In a world of stress and chaos, finding inner peace and serenity has never been more important. You cannot control the pandemonium of the world. You cannot control how others are reacting to what is going on in the world.
The only thing that you can do right now is focus on you and focus on building your own inner peace and serenity.
One of the most effectives ways for you to do this is through affirmations. Here are 40 affirmations that will help you seize on inner peace and build serenity in your life.
Affirm Daily for Inner Peace and Serenity

1- This too shall pass.

2- I’m willing to see the world differently.
3- I am ready to let go of control and the desire to be right all the time.
4- I can accept the lesson that my pain is trying to teach me.
5- I recognize that the current circumstance is an opportunity to grow.

6- I permit myself to receive love and give love.

7- God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

8- I feel compassion for the turmoil outside, and I feel gratitude for the peace within me.

9- I am prepared to offer the love that I expect to receive.
10- I am prepared to give without the expectation of receiving.
11- I am confident that I am capable of loving unconditionally.
12- I will treat people with understanding and compassion.

13- I choose to forgive.
14- This will make me wiser, stronger, and compassionate.

15- I am at peace within myself.

16- I am at peace with the world around me.

17- I am ready to embrace the present as I bless and let go of my past.
18- I accept my role in my life.
19- I am centered and at peace.

20- I am grateful to live another day.
21- My mind is open and clear.
22- I will seek the good in every situation to preserve the inner peace I possess.

23- I will use only kind words.
24- I will draw patience from within myself.

25- I will be considerate of others and act unselfishly.

26- I am filled with thoughtfulness, grace, and compassion.

27- I persist in quiet contemplation.
28- I am building my life and home on joy, peace, and love.
29- I am a safe place.

30-I am my refuge.

31- I am overflowing with light, love, warmth, and good vibes.
32- There is no place here for anxiety or negativity.
33- I release all worry and the need to feel anxious.

34- I appreciate who I am, the home I have, and the life I am living.
35- I can learn from my anxiety and find serenity.
36- I am calm, I am peaceful and I am serene.

37- Perfect peace, perfect love, perfect serenity.
38- I am aware of the calm in my spirit.
39- I am calm, I am centered, and I am in control.
40- I breathe through stress and anxiety to find peace.
Your special meditation gift
I’ve got to share this with you 🙂
If you’ve ever wanted:
(1) Increased FOCUS
(2) Greater CREATIVITY
(3) Improved MOOD
(4) More ENERGY
(5) Enhanced RELAXATION
(6) Complete STRESS RELIEF
Then I’d really like to give you a very special meditation experience over the next few minutes.
I recently discovered this neat program called Zen12. It’s an audio meditation program like no other.

Zen12 works by using special “brainwave sounds.” Just by listening, you get to experience 1-hour’s worth of ultra-deep meditation — all in just 12 minutes.
You don’t have to focus. You don’t have to cross your legs. You don’t even have to try and empty your mind. You just have to listen, and the brainwave audio does the rest.
Zen12 basically… well, it meditates for you 🙂
Got you interested?
Check it out for yourself. Preview Level 1 of the Zen12 program here.
Just enter your details in the popup and you’ll be sent the links to try it out. And hey, it won’t cost you a penny.
I promise you’ll be amazed at the results.
(PS. If you want to try out the full program, risk-free, use the code VZ54YTD6 during checkout. That’ll give you $50 off, making the whole package just $47.)
To your success,
Danny aka The Success Mystic (follow us on instagram @successmytic