Are you familiar with the Serenity Prayer?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
~ Reinhold Niebuhr
The prayer is credited to Reinhold Neibuhr, an American theologian and most commonly used in 12-step recovery groups. Niebuhr used the prayer in a sermon he gave in Heath, Massachusetts in 1943.
The purpose of this prayer is to bring peace and certainty to the heart and mind of people seeking support. It’s about accepting what you can’t change (which is a lot), the courage required to change what is in your control, and perhaps the most important piece, the wisdom to recognize the difference between the two.
It’s a humble lesson, there’s nothing romantic about it’s history, yet it has helped countless people since Niebuhr first uttered the words.
While it is most commonly used by people in recovery from a substance abuse problem, it isn’t only for them. It can help you, too. There are timeless truths in the Serenity Prayer that challenge you and can help you anytime.
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Acceptance Is Not The Same As Laziness
When you devote an excessive level of your attention to the things in this life you cannot change, what are you achieving? You are spending your energy uselessly when it could be doing something positive for you. Accepting that you cannot change everything doesn’t mean you are lazy or complacent. In reality, it’s leap of faith. You trust that the outcome will be the outcome and you can spend your energy elsewhere.
Courage Is Necessary For Personal Growth
The biggest challenge in life is trying to imagine how life could be different. We have so many habits that are paralyzing us in place. Our negative habits are our worst enemy and this is one of the things you do have the power to change. There is power in recognizing that you control growth. Courage is necessary for personal growth.
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Surrender Requires Courage
There is great courage in surrendering everything. Unfortunately, the word surrender comes with a long list of negative connotations. We view it as failure, weakness or resignation. The reality of matter (particularly in the Serenity Prayer), is that surrender can be an act of trust, it’s faith and this requires courage. You can give away the what-ifs and instead trust.
There Is Positivity In Adversity
In the lesser-known full version of the Serenity Prayer, there is a line about hardship. It’s described as the pathway to peace. We will all face hardship in life, we will all have to confront obstacles and have to overcome them. Adversity is a natural part of life, and as difficult as it is to understand this – there is positivity in adversity. How can that be? Every moment you face is an opportunity to learn and grow.
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You Can Attain Happiness
The Serenity Prayer closes with a nod to happiness. If you follow the advice in the prayer, then you can be reasonably happy with life. You can only live one day a time; you can only enjoy a single moment at a time. You don’t need to believe in an afterlife or a god to benefit from the message contained within the Serenity Prayer. The message is universal, it’s a quite celebration of perceiving your potential, understanding your limits, and recognizing that you can transcend it.
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Adversity isn’t always about learning something new, sometimes it’s about unlearning bad habits that create a pattern of behavior that is standing in your way of happiness. Instead, you can look at adversity as your path to peace. It’s your opportunity to gain strength and find growth and peace.
Recommended Resource → Did you know self-hypnosis can replace negative thought habits, with positive empowering ones. Dr. Steve G Jones (world renowned clinical hypnotherapists) has created a specially crafted self-hypnosis track to end negative mental chatter, release stress and take back your happiness.
“Stop Negative Thinking” (Powerful Self-Hypnosis Track)

Message from Dr Steve G Jones,
I want to help you break this unhealthy cycle by training your brain to take on positive thought patterns instead.
As a clinical hypnotherapist, I have helped a lot of people master the inner world of their thoughts. Over the years, I have showed them how to regain their personal power and eliminate negative thinking. And now I can show you how to do the same thing so you can start living with more happiness, meaning, and HOPE.
Thanks to the Subaudible Soundwave Technology featured in this guided meditation audio, it’s EASIER than ever.
This self-hypnosis track is designed to shift your mind to a lower brainwave state and a higher state of vibration.
This accelerates the process so you can spend just minutes a day reprogramming those old negative mental habits…
…and wire your mind for an authentic sense of positivity instead!
I love using this as part of my daily routine… isn’t it time you did too?

Stop Negative Thinking – Powerful Hypnosis Track →
I want to help you break this unhealthy cycle by training your brain to take on positive thoughts patterns instead.
It’s time to restore inner peace and joy into your mind.