember that no matter what, there is always support and encouragement available. Whether it’s from friends, family, or a mentor – having access to these resources can help you stay motivated and inspired. So, appreciate the people in your life who are cheering you on!

“I Am Capable Of Creating A Fulfilling Life.”

Remember that you have the power to create a fulfilling life for yourself, no matter what your circumstances. Remind yourself every day of how capable and resourceful you truly are – and don’t forget to enjoy the journey!

“I Am Proud Of My Ability To Adapt And Overcome.”

Life can be full of unexpected challenges, but it’s important to remember that you have the strength and resilience to adapt and overcome. Remind yourself every day that you are capable of facing any obstacles in your path and emerging victorious.

“I Am Grateful For My Positive Attitude.”

Having a positive attitude is one of the best ways to stay motivated and hopeful. Remind yourself to be grateful for the optimism and enthusiasm that you bring to your life and use them as fuel to keep reaching your goals!

“I Am Proud Of My Ability To Learn And Grow.”

We are all capable of learning and growing, no matter how old or experienced we may be. Remind yourself to take pride in your ability to continuously challenge yourself and strive for self-improvement – this is an incredible gift that will help you reach success!

“I Am Surrounded By Possibilities.”

Remind yourself that the possibilities are truly endless. Believe in your ability to create a brighter future and keep an open mind – you never know what amazing things could be waiting around the corner!

“I Am Grateful For My Sense Of Humor.”

It’s important to appreciate the sense of humor that you bring to your life. A little laughter can go a long way – use it as fuel to stay motivated and push through any obstacles that stand in your way.

“I Am Proud Of My Ability To Love And Be Loved.”

No matter what else is going on, remind yourself to take pride in your ability to love and be loved. This is one of the greatest gifts we can experience in life – so appreciate it, cherish it, and use it as motivation to keep striving for the best version of yourself.

“I Am Capable Of Making A Difference In Someone’s Life.”

You have the power to make a positive difference in someone else’s life. Remind yourself of this, and use it as an opportunity to give back, pay it forward, and spread kindness wherever you go!

“I Am Surrounded By Good Things.”

No matter how bleak things may seem, always remember that you are surrounded by good things. Look for the beauty, seek out joy, and be grateful for the life you have. This will help keep you motivated to reach your goals!

“I Am Grateful For My Generosity And Kindness.”

Remember to take pride in your generosity and kindness. These attributes can help build strong relationships, bring joy to others, and make a huge positive difference in the world around you. So be grateful for the goodness that you share with those around you!

“I Am Proud Of My Ability To Forgive And Let Go.”

Forgiveness is an incredible power to have – it allows us to move on and make peace with the past. Remind yourself of your strength and resilience in being able to forgive and let go and use it as fuel to keep reaching new heights!

“I Am Capable Of Achieving Greatness.”

Always remember that you are capable of achieving greatness. Believe in yourself and your abilities and know that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. So, take a deep breath, stay positive, and keep striving for success!

“I Am Surrounded By Abundance And Prosperity.”

Remind yourself that you are surrounded by abundance and prosperity. Visualize the future you want for yourself and take steps towards it every day. Believe in your power to manifest the life of your dreams!

“I Am Grateful For My Talents And Passions.”

Take pride in the unique talents and passions that make you who you are. Remind yourself of the gifts you bring to your life and use them as motivation to keep reaching for greatness!

“I Am Proud Of My Ability To See The Good In Others.”

Remember to take pride in your ability to see the good in others. This is a true gift that can bring out the best in us all, so cherish it and use it as fuel for positivity!

“I Am Proud Of My Ability To Inspire Others.”

Remind yourself of your strength and power and take pride in the ability to inspire others. Believe in your ability to bring out the best in those around you and use it as a source of motivation to keep striving for success!

“I Am Capable Of Achieving Any Goal I Set For Myself.”

Always remember that you are capable of achieving any goal you set for yourself. Believe in your power to manifest greatness, and use every obstacle as an opportunity to learn, grow, and keep striving for success!

“I Am Capable Of Creating My Own Destiny.”

Remind yourself that you are capable of creating your own destiny. Believe in yourself and your power to manifest greatness – use it as fuel to stay motivated and keep pushing for the life of your dreams!

“I Am Grateful For My Creativity And Imagination”

Take pride in your creativity and imagination. These attributes can help bring out the best in us, so use them as motivation to keep striving for greatness!