Mindfulness 101 – Be Present, Be Better
In today’s hectic and overstimulated world, it can become very easy to lose touch with not only others but, more importantly, yourself…
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In today’s hectic and overstimulated world, it can become very easy to lose touch with not only others but, more importantly, yourself…
We must take steps to prioritize our emotional wellness. Failure to make our emotional wellness a top priority can contribute to a variety of physical and mental problems ranging from insomnia, pain, high blood pressure and poor concentration to anxiety and depression.
Raise your emotional intelligence and you will be a more effective leader, employee, partner, parent, and human being. For your personal life, a high emotional intelligence helps you achieve personal happiness.
Every experience in life, after all, has something to teach us. But, when you learn the skills of emotional intelligence, you are better able to decipher those emotions, use them productively, and form better relationships with others.
Within the turmoil of daily life, meeting deadlines, fulfilling obligations, and trying to enjoy your life, it can be hard to find time to tackle and deal appropriately with the difficult emotions that arise from all of life’s many situations.
Developing emotional intimacy in a relationship takes trust and commitment. With these two foundational principles in place, you have every chance to create a loving and close bond with your partner.
Here are the top 100 things you can do to promote your mental wellness in the new year.
Simple activities with powerful results for the health of your mind.