Living in the past or the future means we are not living in the present. Living in the present gives us an appreciation for life and allows us to be grateful and recognize our aliveness.
When we have peace of mind we can act spontaneously and appropriately in the moment, rather than being conditioned by past situations or future predictions.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
~ Buddha
When we overthink about the past, it can affect our happiness because we may feel regret, shame or guilt over things that happened. If we are stuck thinking of the future, we can also be incredibly unhappy because we cannot access the present when we are making decisions for a future that may be different than we imagine.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
~ Bill Keane
Here are some reasons why focusing on the past or future takes away joy from the present:
1| When we hold on to something, it takes effort and mental power from our mind and abilities. Imagine trying to complete two or more tasks at once. If you are trying to complete more than one task at a time, you will become distracted and will likely not achieve the high level of skill that would be attained if you were focused on one task.
This is similar to the way the mind can become distracted and burdened when we hold on to old thoughts. These old thoughts take up space in the mind and do now allow clear space to create.
2| When we focus on the past or future, we are focused on situations that we cannot change. We cannot change the past, but we can sometimes heal past situations in the present moment. We can also think of the future and plan for it, but we cannot make actions in the future.
Therefore, we can only make decisions and make changes in the present. So, focusing on things we can do in the present and changes we can make that will make us happiest in the here and now.
Dwelling on negative events in the past is not helpful for moving forward in life. Instead of staying stuck in negative thoughts it is better to learn from the past and let it go. The best thing we can do with events of the past is extract knowledge and move forward with the new information that is gleaned from the situation.
3| Learning from past mistakes can help us live more happily in the present and can lead to a happier future.
Don’t dwell in the past but use it as information on how to make the best decisions and take the best actions in the present.
When we live in the present moment, we are allowed to experience happiness and satisfaction with our choices. When we are living in the present, we can recognize experiences as they take place and give gratitude for all that is going well for us. We can also make space to make creative changes if we keep an open mind with curiosity for what is coming in the future.
“The past has no power over the present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle
4| Focusing on the present moment can be difficult, especially when we are stressed, depressed, or are experiencing other blocks. But, with continued practice it is possible to live in the present moment and to recognize when you are holding on to something you could let go of, if you are focusing on the past or future.
“If you try to carry tomorrow’s trouble today, you will stagger under the load and eventually fall flat. You must discipline yourself to live within the boundaries of today.” – Sarah Young, Dear Jesus
If we are dwelling in negative thoughts we can focus on the present moment and take a few deep breaths. When we can take a moment to practice mindfulness, we can invite time to explore what we are presently experiencing and how we can engage with the moment.
New movie “The Secret v2.0” (?)
Have you seen the Manifesting Movie yet?
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