When you think of simplicity, you probably think of the term minimalism. This sparks ideas about giving away all of your possessions and keeping only the bare essentials. That is, of course, a big part of minimalism. However, that’s not our focus. We’re talking about true simplicity, focusing on the internal as much as it does the external. To breed abundance you first must start with internal simplicity.
While some people accumulate stuff to build a false identity for themselves, there’s more to it than that. We all chase stuff to bring happiness or to create a specific picture for others to see. If you eliminate all of those possessions without doing the inner work, then there’s a disconnect, it’s short-sighted. Part of breeding abundance is walking the journey of self-growth.
It starts with clarity of who you really are, then removing the unnecessary. It’s the path you will walk to learn what you really need, what you value, and what you want. It’s the intersection of minimalism and self-care. As you begin focusing on your inner world, the natural by-product is a simpler life. Let’s talk about how you can do this.
You can save time, energy, and money by simplifying your wardrobe. You don’t need to think about what you’re going to wear if you only own a handful of items to choose from. Keep items that you can mix and match and purge what you haven’t worn in a while. It will save you so much anxiety and even let you grab breakfast with your family. That’s a great way to look at the abundance in front of you.
All distractions, but particularly gadgets, create a disconnect between you and the world. You might think you’re more connected because you’re up-to-date with the news every single day. However, it’s preventing you from living in the here and now. Turn off your notifications, turn your phone off and spend quality time with your family. Think about how much time you spend in front of the television and how you can better use your time. Dance more together, play more together, listen to music, sing, read books as a family, enjoy quiet time as a family. It’s more productive and nurturing to your soul.
Learn to say no. Sometimes taking on extra responsibilities is stealing your sunshine. When you say no you buy time to focus on what you value, no matter what it might be.
When you are really living life, guess what? It can be a little mundane. Yet, in those unremarkable moments, there is love. When you eat dinner with your family. When you’re standing in line with your kids. When you clear up after meals. When you’re folding laundry together. It’s mundane, but they are precious moments that highlight abundance like nothing else can.
The majority of people hate their morning alarm because they’re being forced out of bed for a job they hate. The reality of life is that we spend around a third of our lives at work. We simply make it through the week just to get to our days off. This is where you need to change your mindset. How you approach work can breed abundance. Work is a part of life, so make it easier by putting everything into what you do. Focus on what difference you can make daily and you will find new meaning.
You didn’t come in search of minimalism. However, as you embark on a journey of self-care, embracing simplicity to find abundance, the minimalism will come naturally. How minimalist you go, how simple you get, is entirely up to you.