100 Things To Do To Promote Mental Wellness

Your mental health guides your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. How you treat your body also directly influences your mind, too. 

All of these factors combine to affect how well you are coping with anxiety, stress, and challenges as well as celebrating the good things in your life. Taking care of your mental health, therefore, is crucial.

100 Things To Do To Promote Mental Wellness

Here are the top 100 things you can do to promote your mental wellness in the new year.

1| Practice meditation and relaxation techniques

Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and other forms of relaxation are effective ways to reduce stress and promote better sleep. Meditation, once you learn the basic technique, is a simple strategy you can do in many different places and can provide you with inner peace and focus in a short time.

2| Walk away from the screen

Virtual interactions on your phone, tablet, or computer screen are no substitute for the real-life relationships you have. Get out from behind your screen regularly to talk with and enjoy the company of people in real life, and you will feel more connected to humanity.

3| Be sure you are getting plenty of sleep

Without proper rest, your mind and body can start to suffer ill effects rather quickly. Lack of sleep leads to depression and anxiety as well as confusion and overall cognitive impairment. When you don’t sleep enough, you just don’t feel like yourself, so be sure you are getting plenty of shut-eye.

4| Pay attention to what you are and are not eating

Your diet has a profound effect on your mental wellness. Not only can eating unhealthy foods affect your body, but they also disrupt your sleep, rob you of energy, change your mood, throw your hormones out of balance, and lower your immune system. All of these can leave you feeling lethargic, sad, and confused. Focus on eating healthy foods, including those high in vitamins and minerals as well as healthy fats, which your brain needs.

5| Spend some time alone

If you are used to going at full speed all day long and are always focused on doing what needs to be done for others, you need to take some time for yourself each day to decompress. Set aside time for yourself during which you relax and think only about yourself and your needs. This can lower your stress level and promote a more positive mental outlook.

6| Have realistic goals for yourself and work to achieve them 

Goals provide you with a purpose and sense of direction in life. Without goals, you are essentially wandering or allowing life to just happen to you. Set a few critical, meaningful, and attainable goals for your personal or professional growth, and devise a plan that will help you achieve them. Keep working regularly to make progress toward reaching these.

7| Give selflessly

Volunteering your time or donating to a particular cause provides you with a sense of accomplishment and purpose. When you help someone else in this world, it makes you feel pride and positivity, which promotes mental wellness.

8| Drink coffee each morning

Those who drink one cup of coffee each morning are more likely to have a more positive mental outlook and less likely to suffer from depression. If you don’t like coffee or can’t have caffeine, green tea has been shown to produce similar positive results.

9| Straighten up

A cluttered home or workspace can create undue stress and anxiety. Take ten minutes to straighten up, throw away trash, and return items to their rightful places. Clear the clutter, and your brain will start to feel clearer, too. Cleaning provides you with a sense of control and order that promotes positivity.

10| Get out of your routine

While doing things the same way all the time can help you feel more efficient and secure, they also create a sense of tediousness and boredom that influences your mental state. So, change things up a little bit to keep things interesting and provide you with something new and different to look at or think about.

11| Imagine your ideal vacation

Sometimes, a mental vacation can be just as beneficial as the real kind, without having to pack a bag. Visualize your perfect holiday. Imagine how you would feel while visiting there, what you would see, hear, smell, and taste. You can even research your destination and consider planning a trip in the future. This type of mental exercise calms you and reduces anxiety, which can help you cope with stressful circumstances.

12| Get active 

Exercise is a useful tool for promoting physical as well as mental wellness. Moving your body regularly improves blood flow, releases endorphins, and reduces stress levels. Getting exercise outdoors has the added benefit of exposing your skin to sunlight, which helps you make Vitamin D, which is crucial for mental wellness.

13| Keep a gratitude journal 

Make a daily habit of writing down at least three things for which you are grateful. Focus on what you were able to accomplish or made you happy each day to keep your outlook positive.

14| Dance

Turn up the music and dance around your house. Get down while you are doing housework, while making dinner, or when you are getting dressed in the morning. Dancing releases endorphins and reduces stress.

15| Read

Escape your stressful life for a while by digging into a good book. Reading is a great way to decompress and keep your mind active while taking time for yourself.

16| Stretch those muscles

Giving your muscles a good stretch several times a day is an excellent way to improve your mental wellness. Stretching boosts your energy level and keeps your muscles and joints happy, which makes you feel better and healthier.

16| Soak it up

Taking a long, hot bath once a week is a great way to relax. You can add Epsom salts or bath beads to boost circulation and soothe tired muscles. Epsom salts also increase your magnesium levels, which is excellent for your mental health, too.

17| Attend to your spirit 

Whether you are religious or not, your spirituality is a part of your mental wellness. Connect with what you believe to be significant on a regular basis to take care of your spirit.

18| Spend time with friends

Social interactions with friends, in real life and not online, can dramatically reduce your stress levels and improve your mental wellness. Talking and spending time with another person, especially one you care for and trust, releases essential hormones that tamp down stress and alter your mental state.

19| Forgive

Whether the wrong-doer is you or someone one, let go of your grudges and hard feelings about the past and practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is a sign of mental health, and learning to let go is a wonderful way to be more satisfied in life.

20| Get Your Stress Under Control 

We each handle stress differently, and what you may find relaxing is likely different from someone else. But, find what works for you and get your stress under control. Yoga, Tai Chi, exercise, keeping a journal, and spending time outdoors are some stress-busting activities you can try.

27| Spend time with a pet 

Animals are a great way to improve your mental wellness. Petting and playing with a four-legged friend lower the levels of stress hormones in your body and stimulates happiness. Borrow a pet from a friend or volunteer at an animal shelter if you don’t have a pet of your own.

28| Assemble a puzzle 

Set up a large jigsaw puzzle at home or work. Encourage others in your family or co-workers to help you put it together. Puzzles are great exercise for your brain, and this activity gives you a reason to interact with others and work together to solve a problem, which is great for your mental state.

29| Take the stairs 

If you work in a multi-level building, take the stairs when you need to change floors, instead of taking the elevator. This exercise is good for your body and brain, and the change of environment is necessary for keeping your mind energized.

30| Cultivate good friends 

Having a supportive network of close friends can significantly improve your mental wellness. Knowing you have someone you can lean on in a crisis or who will listen when you are struggling is crucial to happiness and life satisfaction.

31| Explore your town like a tourist 

Many times, people who live in a place for a long time don’t even realize the cool things that are right in their own hometown. Get out and explore your city and you will appreciate your locale even more.

32| Start the day off right 

To avoid the rush of the morning preparations, prepare as much as you can the night before. Pack lunches, lay out clothes, place workout clothes in easily accessible places, and make sure devices get charged overnight. Having a morning routine and help you get your day started smoothly and eliminate unnecessary stress.

33| Engage your senses 

Whether you find the smell of coffee or the sound of music uplifting, appeal to all your senses to boost your mood. From sights to sounds, smells to tastes, we all respond to sensory input differently. Learn to recognize those that enhance your spirits and reach for them when you are feeling down.

34| Tell someone “thank you” 

Thanking someone for something they did for you or that was kind is a wonderful way to boost your own mood and also improve that of someone else. Send them a thank-you card, drop them an email, or just stop by and say “thanks.”

35| Find your purpose 

Having a purpose or knowing your meaning in life is essential to your brain health and mental wellness. It’s what gets you out of bed each day excited to take on the world. Find out what excites you and how you can derive meaning in life, and go after that.

36| Spend more time outside 

Spending 30 minutes a day has been proven to improve mood and promote healthier emotions. Walk through your neighborhood, spend time in your local park, get out into the woods, or ride your bike around a local lake. Spending time outside reduces depression and boosts well-being.

37| Take a break 

Stepping away from a stressful situation is a great strategy for dealing with negative emotions. It’s also helpful when you have been at a task for an extended period. Taking periodic breaks, especially when the tension gets too high, is excellent for your mental health and mood.

38| It’s okay to yawn 

Research indicates positive effects of yawning, including improving alertness and the efficiency of cognitive activities. So, don’t stifle that yawn next time.

39| Prioritize your leisure time 

Don’t forget to do fun things that you enjoy. Every day should include at least one thing you enjoy doing, whether it’s listening to music, walking in the woods, watching a funny movie, or working on a hobby. Play is necessary for emotional and mental health.

40| Laugh a lot 

Laughing makes you feel good, helps you learn more, improves memory, and lowers your stress levels. Find something funny every day and cultivate social connections that bring you joy and laughter.

41| Be kind to yourself 

Treating yourself kindly and with respect means you value who you are. Focus on ways to prop your inner-self up rather than break yourself down. Watch how you talk to and about yourself, both in your inner monologue and to others.

42| Learn something 

Keeping your brain engaged is essential for mental wellness. Pick up a new hobby, learn a new topic or skill, or take a class in an area of interest. Learning tends to become limited and narrow as we age, so use your time to expand your knowledge in new ways.

43| Keep away from bad habits 

Smoking, drinking alcohol to excess, and using drugs recreationally are all ways to interfere with your mental wellness. Not only are these habits bad for your body but they also have a significantly negative impact on your mind. Avoid these at all costs.

44| Just breathe 

Set periodic reminders on your phone or computer to take a breathing break. Several times per day, stop what you are doing and sit still for at least two minutes to focus on nothing but your breathing. This lowers stress and also relaxes your brain and body.

45| Work on your posture 

Sitting or walking with a slouch leads to feeling sluggish, anxious, and even depressed. Just changing your body language can change your attitude. Work on sitting up straighter at your desk and walking with your head high to combat these subtle signals your body sends to your brain.

46| Take a nap 

Brief periods of sleep during the day are not for the lazy, they are for those who need to refresh their minds. 45 minutes seems to be the optimal time for napping, and taking a short sleep like this can help your outlook and overall mental well-being.

47| Be kind to others 

Helping others is not only beneficial to the receiver but also to your mind. Being kind and helpful builds your self-esteem and provides you with a sense of meaning and purpose.

48| Play a video game 

While playing excessively can lead to problems, occasionally playing a video game can enhance your sense of accomplishment and teach you new skills. Video games are popular for a reason, so find the right game for you and spend a few hours a week playing, if you enjoy it.

49| Get creative 

Engaging in creative activities is an excellent way to stimulate your mind and express yourself. Whether you enjoy painting, coloring, writing, drawing, or building something, just let your mind go and your creativity take over.

50| Quiet the chaos in your mind 

Whether you prefer meditation, prayer, or some other mindfulness activity, when things become too hectic, take the time to quiet your mind so that you can focus and thrive.

51| Focus on just one thing 

Practicing mindfulness, when you focus on one thing at a time, helps you release negative emotions and anxiety that can be clouding your mind. When you are doing your daily routines, focus just on that task and nothing else. Be mindful of how you are performing these habits. Don’t allow your mind to wander. Over time, you can train your brain to focus more completely on the present.

52| Say something nice 

Set a reminder on your calendar each day to think of a positive compliment to pay to a friend, colleague, or family member. When you give compliments, you help improve the other person’s self-esteem and also enjoy positive benefits for your own mental health.

53| Plan a vacation 

Getting away doesn’t have to be complicated. Go camping with friends, take a weekend at a nearby fun place, or go all the way to the tropics for a week, but plan a trip. The act of planning gives you something toward which you can look forward, and you will feel better knowing it is coming. Plus, the vacation itself is a chance to relax and unwind.

54| Keep cool 

To sleep better and improve your mental alertness and well-being, you should sleep in a room that is between 60˚ and 67˚ Fahrenheit. This allows you to sleep more deeply, which is when your mind rests and rejuvenates the best.

55| Write about it 

Many people find the act of writing to be therapeutic. Whether you prefer a physical or electronic journal, such as a blog, learning to express yourself can help your mental wellness in many ways. You don’t have to share what you write with anyone else, but it’s a place to record your thoughts and work through your emotions.

56| Exercise 

When you move your muscles, your body releases hormones that reduce stress and improve your mood and mental outlook. Finding ways to integrate exercise into your daily routine will help you maintain a steadier mental state throughout your day, and you will enjoy the benefits of improved circulation, as well.

57| Sing 

Whether you sing in the shower, go to a karaoke lounge, or belt out a tune in the car or kitchen, singing improves your mood and relieves stress. So, turn that music up and sing like no one is listening. 

58| Ask for help 

When you are struggling with a problem, or when your mental health is on shaky ground, ask for help from others. Seeking help shows strength and courage, so you should not be ashamed. Whether you get help from a friend or a professional, it is essential to address problems, so they do not linger and grow.

59| Create a display 

Find images of a place that inspires or calms you and hang these in your workspace or another area you see regularly. You can include pictures of people you care for or scenes that depict specific memories you love. Use this visual reminder to center you when things are stressful or when you need a mental break.

60| Focus on the positive 

When you allow negative thoughts to creep in, they can quickly multiply and affect your mood and outlook. Negativity even influences your health and how you behave. Focus on the positives in your life and be proactive in your actions, and you will stay optimistic toward your future.

61| Become a joiner 

Joining groups helps you develop your interests, meet new people, and learn new things. There are tons of groups dedicated to specific topics or activities. Use social sites like MeetUp, Eventbrite, Groupspaces, and others to find activities and people with similar interests as you.

62| Soak up the sun 

Exposing your skin to just 15 minutes per day of sunshine, before you apply your sunscreen, allows your body to produce Vitamin D, which is necessary for mood and mental function. 

63| Play a game 

Games, puzzles, and mental challenges are a great way to keep your mind sharp, to lower your stress, and to promote neural plasticity. Crosswords, other word games, and board games are all excellent choices, and when you play with others, that’s good for your brain, as well.

64| Plant something and watch it grow 

Planting a garden, herbs, or flowers is good for your brain as well as the earth. Having something green to look at reduces stress and calms anxiety while being responsible for supporting a plant while it grows gives you purpose and something toward which to look forward.

65| Find joy in everyday moments 

Those with the highest sense of mental wellness are people who can see happiness and positivity in even the simple things in life. Look for the joy in every situation, find satisfaction in the simplest of tasks. Seek positive moments and you will feel more positive in your life.

66| Have a sleep routine, and stick to it 

Going to bed on time is one way to improve your mental wellness. Because sleep is crucial for restoring your body and your mind, you must value this activity. Going to bed and waking at the same time every day reinforces your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, which means you are more likely to sleep better and longer.

67| Boost your resilience 

We all face challenges in our lives, and finding ways to overcome these obstacles and move forward is being resilient. If you are not very resilient, you can improve your overall mental wellness by learning coping strategies that enhance your sense of resiliency.

68| Shake it off 

When you are feeling stressed or tense, just stand up where you are and shake your body all over. This simple action releases tension in your joints and muscles and provides a mental break from your stressful activity.

69| Drink plenty of water 

Your brain needs water for proper function, and without sufficient water, you can feel confused, forgetful, and irritable. Be sure to drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water throughout your day to remain sufficiently hydrated.

70| Blood flow increases brain activity 

If you are stuck on a problem or trying to brainstorm new ideas, go for a brisk walk. The physical activity encourages new ideas and novel ways of thinking, so the next time you’re stuck on something, walk it off.

71| Let it go 

If you have been worrying over something or something has been bothering you for some time, let it out. Write it down, talk to a friend, or just talk to yourself in an empty room, but get those negative thoughts out of your head and into the world. This act of releasing your ideas can be a powerful catalyst for letting it go and moving on.

72| Eat more omega-3 fatty acids 

The fatty acids found in cold-water fish, flaxseed, and other foods are not only good for your heart and gut but also your brain. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce depression and lower the risk for dementia.

73| Write positive notes to yourself 

Leaving yourself positive messages is a way to boost your self-esteem and encourage positive thoughts. Place notes on your mirror, next to your computer, near the coffee machine, or wherever else you will see them regularly.

74| Get inspired 

Sign up to receive daily or weekly inspirational messages, quotes, or thoughts. Reading positive words and hearing from positive role models boost your morale and increases your motivation. 

75| Make new friends 

If you feel lonely, reach out to your acquaintances to build some new friendships. Lots of people find it difficult to make new friends as adults, and most people will appreciate that you have broken the ice and tried to connect. You can make new friends with neighbors, co-workers, or even reconnect with a friend from your past.

76| Spend time with family 

Whether your family by birth, marriage, or choice, those you call your tribe can help you stay centered, lower stress, and remind you of your values and goals. Share a meal, play a game, or just hang out, but spending time with family is good for your mental health.

77| Try something new 

Trying your hand at something new is stimulating to your mind. Make a new recipe, try out a new hobby, or find a fun craft project online to attempt. Learning new things is vital to mental health, and you may find a new interest from it, too.

78| Plan something 

Having something toward which you can look forward creates anticipation and hope. You can plan whatever you enjoy- a party, a trip, a home improvement project, or a personal journey. The act of planning is therapeutic, and you’ll have something to keep you motivated moving forward.

79| Eat more chocolate 

Consuming a small amount of dark chocolate per week is excellent for your brain. Dark chocolate that contains at least 70 percent cocoa contains beneficial flavonoids and other compounds that your brain needs for concentration and mood.

80| Build your strengths 

Starting a personal growth plan to build your strengths improves your self-confidence and provides you with purpose. Personal development provides you with goals and something to do each day.

81| Share the love 

Tell someone you love how much you appreciate them. This act can help strengthen your relationship as well as leave you feeling satisfied that you were honest about your feelings with another.

82| Say something positive to yourself 

The words you use to describe yourself and talk to yourself have a profound impact on your self-worth and confidence. Tell yourself something positive every day, and you will notice you feel better about yourself. Words have power, so use them wisely when it comes to your self-talk.

83| Dedicate time to reflection 

Every day, you should dedicate some time to reflecting on your own mental state. How are you feeling? What are you having difficulty with and where are your successes. Reflection is an important part of growth and development, which is how we improve our mental wellness.

84| Do something every day 

You can do something every day that is good for your mental health. Start today and pick one thing that you know will lower your stress or help you solve a problem. Do that one thing. Feeling like an active participant in your life is crucial for mental wellness.

85| Do something that scares you a little 

Facing fear and overcoming it can help you develop resiliency. When you choose to do something that frightens you, you are empowering yourself to overcome that anxiety and try something new. You’ll be left with a sense of pride plus a few lessons learned.

86| Share your feelings with someone 

Talking about difficult feelings with someone can help you process and deal with them. Plus, when you share with a trusted friend, you feel closer to them. Developing trust with someone else is an important aspect to mental well-being, so learn to be vulnerable and share with someone how you are doing.

87| Watch an informative video or listen to a podcast 

There are so many great resources today for learning new topics and becoming more informed. From TED talks to podcasts and YouTube videos, there are uplifting and inspirational episodes out there to lift your spirits, inform, and teach you something new.

88| Do yoga 

The practice of yoga has many mental and physical benefits. Learning to pay attention to your body’s needs and alter your practice to care for yourself is a crucial tenet of this ancient practice, which has many important life lessons.

89| Check in with yourself 

If you are feeling overwhelmed or like your mental wellness has really taken a hit lately, it may be time to do a self-assessment. There are many good tools online available for self-assessing your mental health and wellness, so explore and find one that works for you. These can help you identify where you need some work as well as provide guidance on how to find wellness in certain areas.

90| Express your gratitude 

Besides keeping a gratitude journal, it is also wonderful to tell others how much you appreciate their work and contributions to your life. Don’t be shy in sharing your gratitude with others.

91| Do something kind 

Random acts of kindness can benefit someone else, but they also make you feel better, too. Boost your sense of self and purpose but doing kind things for others without any expectation of thanks in return.

92| Stop worrying about perfection 

While aiming high is a sign of high esteem, being a perfectionist can interfere with your progress and stunt your ability to attain your goals. Let go of the notion of perfection and instead focus on what you can learn from each experience life has to offer.

93| Redecorate 

Changing your environment keeps your brain engaged and sharpens your creativity. Add some new color to your space, hang some new pictures, or rearrange the furniture, but keep things interesting by making some changes.

94| Pat yourself on the back 

Celebrating your accomplishments is a great way to promote your sense of self. Reward your successes, and you will feel more productive, too.

95| Eat a snack 

Sometimes, your flagging mood or confused mental state is related to your nutrition. Eating a healthy snack can boost focus and engagement as well as your mood.

96| Build competence 

When you are good at something, and you perform it well, it boosts your confidence. Do something you’re good at for a little jolt of self-esteem.

97| Take a mental health day 

Sometimes, we just need to recharge your batteries. It’s okay to need a day off to attend to your mental wellness, just like you would take a day if you were physically ill. Spend the day doing productive and kind things for your mental state, though. Don’t just lay on the couch all day.

98| Practice self-acceptance 

Accepting yourself as a unique and valuable person can help you feel better about yourself and provide you with the confidence you need to explore your own identity and be who you really are.

99| Be your “vacation self” more often 

When you go on vacation, you allow yourself the freedom to do things you don’t usually do, relax more, and take life as it comes. Work more of these habits into your daily life to enjoy that sense of freedom and relaxation on a regular basis.

100| Don’t let a bad work environment affect you 

If you are having trouble at work, talk with your supervisor or the HR department. If your mental health is affecting your ability to perform your job, you should talk with someone to find solutions that may help you be more successful.

101| Solve the problem 

If you are plagued by worry over something, figure out a solution so you can move on. Constant anxiety is not healthy and affects your mental state in many ways, so find a way to solve your problem before it brings you down.

102| Break a negative spiral with positive thoughts 

If you find yourself being brought down by a lot of negative thoughts, stop and think of three positive things in your life right now. It’s a chance to hit pause on a stressful moment and gain a little perspective.

103| Let go of anxiety

If you are worrying over something, take your worries to their logical conclusion by asking, “then what?” By allowing your fear to work all the way to the worst case scenario, you can often see that, even that is something you can solve, so the worry isn’t warranted.

104| Balance the negative with positive

When you are having lots of negative thoughts, counterbalance those each with a positive one. Tell yourself something good for each bad thing you think or say. This will help you see all the good things that you have in your life, which builds resiliency and self-confidence.

105| Know your strategies 

When you are feeling down or struggling with your mental health, you know what things work best for you. Have a list of go-to activities or keep the supplies handy for your favorite techniques, but be ready so you can tackle those problems when they arise.