12 Hard Truths You Must Accept to Achieve Your Dreams

Sometimes the truth can come in pills that are difficult to swallow. In search of a life that’s easy and pleasing, we often disregard the grittier and harder concepts. Some things we have never taken the chance to learn, perhaps you didn’t have figures in your life who prompted you to seek out hard truths, or maybe you know them but exist in a space of fear or worry and find it simpler to just ignore the harder truths of life altogether. 

Psychological Stress 101 – Complete Guide and Coping Strategies

Psychological stress refers to the psychological and physiological response to a perceived threat or challenge to one’s well-being. It is a natural response that prepares the body to take action in the face of a perceived danger or threat, also known as the “fight or flight” response. While experiencing psychological stress is normal and all people will experience it from time to time, it is important to learn how to identify and manage it properly for your overall wellbeing.

Financial Stress 101 – Complete Guide and Coping Strategies

Money. For the longest time, it’s almost been treated like a dirty word. Like gasoline for our cars, or food for our bodies, money is the building block for most of the decisions we make in life. Our finances can impact what we do for work and for leisure, where we go to school, where we live, what we eat, the places we visit, the activities or hobbies we take up, and so on. It’s no surprise then that our finances can also be a big source of stress.