How Your Self-Concept Can Better You and Your Life
What is it that makes you who you are? Perhaps, more to the point, who are you?
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What is it that makes you who you are? Perhaps, more to the point, who are you?
We all have times in our lives when we feel bogged down by life. Events from the past and emotions seem to build up to an unbearable point until we find ourselves completely unable to move forward in our lives.
Is your emotional baggage weighing you down? It’s a fair question that each of us must consider at one point or another in our lives. We all have some emotional event or episodes in our life that influence us in the way we engage with the human race. Unfortunately, we are rarely able to drop our baggage at the doorstep and leave it behind when trying to move forward in life or upon entering a new relationship.
As humans, we share many emotions and feelings. It’s how we connect with others on so many levels. It’s also how we feel compassion and empathy. One of the hardest feelings we share is pain. It could be physical pain or emotional pain, either way, we all have stories to tell and experiences to share.
Although short-term stress generally does not prove too damaging to our physical or mental health, long-term emotions can prove devastating over a period to our emotional well-being.
Knowing what works for you is vital when you’re trying to let go of your anger. Try the four healthy ways to vent your frustration, then decide which one works best for you…
The four consequences of not being honest with yourself are harsh. Being truthful requires courage, patience, and empathy. It’s not always the easiest path to take, but it’s the best policy. Honesty should be unwavering no matter where you are or who you’re with.
When some of us think of “clutter,” we think of things that take up space in our homes or offices. But, what about things that take up space in our lives?
If your mind is cluttered, your productivity suffers. In this article, we’re going to walk you through how you can fix this! We’ll help you declutter your mind and boost your productivity; let’s get started!
Some people are very bothered by clutter in their homes, but other people don’t seem to mind it. If you’re reading this, someone may have suggested that you declutter your home. Maybe you know that your home is cluttered and just don’t care. And if you don’t care, should you bother?