Every great achievement begins with a design and a plan. Create the life you dream of and the one you deserve in ways YOU can control!
It’s Your Life, You are in Control
No iPhone, computer, car, or even a pickle jar has ever magically appeared, all these things began with a design. A design that planned every single detail of the outside packaging and all the internal workings.
The same can and should be done with your life.
“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins
The truth is that we have a lot of control of what happens in our lives. Many choose to blame the world, people, and circumstance for preventing them from getting what they want, while others take the stance that “nothing will get in my way.”
Those that live by this moto, are typically the most successful and content people, because they take responsibility for their own life, and know they have the power to mold it as they see fit, and they also have the strength to let go of things they cannot control, like people, the world and things.

When you lack a firm grasp on what fulfillment means to you and the actions needed to make it happen you will suffer frustration, turmoil and fleeting moments of happiness, as your life passes you by. Contentment will be temporary, as you will be waiting for finances, relationships and the world to change for you, instead of changing them yourself.
Opportunities will pass you by, and you may not even notice, as you grow more and more resentful. Instead of driving the car, you will be a helpless passenger along for the ride. Helpless, possibly hopeless and filled with discontentment and resentment.
The woman who keeps attracting “bad” guys and blames them for all her troubles…
The person whose finances are in a disarray
The person whose family life is in turmoil

The person who curses life because he or she cannot get the designer clothes or expensive car they wish for
The person who feels unhappy and miserable at his job and blames life, the world, and everything in between for not giving him or her something better
The person who only dwells on their problems without looking for solutions
The one who is jealous of and hates those with happy marriages because his or her own is in trouble
The woman who is not working as a chef, because she blames the industry for being biased against men
The guy who curses the boss and his associates because he keeps getting passed up for promotions
The list can go and on.
– These predicaments are rooted in feelings of helplessness, blaming, a lack of personal responsibility and NOT taking control of those things that you can control.
– By conquering doubt, fear, negativity and blaming, you can become the driver of your own life.
– Your thoughts and ideas are limitless, and are the foundation for anything you want to achieve and how you want your life to be.
– By changing your perceptions, attitudes and beliefs, you change your actions, take back your personal power, and increase productivity.
– When you have a plan that is rooted in personal responsibility, an ‘I can’ attitude, and an understanding of where you want your life to go, anything is possible.

Life design is not a new concept, there are many strategies and books written on the topic, but all life-design plans begin with introspection.
“I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.” – Tony Robbins
Consider the questions outlined below seriously. Take your time and answer them with absolute honesty and deep introspection.
The answers will help you see where you are, what is missing, and where you want to go, so you can design your ultimate dream life and then go and get it.
50 Questions To Create Your Ultimate Dream Life
1. What things are right in your life?
2. What things are wrong in your life?
3. What areas of your life need to change?
• Personal
• Social
• Work
• Financial
• Relationships
• Your health
• Your personal issues
4. What inside you holds you back from achieving what you want? For example, fear, lack of self-confidence, negativity, blaming, laziness, self-sabotage, attitude, beliefs? How can you overcome these obstacles?
5. Do you make excuses too much? For what?
6. What problems need to be solved?
7. Who or what do you blame for what you don’t have?
8. Is your work fulfilling? Is your work making you miserable?
9. What experiences would you like to create?
10. Are your relationships fulfilling?
• If not, which aren’t?
11. Are the people closest to you positive and uplift you or are they negative and bring you down?
12. What specific things or people cause you stress?
13. What do you value?
14. What is missing from your life?
15. What does success mean to you? What does it look like?
16. If you had another 10 hours in a day, what would you do?
17. Do you have enough money?
18. Are you creating results that satisfy you?
19. Do you have a purpose? What is your purpose?
20. Which of your regular actions/activities are worth the effort?
21. Which of your regular actions/activities are not worth the effort?
22. Do you trust yourself to safeguard your own wellbeing?
23. Are you living your own life or are you a people pleaser who worries too much about what other people think?
24. What are your dreams?
25. What is on your bucket list?
26. What are your fears?
27. What is the status of your health?
• Do you eat well?
• Are you overweight?
• Do you exercise?
• Do you take care of yourself and your health needs?
• Do you see your doctor regularly?
28. What motivates you to get up in the morning?
29. Do you tackle your problems or ignore them?
30. What are your greatest strengths?
31. What are your greatest weaknesses?
32. What are you most proud of?
33. What are you least proud of?
34. If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money?
35. What things would greatly improve your life?
36. What are you good at?
37. What are you not so good at?
38. What are your greatest mistakes?
39. What are your greatest achievements?
40. What do you worry about it?
41. What motivates you?
42. What did you learn from your last failure?
43. When you fail do you get back on that horse?
44. If you had a genie, what 3 wishes would you ask for?
45. What does happiness mean to you?
46. Are you happy?
47. Are you satisfied with your life? If not, what would make you satisfied?
48. Do you love your life? If not, why?
49. What will matter to you most on your deathbed?
50. If someone were to write your life story, what ultimate highlights would you like to see?
What’s Next?
Once you have taken the time to carefully think about and answer these questions you should get a much clearer picture of your life now and where you want to be. Now you can take control and design your ultimate dream life.
“Create a vision and never let the environment, other people’s beliefs, or the limits of what has been done in the past shape your decisions.” – Tony Robbins

If you can see it you can be it, plan it and make it happen!
You have the power inside you to make it happen, no matter what the world is doing around you.
1. By conquering doubt, fear, negativity and blaming, you can become the driver of your own life.
2. Your thoughts and ideas are limitless, and are the foundation for anything you want to achieve and how you want your life to be.
3. By changing your perceptions, attitudes and beliefs, you change your actions, take back your personal power, and increase productivity.
4. When you have a plan that is rooted in personal responsibility, an “I can” attitude, and an understanding of where you want your life to go, anything is possible.
Ask for help when you need it, therapists, life coaches and successful people you already know can help you every step of the way.
“We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.” – Tony Robbins
Everything you have ever wanted is waiting for you.
You hold the key! Now go and get it!