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Resilience Component #7: Patience and the Never Quit Attitude
Let go of the need for Instant Gratification
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7 Components of Resilience
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Being Solution Oriented Means Looking For Solutions To Problems Rather Than Dwelling On Them

Being solution oriented is a part of coping because when challenges arise, efficient problem solving helps us to overcome. It is a direct way of dealing with the problem at hand. 

“A solutions-oriented person does not dwell on what could, would or should have happened but instead focus on what can be done to make things right.” (

When something goes wrong, it can be tempting to dwell on the problem and wallow in self-pity. However, solution-oriented people take a different approach. Rather than dwelling on the problem, they immediately start looking for ways to fix it.

This proactive attitude can make all the difference in becoming resilient and achieving success. After all, if you spend your time dwelling on the problem, you’re not making any progress toward finding a solution. But if you’re constantly looking for ways to improve the situation, you’re much more likely to eventually find a workable solution.

Problem-Oriented Versus Solution-Oriented 

When it comes to problem-solving, there are two different approaches that people can take. Some people tend to be problem-oriented, while others are solution-oriented. As the names suggest, problem-oriented people tend to focus on the problem at hand, while solution-oriented people focus on finding a solution. There are pros and cons to both approaches.

Problem Oriented

Problem-oriented people can get bogged down in the details of the problem and have difficulty seeing the forest for the trees, so to speak. They might also have a tendency to dwell on problems and dwell on negative thinking, which can lead to feelings of discouragement or defeat.

Solution Oriented

“No matter how big or small the circumstance, these types of driven people always find a way to get things done and done right. Being solution-oriented means you won’t sleep until you help find the answer and/or fix a problem.” (*)

  • Solution- oriented individuals always find a way through to the other side.
  • Solution- oriented individuals use critical thinking to brainstorm solutions to challenges and problems.
  • Solution- oriented individuals don’t give.
  • Solution- oriented individuals don’t blame life or others for problems but take responsibility for their resolution.

Solution-oriented people tend to be more optimistic and positive. They’re quick to look for solutions and they’re often very resilient in the face of setbacks. This means that they’re often able to find practical solutions to problems more quickly than problem-oriented people.

How Can Being Solution-Oriented Help You In Your Personal And Professional Life

Being solution-oriented means that you focus on finding ways to solve problems, rather than dwelling on the problems themselves. This approach can be helpful in both your personal and professional life. In your personal life, being solution-oriented can help you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. It can also help you to become more resilient, as you learn to view setbacks as opportunities to grow and improve.

In your professional life, being solution-oriented can help you to build strong relationships with co-workers and clients, and to create a positive reputation for yourself. It can also help you to identify new business opportunities and to make better decisions in times of change. 

Ultimately, being solution-oriented is about taking a proactive approach to life, and it can have a big impact on both your personal and professional success.